Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Best of luck today, ICT.

The markets are still kicking ou pips. I squeezed out 60 pips this morning. Adding .6% to my account making that 31.13% gain for the year.

Still have plenty of time to beat me, yet.

Could I (please) ask which pair you took 60 pips profit on?

Master gunner your 60 pips are nothing! I banked over 220 pips on EURUSD! Anyway I won’t post a myfxbook, got to go party it up with Natalie Portman in Macau so not got the time.
If you don’t believe me I can post an excel document that’s just as reliable.

Wait… You have proof of you partying with Natalie Portman in Excel… I don’t think so. 220 pips is great. But 60 pips is not nothing.

EURNZD. Been dropping and I put in a stop to lock in the small profit.

I missed the EU, so congrats to that. But I caught plenty around nonetheless. Still up several thousands of pips in unrealized gains at the moment.

Best of luck with Portman.

Haven’t looked into this thread for a while but I see that trolls still be trolling which means a +ev decision to unsub. Anyone would think it was your thread given the amout of server space you needlessly waste.

Also proof or it didn’t happen, I won’t be checking because I would lay good money on proof not being forthcoming.

You need to see it more than I need to show it. Again where’s my incentive? I see yours clearly. I’m quite content with having you or anyone else not believe, yet you are all up in arms about providing proof. The need is clearly slanted in your favor if I were to comply. And I’m just not into that for a variety of reasons. I encourage you to continue your disbelief.

Nonetheless, I stated that I will gladly provide a live link upon successful completion of ICT’s challenge.

ROFL, you are a funny.

Why does everyone get tied up in ‘proof’ we are all here to learn and when I see things like this I the thing I always want to know is, what did you see that made you take the trade.

I agree, I am profitable so far and don’t mind posting on Fxbook But I trade using physcological levels like 20,80 for resistance and watching S&P 500, I don’t use any charts as such.
Why I have taken trade as I felt it will happen not seen chart so not exactly a right way of doing it.
I do have some questions to ICT which I will ask when I close my open trades and hope he will address few or some senior members here can address


BTW why no new trades by ICT today?
I think Monday he trades if I am correct.

Maybe ICT stayed up late last night watching the super bowl.

Yeah could be… But superbowl was finished at 11:00 EST max.
he is in USA , I think

He lives in Baltimore, his team won.

Make sense… He is out today…
I enjoyed yesterday game and supported Ravens too… I am east coast so can’t support 49ers…
Love Flacco… But 49ers came back good after power outage…

Anyway have fun trading… Looking to close my open trades soon…

Enjoy the day!

My methodology is nothing like ICT’s so it wouldn’t be proper to comment on the specifics of the trade here.

Then why are you on here constantly pounding your chest?

Same reason you are. To watch ICT make an attempt to turn 5k into 1 million in three years.

And to encourage him to work harder as he is behind at the moment and I’m beating him.

No you’re not.