Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

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Lets see it done! Looking forward to seeing the entries and exits hopefully will be able to work out why you entered from all the tools from your threads. It will be fun and interesting at the very least.

I have to admit though it would be hilarious if this account just gradually declined into nothing over the next few months. It would create the biggest drama this site has ever seen. The overly passionate followers would have a complete break down and the folks who have been wanting this to fail would explode in joy. Hell, having said if it works out better than anyone expected I suppose there will be an equal out pouring of emotions.

So yeah, this is going to be a lot of fun.

I predict a test. ICT knows people will blindly follow the trades so he will probably trick the mindless sheep and post losing trades. Once the weak have been weeded out he will load the other $3k and do it proper, which is when I will be taking his trades.

I never said I was going to be copying his trades, I am using his [B]METHODS[/B]. I don’t like how you came at me like that with all your assumptions.

I wouldn’t even know how to copy his trades… what do you really thinking he is going to announce to everyone when he is about to take a trade and I will have time to go place my order every time he announces it??

I put myfxbook out there in the open with everything public so if you really think I will be copying his trades then go ahead and follow myfxbook and find out.

I misunderstood when you said “I will be joining in…” Then I saw "using ICT’s methods."
Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you. Just a misunderstanding. I,too, am learning from his concepts. I find it very helpful. I just thought that with him (if) posting his trades, a lot of band wagoners would come and freeload.

At the moment, I dont know how to copy his trade either but would rather want to know why he took the trade. I am still in the learning process and still demo trading for over a year now.

You can go to his profile and “find latest posts” lol. But yeah that would probably be way more structured. He will be doing weekly recaps explaining trades from what I understand.

Understandable. I think it would only hurt me to worry about ICT and his trades opposed to staying organized and worrying about journaling my own trades and what I can do better.

How long have you been trading? And how long studying ICT? Just curious you seem to be doing well and confident putting up 5k.

Students of ICT dont need to follow his trades we will see and understand what hes doing by using same tools :slight_smile:

About a year trading and and maybe half of that rigorously studying the videos. I have seen pretty much all of his material except the livestream videos. I have no great proven track record, but I do feel confident in the concepts and my understanding of them. Lately I have been proving to myself that I can hold off on taking trades and combined with the money management and risk model I will be using I am not too worried about the money. I can always set a limit to withdraw back into my bank account whenever I want.

I can’t seem to take it serious without using real money and have some cash laying around so I want to give it a go!

ALSO: It will definitely help me to have it out in the public. That way I will pick the choosiest of setups. Riiiight?!

I feel like that also I’ve been using a $300 account. So I can be very reckless (and I have been at times) and it doesn’t even bother me. I’ve been wondering if increasing the amount risked would make me value it more but I’m a bit to scared of if it doesn’t. $5,000 laying around at 23 is good :-D.

I think in your case you just need to find the sweet spot where it is not so little that a winning trade doesn’t mean anything to you, but will not ruin your life if you don’t do well. Cut your risk down when you lose a trade and you will not have large draw downs. And thank you I am graduated and have found a career, but I am still living with my parents saving up to move out… not in a rush.

The school payments are basically rent payments anyways haha

I am one of the ones that believes a live $300 account is better than a demo account. This isn’t a game and there are so many principles that are learnt while live trading that you would have to only begin learning them after having demo’ed for how ever many years.

Why no trades thus far? Is his methodology good for a few trades here and there?

I’ve read and watched a good bit of Larry Williams. He says if you are in a trade and you’re up all night you’re risking to much. If you’re in a trade and sleep all night without every waking up you’re risking to little. If you’re in a trade and you wake up once or twice a night that’s about right lol.

I’m not a big fan of debt and credit lol I wish I could convince my girlfriend and my parents to let me move in lol.

And I’d say it doesn’t matter how many or few trades are taken what matter is that at the end of the 36 months the account is at 1million.

they are, but ICT aims for 1 trade a week

Nothing worth risking as of yet… no trade is a position… and it wins everytime. :57:

One of the big things I ahve also learned. I start my day trading by saying to myself “I don’t have to make a trade today”

If the charts don’t scream at you, you win by not making a trade just to be in one :slight_smile:

unless you’re battling inflation :smiley:

In defense of mastergunner99 he does have useful information some of the time. He is a naysayer though (in terms of ICT). Trading as a whole is subjective. Hopefully mastergunner99 doesn’t turn into mrgone, god it is a help board after all.

Good luck mate, I like the wording in the first post, it doesn’t define a time frame. I have never seen ICT say you can get rich overnight. Trade frequency is irrelevant, even more so 1 day after initial funding.

Naysayers gonna naysay. :slight_smile: ICT is experienced trader, and if his goal is theoretically achievable, he will do it. No doubt.

“Vi veri universum vivus vici.”

where is possible to learn ICT methods?
How its works?
GandaGT how are u doing?
thanks :slight_smile: