Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I have a LiveStream recording broken over two parts from earlier tonight.

I covered the U/C short today.
Buy Program Analysis
Swing Points
Time Of Day
Time & Price Theory Review
Exercises For Developing Consistent Anticipatory Skills
Fiber Review
I forgot U/C lol oops

I tweeted the links to the video portions on Livestream.
I tweeted two support charts to the U/C short you might enjoy.

It’s about to get fun in here. MG99 I even gave you a shoutout… but not your thread. :wink:

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Bro, my attention span is minutes, so I won’t be listening, but hey, I’ll take the shout out.

ICT, thank you for the great learning session last night. I was studying the usd/cad trade while eating lunch at my desk yesterday - really great stuff.

This video is definitely worth your time. Some of it is ICT 101, but there are some nuggets in there that are pretty inspirational.

Bet you watched it loads

Bet you watched it loads[/QUOTE]
MasterGunner, it’s quite evident that you’re living rent-free in the heads of most devotees on this thread, not the least of whom is ICT himself … :27:

[I know: you do what you can.]

LOL… Yeah… the penpal.

Do you trade when you aren’t playing puppet cheerleader? There… I spoke to you now tell your friends you are shacked up like a squater too.


Was this directed at me? I’m confused as I’m distracted by the 5000+ pips I have in open trades.

Best of luck in your new week!

Checked. I lied. It’s 4967 pips.

He is now quoting himself and replying to his own posts.

You must be proud of your unrealized gains.

<Sings> Love is in the air tatitum, tatitum, love is in the air. Aahaahaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa < /Sings>

You guys love to feed each other. If I didn’t know better, I would think you were all ‘old couples’… :wink:

@Gunner, Gratz with the pips.

@Others, sorry you couldn’t beat him by posting a higher number.

Can we now return to the thread?

How do I place a Babypips serial pest on ignore ?

On the top left side of a post. Click the username. A drop down box will appear. Click “View Profile”. From there you will see a navigation bar on the left. You will find the option to ignore there. You’ll be asked to confirm your decision.

I’ve been ignoring a lot of guys in here, so I’m pretty good at it by now.

That begs a really obvious question… can you guess what it is?

(Getty raises hand politely, waiting to be given leave to answer)

I think i am om the ignore as well. Dunno why though…

[Later] Yup, I am… Was just testing it…:slight_smile:

Hmmm… I didn’t know there is an option to “ignore” someone…

It’s like saying “yup, talk to the hand”. I think that’s mean but what do I know.

Oh there is. When you ignore them you can’t see their posts anymore and they can’t reply to any thread you start…

I see…I guess it is another way of avoiding “inappropriate and flaming responses” and not being banned because it… I get it.