Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Hi digrezia

Here is a link to ICT’s materials.

Also do a search on YouTube for further video’s

#Spuzzana# Thank you mate!!!

Hey Mastergunner,
Just something to think about - well, it is what I think about anyway in regards to your question on how many trades a week etc to get to the “target” at the end of the three years.

Personally, I believe a proper trader (one that is consistently profitable) would set a target as such, but also would not feel compelled to do whatever it takes to attain that target. For example, if I were to average over the last year four trades a week with 3 being successful with simple 1:1 r:r attached and 2% risk, you could assume that in that year 4% per week was attained. Pretty damn good in my books.

If I went into this year with the same expectation (why not - last year went well) and the setups that I normally make weren’t as regular, I would not consider myself a consistent and profitable trader if I was to stretch my rules just so that I could be in a trade. Firstly, it is outside the established rules that made 75% win rate the previous year, and I would be introducing myself to a heightened risk of a big dropoff in the success rate. NOT what I would be wanting.

A big thing to follow - Plan your trade and trade your plan, even if it means 1 trade a week or even slower.

Now, with this in mind, I am pretty sure that ICT will have his system in place and he will be waiting in the bushes, watching the price action and stalking his trade and entry. He may make 3 trades a week and he may trade once in a month. The thing that I would expect watching his trades from now would be consistency in trade selection and not consistency in amount of trades per day/week

I agree. I think stating any defined as time line to establish such a lofty goal in an unpredictable environment can reap more negative results, than positive.

A positive edge in the market will reap rewards despite a time constraint.

ICT has a lot cut out for him. Odds are while his methodology may be profitable, you will all soon see the reality of how difficult the market can be even for an experienced trader.

Keeping upto date with all the ICT threads is getting difficult. Pages after pages to read if you leave it for a few hours!

Anyway,Good luck ICT, although I very much doubt you will need it.
I don’t really care if you make a million or not, as long as we can see that the methods work consistently(the regular followers know that they work, because you post some of your trades and so do other people who use your methods). But this will give us the chance to see the trades and progress on a regular basis on all of your trades and should give everyone the confidence to get to a higher level of consistency.

So many people are so angry about the fact that everything is visible :slight_smile:

If you don’t want to look at entries and exits, please don’t. For me its very interesting information. It would suck if everything else is hidden. For example ICT claims he risk no more than 2% - this thread and his myfxbook account will testify it (like he said “I am putting it on the line and my money where my mouth is”). And any other guideline he taught should be visible the same manner.

If its possible ICT should put delays or whatever, so you guys who feel this way would cool down a bit.

Don’t force your point of view on others.

Best of luck ICT. I have been waiting this moment for a long time :wink:

The goal is only 1 or 2 trades a week… I haven’t gotten around to it because I have been busy troubleshooting my desktop computer that I plan to trade from. I haven’t seen anything yet the couple times I looked at my chart, I wait for S&R to be tested and then employ divergence, OTE, confluences.

Perhaps you missed my question. You implied I was an over trader.

I asked what defines an over trader.

I agree with mastergunner. There is no clear definition of overtrading when we speak about Forex.

“Vi veri universum vivus vici.”

I did miss it. Good question, I find myself struggling to define it. Someone who is ancy to be in a trade just to be in a trade (or just because they have a myfxbook linked to the public). Someone who revenge trades when they otherwise wouldn’t have taken the trade (after a loss). I’m sure there is more that I can’t think of right now.

Over-Trader is defined by one entering excessive times with negative or nonproductive results. Thus equating an extreme level of trading for the sake, internally most cases, not missing the next opportunity.

Overtrading generally runs hand and hand with net loser with a busy account activity.

:57: The more you know…


Thanks Joker…

Just for the record I did say I would at times risk 3%.


oh. ok :slight_smile: doesn’t change my point tho - just relax people and enjoy the show :wink:

ICT is sooooo good that even without doing nothing he earned 2 cents, beat that naysaysers :stuck_out_tongue:

YES PLEASE. I was joking anyways when I said it. I have nothing against you, you just sounded like you were saying there was something wrong with not having any trades yet. It sounded impatient. That’s all.

So do we have any ides when this is going to kick off? I have seen some of ICT’s videos and its not like he purely trades the dailies and has to wait for days or weeks for set ups.

how does his account gain interest? 1cent is alot in a day!
i dont think my account does that

he probably cuts deals with oanda :smiley:

A penny a day in interest on a $2000 is nothing unreasonable to obtain.

I don’t think that even equates to 1% interest annually.

Well, it’s shocking that there hasn’t been a trade. (see what i did there?) :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously though, I don’t think that the charts have been communicating a high probability move since this started. I would never talk such a big game because of that exact reason. The markets can get moody…it’s not a vending machine.