Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I guess it depends on what we are measuring. If we are talking pips. I have him beat. Number of trades. I have him beat. Profit by percentage. I have him beat.

He does have me beat with amount leveraged per trade. And his win ratio i think is ahead of mine as well.

But rest assured, he said this was a task he can complete. After all its only 8 pips a day. So I’ll be the first to let him know when he’s beating me.

Or do you think I will just continue to post numbers that will always beat his which means I will turn way more than 5000 dollars into way more than $1000000 in less than three years.?

Are you even a profitable trader?

He doesn’t care about sports. I think that’s my favourite part about him… doesn’t try to score points with the working class by pretending to care about their passtime

Proof or it didn’t happen.

Myfxbook, specifically

Works for me. For you it doesn’t need to happen. In fact, I urge you to completely disregard any number I ever mention. Seriously, just ignore it all together. I’m completely fine with that and it’s apparent you should be as well.

LMAO, you’re funny.

Aaron, that’s pretty brave from a guy that posts an excel sheet. But no worries. I don’t need myfxbook to believe you’re profitable. You gain nothing by lying and if you are then it makes little difference to me as my own trading is irrelevant of your successes or failures.

It’s interesting how many people beg for proof. What difference does it make? It’s obvious those that do, do do with selfish intention to somehow chase the next guy that’s doing well.

I’ll pass. I’d rather have people not believe, than to provide any validation of any number I currently represent.

How do you know?

Hahaha, you’re funny, no one cares.

I made an army vet say do do, now that is real bravery lol

Now THAT… is hilarious.

Because when people learn things without proof they learn the world is flat, and that the sun revolves around the earth.

I needed to quote this just because it cracked me up, it rang like a 1900’s public school boy talking about the school master.

As a reader here, I like the gamesmenship. It is a part of competition. You started this morning by complaining about trolling, and what are you doing now? That’s not even getting into the complaining about Price Action courses, or should I say teachers, when someone says somethig positive on various other threads.

To keep this about trading results: I had deposited $5,100 real US dollars in 10/2011. About six months later I’d run that up to about $6500 (not bad for a beginner using ICT methods primarily). At preseant my balance is 5071 - an overall loss of $29. I’ve had three large draw-downs since (after three build ups) and each draw down resulted from me gambling my winning balance on a couple of dumb large trades that I did not consider market structure, retracement or properly manage risk. These were no better then guesses made without a process, ie gambling. When I follow a process, I’ve been very successful, and I’ve learned a lot.

I’m not worried that after 19 months of trading I’m a losing trader at the moment technically, because I know how I’m going to get back on track. I’m more angry at myself for feeling the need, actually for giving in to the need to swing for the fences, because this is not what good traders do. I’m certain I can turn this around and change this behavior. I respect MG not posting his results anywhere, and I respect ICT for posting his results and undertaking this challenge.

And that people can turn 5k into 1 million in under three years.

Generally I’m complimenting the troll on his humorous if misguided rantings.

I did watch the “Boys” in Vegas throw the odds and the power in that game… and with all the money placed on these games… who could argue it? [Rigged]

There was such a momentum in the game that the stakes were stacking against the bookies… so… a JUDAS SWING materialized and the lights went out. I can not see why folks get so frothed at the mouth over a game where one man runs for dear life from overweight men trying to remove his ability to run 10 yards.

Meh… Ravens won. :rolleyes: Who cares?

As a side note… the remaining 3k is in place and as they say on Broadway… “It’s Showtime!”


Yeah the chit chat here is quite fun really.

I’ve found that the process for a trading plan is the hardest thing to sort out. I’ve had monthly winning streaks and monthly loosing streaks with various approaches. The tricky thing is finding out if your system works or if you were just lucky.

I watched a friend of mine gamble on roulette, he was convinced he had a system of identifying what region the ball was going to land in. He turned £20 into £500 in roughly two hours. Everyone was cheering him on thinking he had mastered some secret that nobody had ever seen before. He won roughly 8/10 bets for a good 40-50 spins.

After his winning streak he lost all the winnings and his £20. He was even enforcing risk management on his bets, not putting 100% on each time.

I tell this story just because it’s a good example of the effect of winning streaks on psychology. He believed he had a system, in fact he just got lucky. It’s hard to make a system work for similar reasons, an approach may yield 100% win rates for a couple months then never again provide a good trade.

I don’t know interesting thing to think about.

I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but the thought of sabatoge did run through my mind when the lights went out.

This is Louisiana. I can’t fathom a post Katrina world not having back up generators kick in for such a facility.

I wonder how extensive the outage was. I feel for the poor sap on the pisser or have the stadium beer drinkers who had to stay thirsty for 35 minutes until the registers worked again.

Ray Lewis got his. That’s all I was rooting for.

Great observation. I think people are too impatient to wait and see if they have a winner. I’ve heard of systems crumbling after a year, but maybe they just had to wait it out until the gains came back.

Personally, when I just stuck it out I started maintaining an edge and only making tweaks along the way that made better sense.