Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

This post is great.

Although I still can’t see what the last trade was about. Looked like chasing price, its the only winner of the day but i looked like an old break out entry.

I thought he was chasing price as well. Then I realized what he was looking at. Price breached the two main areas of resistance(they both had Optimal Trade Entries). The first area is where he shorted. The second are is around the Asian range high… I think if price would have shown some resistance around this second area he would have shorted again… but it didn’t. This means they were shooting for the high of the day. He went long and micro managed his stop as well as watched the news(check out his twitter account). He was hoping for at least 1.35 but it didn’t reach that high.

There was reasons behind this trade… although for the newbie(and me lol) it would have been risky.

Agreed, this type of post is the whole reason I’m following this thread, and unfortunately its the only one I’ve seen recently.

I’d like to see some ICT feedback on it to help me understand.

I think many people are forgetting. There was a 3 year aim here which averaged out to 4%. You are saying he is already getting behind. What are you going to say if he gets his 4% this week and then a good 8% next week?? Then the pressure off and he is going to do it easy??? Sounds like you guys are after a sprint at the beginning of a marathon.
Week 1 is a bit early to judge, don’t you think???

I agree, I am going to endevour to raise the quality of my posting a little. However I also think some healthy debate about how things are going in the challenge, etc is appropriate.

Tassie, all I’m saying about the timing is that it’s interesting to look at this and analyze. A couple of 100 pip wins and he can be coasting. I think Mastergunner is talking about the effect of pressure and it is interesting. Like it or not, this thread is more interesting with someone like MG trying to get people to see things from a different point of view. I don’t totally agree with his points sometimes, but the differing views do get people thinking, which part of the idea.


[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

has anyone seen this gubber66’s (or is it 69?) proof?? my 4 year old nephew keep claiming that he is an autobot the transformer kin, but we can’t just believe that just because he talked or acted like one all the time, right?

ah right, no one has his magic word… well, supey wannabe (but nice avatar anyway)… you basically keep questioning someone’s integrity, of a good man i admire. how bout now we question yours? that’s the magic word, your integrity is in question. show us just like ict did, or just shut up. please don’t play semantic no more. or should i send my nephew to give you a visit so you two can share claims??

Tell your nephew I’m at 29.59% now for the year now. Let your nephew also know that I already said I would post a live link upon successful completion of this challenge. Also, ask your nephew what the magic word is. He’s bound to know it.

Reman, is this post aimed towards me or Gunner?

If it is for Gunner, I’ll just let it be that you replied to my post… It is just unclear to me… That is all…

Yeah, he will look like a total fool if he only made 500K instead of 1M… :wink:

But seriously, I think he knows that all to well that he needs to keep up his performance to make it.

At his current rate, he may double the account in three years . I would still call that a win, but under no circumstances would that be the miracle he’s attempting.

On paper everything sure does look great.

I hear ya…:slight_smile: Our challenge is to remind this in three years to see what the results are. At my age that is also a ambitious task at hand…:slight_smile:

It’s only 2.5 weeks into a 3yr. walk and the first 2 weeks were “thrown”, you guys are ridiculous.
Ya’ll act like me scalping for 5 pips, I wanted my $$ 2min ago from a 30sec chart.

It’s not a three year walk. It’s a three year sprint on a complex obstacle course.

Whether the first two weeks were blown or not is up for debate as ICT told two entirely different stories.

If this week he’s no better off, is it safe to say that he was just kidding with us and still teaching us a lesson?

Making 8 pips a day is NOT a sprint!!
Nor is 16% a month.

my nephew said: this gubber666 has nothing but jealousy, an average always-overlooked typical guy. he just wants to be like Mike, so we the cooler guys had to understand his circumstances though he’s a bit mouthy. he must be lonely. *my nephew shook his head.

dang… my nephew is too honest, i apologize on behalf of him if he sounds rude to you 69. regardless, you have our sympathies. *shaking our heads.

p.s keep trying to be like Mike, if it makes you happy. Michael won’t bother it because he’s cool.

[Note: the moderator removed a naughty word from the quote… Without that word it is not clear why I replied to Procharged. But the word was there…]

my nephew said: this gubber666 has nothing but jealousy, an average always-overlooked typical guy. he just wants to be like Mike, so we the cooler guys had to understand his circumstances though he’s a bit mouthy. he must be lonely. *my nephew shook his head.

dang… my nephew is too honest, i apologize on behalf of him if he sounds rude to you 69. regardless, you have our sympathies. *shaking our heads.

Read more: 301 Moved Permanently

Come on guys… Gunner don’t agree with you and you dont agree with him… But at least I don’t see Gunner making such remarks towards you guys. Aren’t you a bit too much involved on behalf of Michael? What Gunner is saying is true, otherwise it wouldn’t be a challenge, right!!!

[Made up discussion]
Me: Hey guys, I am going to amaze the world by making 1M from 5K!!! Aren’t you excited???

You: No, not really… We all done that!

Me: oh, okay…

[End of made up discussion]

Doesn’t sound right, right?

This is my 4th post(and last for the next 939) out of 939 in this thread.

If this gunner dude/dudet is so good, why all go and no show?
Why isn’t he showing his trades?
Why isn’t he teaching others how it’s done?
Why does he chastise someone over a non-issue instead of just sitting back and watching…after/if he fails then Mr gun guy/gal can flap its jaw rightfully.
But then again, he/she wouldn’t get 3 yrs of the attention they are seeking.
Now I get it.

Come on dude. Let’s not get personal with things. Whether you agree with MG or not, there is no reason to be insulting to someone who has been here for a long time, compared to your 2 posts. Also think you’ll find he has never said he wants to be like ICT. They trade completely different ways.

Everyone’s made posts that they wish they, had’nt. I don’t think you should take your ball and go home, just be respectful to people, even if (especially if) you disagree with them. I’ve seen one of MG99 videos on youtube. I’m fairly certain that he’s a dude. I’m also in the pro ICT ‘he’s going to do this camp.’ I’ve also learned a skill from ICT for free this last year-and-a-half, and feel appreciation. That said, I l like reading MG’s opinions, and think that dissenting perspectives are a part of what should be on this thread.