Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Didn’t visit this forum for a while, what’s the situation with ICT’s endeavor?

1.29% Abs again so far.

There is a link to the myfxbook on the first page.

Oh, ICT is an philanthropist. I missed that info, it seems.

Kudos to ICT for getting 4.1 pips thus far today. That’s half way to your goal, if we omit the prior weeks where the intended target wasn’t hit to stay on course. Plenty of time in the day. Plenty of opportunities yet.

I did notice that the lot size doubled from where it previously way. The belief before was that the lot size was for a 5k account, although there was only 2k in there. Are we still within the rules of risk for these trades?

Concerning risk it was within the money management for sure.

Both SL were 25 pips or so. Each pip 5 bucks with 50k. Maximum risk was $125.

He was below 3% risk on the 5k account.

Cool. And thanks for doing the math on that. Was too lazy when I saw the increase. Curious as to why he varies it like that.

Pssst… 45.22% for those in the know. :slight_smile:

So today’s trading has helped me get a better grasp of how ICT trades intraday with pivot points. I’ve seen the videos but these trades have really just made the point clearer for me on how he trades intraday.

S1 had a bounce this morning. So he looked for an OTE to get long.

Later he assumed that the retrace around 10:00 GMT was a test of the asian range high. So he bought at OTE during the NYO kill zone. This trade was his first entry of the day and failed, but he still had one more shot allowed for the day.

Later at 14:50 price had reacted at MR1 so he bought again cancelling the earlier loss. Which is a safe enough bet because the LO should have already formed the low of the day so odds are price will continue higher.

Thats my guess work from the tweets and the charts.

I know ICT is joking around now, trying to make people think he’s having trouble. There’s no way he does’nt take more pips today. He’s in his home office right now staring at his 42 monitors laughing, saying ‘those sheep.’ ‘4.1 pips’; please… I bet we see ICT bag 70 pips on Fiber in the next couple of days.

That said, way to go MG. I’ll cheer individual excellence because it’s great to see. The real folks I want to see getting beaten (or at least closely shadowed) are the fx departments at Goldman Sachs, MS, Deutsche, etc.

I got the impression that the jokes were over. And that it was starting to be real. Why do you think he would continually toy with everyone? Why not just get the job done and in a faster time. That would be far more impressive, than to play games with people.

Looking at todays Euro setup and seeing how he trades, there was a reflection OTE, very bullish candle set-up on the 15M, with the overall continuing bullish market structure in Fiber. Todays Fiber range has been roughly 140 pips, and I have trouble believing that he would only net 4.1. I suppose it is possible, but when I read his tweets today, the first thing I thought was that he was setting up his own Judas swing. I could be wrong, but the thought occurred to me.

Doesn’t part of you think that you’re just justifying excuses for sub-par results?

I give credit to the guy for sure for proving his can pull a profit. Most people just flat out lose. I do hope he can hit his million, because that would mean I would hit multi-millions as I intend to beat him this entire time.

That is a very fair question. People are not always aware why we do things. In all honesty, as far as I’m aware, I just found it very hard to believe that on such a large range day with a fairly obvious bias for a professional, that the best he could do was +4.1 pips. If today had a range of 70 pips and Fiber was trapped in a range for a while, I would think it more likely that I was making that statement out of denial. I certainly could be wrong.

Honestly, I’m rooting for both of you. I’ve learned a lot from ICT and believe he’s very generous. I also recognize that you like helping people, and in reading your threads, you do put real effort to helping others. Actually, what you’re saying on this thread, it’s not unreasonable, and adds a needed balance. I think it’s unfortunate that there are probably a few people here rooting against you just because they’re angry, but if I had to guess, I would think ICT himself is not one of them.

Those of us who follow ICT’s methods really should be careful not to let the confidence we feel in what we’ve learned be too closely tied to whether ICT achieves this goal. Because if lightening does strike, and he does not succeed at this, the potential is there for some to question some of the things we’ve learned. Obviously this would be wrong, because everyone recognizes that S/R, Market Structure, Fibs, etc do work.

[B]“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked.” [/B]
…Warren Buffett

PS: Quote came to mind after popping in this afternoon and checking the progress @ “myfxbook”.
I hope Michael is wearing at least a speedo, g-string, fig leaf, or something, please!

Brave post D-pip.

I’ve been following ICT since the fall of 2011, and can say with total honesty and self awareness that I’ve never hoped ICT was wearing a ‘speedo, g-string, or fig leaf.’

[QUOTE=Hogarste;451912]I know ICT is joking around now, trying to make people think he’s having trouble. There’s no way he does’nt take more pips today. He’s in his home office right now staring at his [B]42 monitors[/B] laughing, saying ‘those sheep.’ [B]‘4.1 pips’[/B]; please… I bet we see ICT bag 70 pips on Fiber in the next couple of days.

42 monitors for just 4.1 pips?

After 110 pages of mostly useless drivel , I think what everybody should now realise is that its mush easier to talk the talk than walk the walk

This is quite better than I hoped for.

The faithful and the doubters… you make this ever the more interesting. So easily influenced and impulsive. I am smiling… and not in front of 42 monitors though. I did have a poor entry in the first trade but I will have those for as long as I am trading. Keep me entertained… you are doing very well thus far.


PS: [U][/U][B]Yes [/B]… There Will Be +30% on the account by month’s end. :wink:

All I meant, was that it seemed funny that on a day like today, ICT wouldn’t catch more pips. I’ve seen ICT eat charts like this mornings for breakfast, and I was just surprised and decided to speculate. I did not mean anything negative by it. Frankly I laughed out loud at MG saying Kudos to ICT regarding the 4.1 pips… It was funny.

With ICT saying he would reduce his presence on BP, I doubt whenther this particular thread was destined to be filled with only insightful chart analysis. This challenge came about as ICT’s answer to his skeptics. It’s only natural that it is filled with gamesmenship and some playful jibes.

[QUOTE=InnerCircleTrader;452036]This is quite better than I hoped for.

The faithful and the doubters… you make this ever the more interesting. So easily influenced and impulsive. I am smiling… and not in front of 42 monitors though. I did have a poor entry in the first trade but I will have those for as long as I am trading. Keep me entertained… you are doing very well thus far.

How often do you check your twitter account?
I’ve requested to follow and would be grateful if you can add me…