Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Lol… my brother use to play that game and I use to tease him all the time. I would say “you are definitely a hero because you like saving the World…of Warcraft”…lol

Here is something productive for the guys on this thread to talk about.
This morning ICT took two trades. One loss and one win. The first trade (short @ 1.34452) was a classic ICT set up. Nice price action around 79% retracement. It had a mid figure a pivot and some classic Asian range concepts Involved. The problem is… price didn’t respect those levels. After price blew through these levels it was pretty clear it was reaching higher. ICT bought at 1.3468. Check it out:

host images

I don’t have any experience with power of three concepts so I might be way off…

Anyway you look at it this is pretty nimble trading.

It might be nimble, but unfortunately it didn’t exactly pay off all to well did it.

It all looks way to sophisticated to me… I like to keep it simple.

It does and I am not liking the risk reward of that second trade. Not a trade for the ICT newbie to take… It was more advanced. ICT has to end the week positive. That puts the pressure on for recouping losses like he had this morning. He did what he needed to with this trade but still, to me his short seemed like a better set up the the long.

Apparently I don’t know how to post a picture. If you cant see my image click on the link below it should be larger.

I don’t think it has anything to do with the set-up being classified as “more advanced” - more to do with the public pressure of trading. I don’t use these methods, and I hardly touch EU, more attached to GU for simplicity (as I previously said, I like to keep it simple). I’ll still be popping back every so often to see how his account is performing, however if we are going to be realistic he is not going to hit his January target 16% as per his trade plan. This is frustrating though as the trades have been there, I managed to find them while studying a full time Uni Degree lol.

It’s difficult to state your opinion of realism in relation to one month without discounting the entire challenge as a whole, no?

I’m curious as to when the crow eating begins on my end.

It is yes…the question is how long will you give him before you make a valued judgment. :wink:

**Not specifically you MG, but people in general

All of ICTs stuff can seem complicated… I agree its def not buying a sma cross over but if you take a little time to study it its actually not all that complicated. The reason I was saying the second trade was more advanced was because he applied the power of three concept to the 15 minute chart… Normally it would be applied to a daily. (like i said I don’t trade power of three so I might be way off here)

I would agree that he isn’t going to make his 16% this month… 40% next month? We will see;) lol

I like your positive approach :wink:

For such an ambitious goal, he really doesn’t have that much time. His performance has not improved much, if at all, and each day is another day that adds additional pressure to perform even better.

Well, I can only agree with what you have said.

The key term being “ambitious goal”… it’s not exactly an easy road to take.

I think if he catches the weekly range this week, then that will be not far off.

I’d be more concerned with catching part of the trend, let alone the entire cake :wink:

I think the low of the week was posted today… we will see how the rest of the week unfolds…

I’d like to catch anything this week, tried a few scalps, still at BE for the week as been too busy at work.

Time will tell, that’s for sure. I’m still looking for my setup to materialise.

Yep, I was long from Asian Open this morning and took 50ish pips from the move up in GU. Granted I should have stayed in a little longer but the 7% gain was making me nervous lol.

I almost forgot, proof is required these days, or you’re not welcome:

As usual I am one of the folks rooting for ICT to do this. As a handicapper, when you analyze this in Excel, it seems to me that ICT does need to start booking some pips fairly soon. It is possible to reach a point where to achieve the challenge, ICT will have to change his risk model. At first I thought ‘whatever… ICT will do this’ and I do still think that, ICT could have some 100-150 pips weeks coming up.

Nice trade.