Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

umm, nope 'm not going to do that,
i have a different learning style

I really believe he ll do this or maybe hope more than believe lol. But he is human. Maybe this is getting to his head making him hesitant and second guessing. He has said he doesnā€™t like to talk about trades while heā€™s in them because he ll talk himself out of it. Maybe something like that is happening.

No I think heā€™s trading how he trades. I donā€™t think heā€™s messing up or doing anything differently than he has done the past few years.

Iā€™m just seeing things that I donā€™t understand fully. After all he has never taught anyone how he uses the tools in a system. Weā€™ve never seen him trade and have only seen things in hindsight which makes it look like he picks every top and bottom and never looses. In reality his trading looks like this and if heā€™s been honest then this is whatā€™s made him a lot of money.

OK. I am going to act like ā€œdumbā€ right now.

Donā€™t we all trade base on our trading plan to avoid second guessing and to take away some emotions out of trading? If so, then a good trader should had picked out those good opportunity for these past few days/weeks. Even probably a first time trader could get ā€œluckyā€ and get some of those pips.I am just responding base on your comment above nothing against with ICT or anybody elseā€¦

P.S: When we do tradeā€¦ we tradeā€¦we donā€™t play games. Sorry, I might sounds a little feistyā€¦lol

I donā€™t think we should discount the fact that he is human or the fact that he himself has said he second guesses and talks himself into closing trades early. If heā€™s human enough for that why not human enough to be hesitant? Iā€™m just throwing ideas out there. Another one is maybe these just arenā€™t the markets he excels in. And while the markets are like they are heā€™s more about preserving capital than hitting home runs. Heā€™s intentionally fouling until he gets the pitch he wants.

This is a good point, but I think a mediocre trader can get pips by her/his skill at identifying good opportunities, but lose pips by not being able to manage risk or control impulses. When you start playing golf, it seems like there are a million things to improve upon, and someone with desire can go from mediocre to average very easily, as you can teach someone to spot trading opportunities really quickly. But the really good golfer fixes all those little boring things that people donā€™t want to practice because theyā€™re not as fun as hitting your driver 250 yards down the fairway. Everyone wants to learn to spot bias and entries, but how many people think about patience, frame of mind, and just focus on the process.

At least Iā€™m not the only one scratching my head wondering what is taking place on some of these entriesā€¦I just thought maybe I was the only one not understandingā€¦

I just know if I didnā€™t get a perfect entry I wouldnā€™t be risking 3% like he has been for the last three tradesā€¦This brings up another question as to why???

yes, agree with that statement, when we trade we trade. Markets require lots of focus and presence, and donā€™t leave much room for other mind preoccupations.

Anyways leaving aside the entry, what you guys think of the stop? if banking on short move, seems it should have been at min past the 79 retrace on the swing, around 92 level

What exactly are you learning? From an outsiderā€™s perspective you all seemed perplexed and canā€™t agree on what heā€™s doing vs what heā€™s teaching?

Thereā€™s a disconnect thatā€™s being ignored.

I think the stop was fine since he was putting it above the high made at the 80 levelā€¦Iā€™m sure he was thinking if it went above this high that he was forsure wrongā€¦

This does bring up another question for me tho is how he knows when to pull the plug as we have seen in some of the previous trades to save his stopā€¦What made this one different where he didnā€™t see an opportunity to pull the plug and just let it go for his stopā€¦

Maybe itā€™s his son trading. I believe he did say that he was going to come on the scene here at some point. lol.


I had to play along though. The thought made me laugh.

i was thinking the same thing. I do remember ICT has mentioned his son trades Yen pairs.

Iā€™d much rather that Michael just stuck to trading the Fiber and Cable, as was (mostly) his stated intent. Also makes it easier to follow his trades.

Get on with it Michael, donā€™t embarrass us. I want to see at least 40 pips per week from now on. Understand? Got? Iā€™m you have!

Okay, this is interesting. Heā€™s actually shorting GBPJPY? This will be fun to watch. Iā€™ve been holding a long position since the 24th of last month. Letā€™s so whoā€™s going to pay who here. Iā€™m currently up 388.4 pips, so I suppose I can let Michael get some of that back. Just not too much.

He got stopped put already.

Nvm he entered again.

Well, he did promise shock and awe.

To me there are major indications that this is the first time that ICT (or whoever is trading this account!) has gone live with real money.

If I was an experienced trader, why would I explain away my first week of losses by saying ā€˜I wasnā€™t really trying hard enoughā€™? Sounds more like a first time trader trying to forget a bad start and wanting a clean slate.

If I had several years of trading experience, going through good times and bad, why would I claim that I will not have a single losing week in 3 years? Sounds more like the optimism of a new trader.

If I had traded live with my strategies and risk management before, why would I be deviating from them so much that my followers are confused by my trade execution? Sounds like a trader trying to apply strategies learnt in demo to a live account for the first time.

If I was a millionaire, why would I fund a $5000 challenge with $2000 and then take weeks before the other $3000 showed up? Thatā€™s pocket change for a millionaire.

I donā€™t mean this as an accusation. Itā€™s just the way it looks to me right now.

Iā€™ve been saying that for weeks. In the end, the following donā€™t care. ICT can do no wrong. They are blatantly confused and trying to make sense of it all, and get bitter angry if anyone has a varied opinion.

Get ready to be insulted and taunted. Reasonable observations arenā€™t wanted here. Itā€™s all praise to ICT or get the heck out.

This second entry seems to be more understandable in terms of his video lessons. This would be an OTE trade entry stop above the 100% and entry bang on the 79% line.

However what are the reasons for entering? Have to wait and see.

MG99 you do crack me up. Shock and awe is right, well shocked and confused I might say.

Aside from trading when you look at pretty much anything people that talk a big game generally fall flat.

The guys who talk about getting all the ladies are getting nowhere, the people who get in your face screaming that they are going to kick your ass are the weakest, the people who call you stupid do so to make themselves feel superior.

General rule of thumb is people who give it all the lip and tell you how great they are do so because they canā€™t back it up. Itā€™s insecurity but rather than shying away they go big and bold.

Iā€™m telling you I want ICT to succeed in this challenge but naturally all the things you have pointed out are on my mind and weather they admit it or not everyone elseā€™s. What you described is something everyone has experienced in themselves and others throughout their lives. So itā€™s only natural that we all would have felt that worry when the trades were off and the long rants at mastergunner99 were posted.