Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Well we are all puppets remember. Maybe this is just him pulling strings and making is dance for entertainment…

Let’s assume that he’s this great orchestrator of human reaction and emotion as he has alluded to many times. And even flat out saying that he owned me.

Are you okay with that? Is that someone you would want to admire? Is that who you’d want instruction from?

I’ve owned many a cats in my lifetime, and they all love to toy with their prey before they kill it… be it a mouse, or a bird, or a moth

y’all bein toyed with. Predator havin’ a good time with skeptics and even those of his own following with little faith :wink:


You’re out performing him.

It hasn’t occurred it might be because you have had more experience than him trading live accounts?

It took me over three years of trading live before it started coming together for me.

Canadians say y’all?

I have faith in the tools not michael. I like him he seems pretty cool but Idc much whether he does this. It would be awesome but I’m not gonna get bummed out and throw a fit if he doesn’t.

Everyone is different but when I humiliate people at halo I go full on start to finish they never get it into their head they have a chance I don’t allow it.

I’ve held back from saying anything until now, but I’m really getting a kick out of how much energy a couple of you are spending dissing ICT. You are free to say whatever you want, but I have to stand up for him when you guys attack his character. I hope he makes it to a million, but if he doesn’t it won’t change how I feel about the guy. I don’t know many people who would spend the countless hours making videos and sticking around late after webinars to answer every single question that we pose. And all for FREE. The guy has never asked anything from us except to share our success stories with him. Who does that nowadays? Nobody I know. And more personal to me, he has lit a flame in me with trading, and I know it will now be a love of mine for the rest of my life. Without ICT I would have quit a long time ago. So hate all you want fellas. No matter how hard you try to bring this guy down, he will always be admired by a group of us for his generosity, and for simply being a great teacher… Whether or not he makes it to a million. (But I know he will.)


I’m just going to post a few charts on what I think ict was doing today in the fiber. I am not going to comment on the jpy pair trades because I don’t trade them, don’t know their kill zones or anything else about them.

ICT has had a long bias this week. Bonds, market structure on usdx as well as fiber point to that. So Today he was looking for long entries. Here is what he saw:

London open: Price was right around some key areas here. OTE for a long on fiber if you pull a fib on the 4 hour chart(swing from Jan29th to First of Feb). The problem with London open set up is there wasn’t anything in the shorter time frames… no ote, turtle soup, stinger, reflexion etc. In fact price didn’t even bounce on the 79% retracment level. It made a small Judas through the level then bounced up at a pretty random level. ICT didn’t buy for good reason. NYO is always around the corner and it looked at the time like price wouldn’t respect that 79% level anyway.

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Then NYO comes around.
ICT’s first position that he closed for -15 pips. He closed it when he saw asains high broken. This was a nice entry although I am not sure why he placed his stop on the 1.35… I personally would have placed it a few pips lower.

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ICT sees his mistake… Has the confidence (or maybe he is chasing price lol) to buy again. I think this entry is called 0050. Basically ote using swing high and mid figure… Sweet place to take a long. Why he closed out the whole position is beyond me other then price was right up near a good short entry as well as news was a concern.

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Did ICT put this last eur/usd trade on with no SL?

he did. and it seems like the 1.3520 would be a better entry. OTE and all. he anticipates right…

Trading with no SL… Sigh…

down almost 3% to0…

this is hilarious :smiley: nothing specific, just everything altogether. the people in here bashing each others heads. mg (yes, you deserve to be mentioned on your own :)), and ict’s performance. pure entertainment

I’m bullish, but this is questionable technique. What happened to patience?

Looks like I am not the only one who likes to play terran too!

he must be very very sure its going up. down 5%

Yeah I was thinking that esp when USDX making fresh highs

There is a lot to be said for a 30 pip stop loss

ICT lost his sniper, i think he have only machine-gun in his backpack

Is that really ICT, who’s trading the account ?? I seriously doubt…