Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

[Hey PipNRoll, just an FYI (sorry, don’t have enough posts yet to email you): I glanced at your Location (clever) and – unless it’s an intentional pun that’s beyond me – think you’ve got a typo. Is that “Magnificent” or “Munificent”? Likely the former … :confused:]

:slight_smile: enjoyed reading that one,
but i’d take a bet it’s written just the way she means it

Ha!.. Oh geez… well, how about this….I’ll let you keep you guessing…It’s more fun that way :wink:

It’s not a typo…(I guess…lol)

Yes, Mr. Romania… I like the way it is… :wink:

sure thing, you look like a good speller. too bad you like forex… If you were in Romania i’d ask you out for a coffee on that mile :slight_smile:

Oh please.What a tease…well played…lol

Ok…lets not turn this wonderful and inspiring ICT thread into a “Dating" thread :)…

I’m searching for the list of videos for the Forexmas 2012, did ICT take these done? If so does anyone have a copy of what was going to all be released…

Thanks, just trying to download videos that I currently don’t have…

Also if anyone has all the LiveStream videos from his recent account and could upload them it would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks Again :wink:


they’re on the first page of the Pro-Traders club thread. Only a handful of them have been released so far, ICT is still working on the rest.

Cant help with the LIveStream videos .


Thanks for some reason I was looking in a different thread for them…

I think I am missing about half of the LiveStream from his current account if anyone could help me out…


Will there be a review of the trades tonight for the last week or is it starting properly next week?

The videos from "What every new and aspiring… " and the ForeXmas videos from 2011 are more than enough to get you profitable. If you aren’t profitable from that material alone… work on yourself first… more videos are not the answer

What should we do? Hit the gym?

To make your day a little better, I change it for yah! Thanks!

I dunno, maybe try opening a price chart? watch the little candles get printed and use that thing between your ears?

Here are a couple things that I didn’t post on this trade. Divergence between Dollar index and USDCAD. USDCAD failed to make higher highs very early in nyo kill zone.

image hosting

Bonds… I haven’t ever really used bonds so not real sure what ICT was looking at here… 10 year T bonds moving up. Any comments would be appreciated.


Hahaaha the funny thing is, the guys in the gym that find success have the same qualities as the successful traders…

Can I find the thing that goes in-between the ears in last years christmas stocking?

With the bonds I believe he said he looks for divergences between the others like the 2y 5y etc. Along with the german bonds if a euro pair trade.
Edit: So at the point you marked on the other available charts you may be looking for a divergence at that time, as far as i remember the peaks being out of wack is a sign of a potentially stronger dollar.

If that’s where you left it

Checked on the account. Still at 2k? Is it safe to assume the other 3k isn’t arriving?