Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Well, your loss…:slight_smile: We have stuff that you can learn… But you are not accepting it because we don’t provide proof… So who is on the losing site here???

But it seems that stuff is said that people want to learn, or else noone would ask for proof. But asking for proof is disrespectful for the person you want to learn from, especially when that involves that person to do things that he just doesn’t like doing… Doesn’t mean he can’t proof it, he just doesn’t like it because it makes him feel uncomfortable. And that person has something that you want to have, but you are not getting it the way you are handling the situation.

So the people saying ‘proof it or it didn’t happen’ are actually putting themselfs in a position they don’t want to be in.

In short, you just continue not to learn from us…:slight_smile:

PS it would make more sense to just take what is said, backtest/apply it and see if it works and it is something for you.

Am I mistaken or has MG quite clearly stated he is not and has no intention of teaching anyone anything or ever revealing his trading methods?

So how is anyone missing out on anything? And how exacly could anyone back or forward test it?

I responded to a remark from Woolo that was not MG specific…:slight_smile: He mentioned proof is required to learn stuff…

But MG claimed to make good pips and people frequently asked for proof… I think with the intention to see if it is true… A logical follow-up step would be to find out how he does it… Which you can backtest and forward test… And that he say he will not share it doesn’t mean he won’t to some lucky peeps.

So I think my comment still applies…

But it was also the opportunity to make this general comment… Considering the in depth posts seen in this thread, my post doesn’t do a lot of damage to this thread…:slight_smile:

You were quoting Woolo who was quoting nitsuj who was quoting MG.

So yeah it kind of was.

And no, compared to some your post doesn’t damage the thread at all imo :slight_smile:


You better hurry up. Just closed two winners and a loser. Sitting at 38.86% for the year now.

Really I’m overdue for a losing streak here. Don’t want people thinking I stumbled into the Holy Grail when it’s just been some good runs I’ve been catching.

Still have a tad over 2750 in open trades making another 29.51% in gains if I were to cash out now.

Race you to a million!


“________ comes before the fall”

My point was more philosophical. The royal society has a motto; “Nullius in verba” It roughly means “On the word of no-one.”

My point is that without evidence a theory is meaningless. A hypothesis is an idea a guess of sorts based on logic and reasoning. A hypothesis becomes a theory when there is evidence to suggest it is correct. Theories change and adapt as more evidence comes to light. To take someones word on a matter of theory without evidence is not good enough.

The hypothesis in this scenario is that Mastergunner99 and InnerCircleTrader are profitable traders. It becomes theory (More true) when they prove it.

Proof also comes with different levels of reliability a independently verifiable source of data like myfxbook is far more trustworthy than an excel spreadsheet for example.

Why does proof matter? Well for many new comers like myself we are exposed to thousands upon thousands of people telling us they have a proven profitable system but show no proof. I call them “forex believers” These are the people that drain accounts of real or demo money trading systems that don’t work yet they still make excuses and truly believe in their systems profitability. They will never admit defeat and will happily boast on forums of their success. You can see these all over babypips and forexfactory.

The proof, the evidence to suggest that a trader knows what they are doing allows us to skip the attention seekers and believers. The proof comes in the form of consistent profits over a significant amount of time to rule out the effects of random probability.

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I don’t want the followers. I would rather have someone doubt or just entertain themselves that I may be telling the truth.

Public exposure truly brings about a crowd that I’d rather not have. There are far more lurkers on this site than you can imagine.

I have provided proof to a small select of individuals and it made no difference. I felt in many ways like a schmuck who needed the approval of others. That’s not what I’m about. I truly encourage you to disbelief if you want to. You stand more to gain by my providing proof than I do in showing it. There literally is no incentive for me, nor do I desire one. I have said repeatedly that I will provide proof once ICT completes his challenge successfully. So that’s up to him now. Not me.

So while I get your point, I also accept your non belief. It’s your right not to belief on the basis I refuse to provide evidence. I’m not asking you to believe, nor do I care if you believe.

I solely do it from a competitive standpoint. I want to beat ICT. Period. And I want him to know where I’m at. He doesn’t even have to believe me either.

And you know what, whether he wants to ever admit it or not, he wants to beat me bad as well.

If anything I look forward to the healthy competition of this all over the next three years.

The true Trolls in this thread are those that continue to badger me with insults and repeated requests for proof.

I’d just as well see more people participate in the challenge, regardless of whether or not they provide a shred of proof.

Phonies are generally easy to fish out.

So… why don’t you get the evidence? You have the system, every platform has years of past data. Do the work, answer your own question.

Since there are no peer reviewed journals in forex, we have to collect our own evidence and depend on our own reasoning abilities to separate the bull from the good stuff.

One of threads that really helped me build my trading approach turned out to be a shameless plug for a trading website. It contained ‘proof’…a pdf of impressive weekly results generated from metatrader. But when I took the entries and exits from that statement and actually went to the charts to analyze them they didn’t match what was being taught in the thread at all! No one on the thread seemed to notice the discrepancy; I guess most took the ‘proof’ at face value.

Despite all that I took what made sense to me and tested it and ended up learning something very useful. So, for me the evidence is not important. I just want to hear about others’ methodologies and I will do my own due diligence.

That said, I’m on this thread for the same reason that people watch the superbowl :smiley:

For the commercials?

Now just hang on a second - did i miss a few posts - - MG – you’re stating you’ll reveal your trades (and trade secrets) to this general population, if ICT meets his expected goal??

Am I seeing a two for one deal here? - - MG - your stating that you’ll reveal you trades for the year(s) 2013 - 2016, if ICT meets his goal of 1 million?

I’d like just to verify for gentlemens sake - - does this need to be done within 3 yrs exactly or is there a cushion of lets say 6 months? - - As I suspect – - for all of us here - - whether it’s 3 years or even 4 years - we’d all be dually impressed.

what is your criteria? officially?

I’m very open about my trading methodology. I have two threads, one still active, that detail how I

As for proof, if ICT is able to turn $5000 into a $1,000,000 in three year’s time I will gladly show the world my live myfxbook or whatever site is applicable in illustrating results at that time.

ICT is confident he can do it in three years. After all, it’s only 8 pips a day. So I see no need to go beyond the scope of what he has laid out for us.

Boom. It just got stupid. 46.19%.

Why not show us now? With your +/- 4000 floating pips? Please, Impress us with your wizardry. If not, take your beef elsewhere.

mastergunner I would be very interested in seeing ur trading methodology if you could give a link please? I would much appriciate it thank you.

It’s not appropriate for me to post here. A search on the forums however should do the trick.

thanks gunny

It is not appropriate to post here, but it is appropriate to boast the results? Are you going to post it on the other thread, or is there a reason not to as well over there?

The initial post in that thread carries my results. And I update it often enough.

And I am not boasting. This is a challenge to turn 5k into a million in three years. And I’m tossing my numbers out as a competitive measure.

You realize others have done the same? Why don’t you bother them? Simply because I don’t adhere to the teachings of ICT doesn’t matter. And if it does, then it’s really time for you to grow up. Seriously. Your trolling behavior to those that don’t follow ICT is getting old.

Thus far I’ve found no need to ignore you as I have the other Trolls. I prefer to keep it like that. Ultimately your decision.