Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I think some of us are jumping to a conclusion too quickly. Give the man sometime. Lets wait till June to see how things go. We all know good traders have losing months. Again I believe this challenge will give credence to what he has taught. If he fails then the tools themselves are not in doubt but how we were taught to use them are in doubt. Anyways all the best ICT, I know you will pull through this.

Another self-proclaimed super trader who came in with a bang & went out with a whimper.

This ict guy posted on his visitor message board back in summer of 2011.
This part is worth a chuckleā€¦"deliver useful information on here and you will collect a following and build a unique community.
Trolls will naturally move in as your thread growsā€¦ prepare for itā€

Looks like the only thing growing on his thread is moss!
Trolls 3
Novice eremarket 0

Sayā€™s the kid who after nearly 3 years of following self-proclaimed super trader number 2 around here is still deep in the red on his trading account.

Iā€™d have thought by now you should be delivering your own "shock n awe"

I agree fully. What he has taught has been exceptionally valuable to me in my trading. But what is the purpose of then trading in opposition to what he has taught? I donā€™t see what is funny about it - maybe itā€™s just me?

The problem with throwing off the signal followers is when he starts making money, they ll be here to follow the signals again. Even if he starts making money in the final year of the challenge, believe me they ll be back.

I havent been around as long. I donā€™t see him having complete control. It does seem like heā€™s messing around though. I would rather just see him pick every top and bottom like usual lol. Unless he somehow edits those videosā€¦

Well if that is his intention, we should all thank himā€¦ Because I like being entertained like in this thread, and it is not like we have much else to do or we wouldnā€™t be hereā€¦:slight_smile: I give him the approval to mess around with us!

BTW, I just noticed that the account is up to 5k now.

Iā€™ll say it againā€¦

if you arenā€™t laughing, you [B]are[/B] the joke

that was a weird trade, not to mention buying right into resistance by the weekly central pivot.

I donā€™t bow before swine. Take a hike!

This is all to goodā€¦ :smiley:

Iā€™ll be honest the only funny thing on this whole thread pipstradamus deleted. the comment about ICT being batman lol i wish i had screenshotted that it was too funny.

Ok, so Iā€™m the jokeā€¦ What now?

Aaron bro, why are you speaking so cryptically instead of providing a reason why ICT would blow a $5000 account ā€œfor funā€? If that was the case, why bother putting the extra $3k in, why not just blow the $2k - point proven?

Also, if he is messing around, why does he continue to provide trade analysis on the trades he has taken? In other words he is wasting his time on those videos just for the sake of prolonging the ā€œjokeā€?

Oh I donā€™t mean ā€œsignal followersā€. He understands that is an unfortunate byproduct of the journey, and has asked many times that people do not do that. By asking them not to do it, he covers his liability as far as the CFTC is concernedā€¦

yeh, seems we are way past learning concerns :18:

In my opinion youā€™d be dumb not to take the tradesā€¦but hey thats just me.

^ This is how friends become enemys ;))

So many questionsā€¦ sit back and enjoy the show bro!

Wowā€¦ I bet Mike will have a good laugh when he gets up for NY and reads the threadā€¦ Now what would be impressive is negative 10% to + 30% by the end of the month. Perhaps that would silence the criticsā€¦ who knowsā€¦

well I can see why the show is upsetting you thenā€¦

Iā€™ve missed most of them lol NYO is not my thing. And its a seperate account and i dont risk what he does. Iā€™m not upset. Iā€™m a pretty emotionally detached person. I just call it like i see it. Michael being a good trader doesnt make me a good trader.