Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Alright, I’ll sit back and watch. Seems kinda rigged though - if he makes it to $1m then he vindicates himself, if he blows the account then it was just a joke all along? So I guess the only neutral result is break-even after 3 years, hahaha :smiley:

Alright, I’ll take your word on that. It really is a funny show though! Detach yourself and have a laugh… although it looks like the audience is shrinking : \

Any moment now, he’s going to stop trading and start reading [I]The Great Gatsby[/I] for us all, hahaha

in % terms, can you tell me how far along in the challenge we are? (you might need to include a few decimal places too, so that it doesn’t round down to zero) :57:

I’m new to this site although I’ve been trading for about 4yrs now and full time since last July.I have spent a few days trawling through all his stuff and can honestly say that,in my opinion, this guy is the real deal.I thought I’d perfected it as good as I was going to get but my trading will be vastly improved by some of ICT’s trading methods and ethos.
He has no ulterior motive for what he does.He isn’t trying to flog some method,training course, dvd etc and I don’t think he’s trying to set himself up as some sort of Guru either. I think he is just trying to showcase what he does best.I used to be a builder and at the end of a job there was an end product for people to admire.In this game the only product,if you’re good enough, is a pay-check at the end of the month so I can see why someone would want to do what he does.
As for this challenge I’ll be following it closely.I won’t be copying any trades as thats a no no in this game.It just doesnt work.The Fiber deal he got burnt on this am was a bizarre deviation from his own methods but it looks like he’s back on track now.My money would be on him definitely doing this. Good luck Michael although I don’t think you’ll need it. As for all the p!ss and wind being created by some wannabes on here I’d also take some entertainment from that.

I’m really lost with the whole joke thing lol. Maybe if I had more proof he was such a badass. you’ve been around longer and seen more. From your point of view, him being a super trader and playing around I can see this being funny. Maybe he isnt even going to get to a million maybe he’s just playing about that. I can see that being funny too. Idk i just took this as a serious challenge he was undertaking. So from my perspective its why play around that wasnt the point the point was to get 5k to 1mil.

2.1%… It rounds off to 2%… Lol

What critics?
Apart from his gang of loyal fanboys, most could care less whether he succeeds or busts.
The fun is in winding both him & the most loyal fanboys up.

Fact is, most of his fanboys (& him if the truth be told) would probably be trading a nice healthy profit if they took a leaf out of medisoft’s book & traded Captain Currency’s 3 Ducks approach. He’s having a ball with that simple little package.
You won’t see him getting all tangled up in chop & crossfire.

They’d certainly have saved themselves a ton of wasted time getting red eye courtesy of all those long winded videos.

I get 0.55%… take note of when he is looking to have the $1mil by… January 31, 2016. Which suggests to me the challenge starts Feb.1, 2013


If you don’t really like the show, maybe you can change the channel for awhile, go learn some stuff from MG99’s thread… I hear he has a pretty good method! Come back in a few months, I’m sure things will be more to your liking

I have been following ict for quiet some time and i can officially say this guy is full of it…i have seen the light and no longer follow his teachings it is a waste of time, you don’t put 5k in an account then ‘‘joke’’ around when one week earlier he mentioned about no more losing.

I might sound bad here but being a follower and wasting my time i think most of you should wake up and see the reality, if you don’t see the reality you are stuck in a colt & brainwashed

Hey, that’s how I trade!

You really need to calm down…I have followed ict just like you have but since he went live trading and after sometime into it, he has nothing showing as a pro trader.

I suggest you stop wasting you’re time and unfollow ICT believe me you will thank me later dude.

I’m fine with my own method. it does resemble MG99’s tho lol.

well said Pimpin… you have followed his work and yet you Joined in Feb this year. I wish I could watch/read digest all that material as well as practice it going forward in that space of time. A valuable contribution to this thread if I do say so…lol you guys are funny.

Youtube videos and reading without actually being a member here.

It is very hard to show the real side of things when people have been brainwashed such a shame it’s like a colt.

How about I thank you right now… for making me laugh!

I think that’s ICT lol. Another sock puppet.

Lol, a colt as in a baby horse? That is hilarious! :smiley:

neigh…not as in a baby horse… but a gun… .45 i think…

Note to self…Stop feeding the trolls…:44:

There are more people that visit this thread, then there are those that register to the forum. There are more people registered to this forum, then those that post. Believe that.

I wish everyone else that follows him sits down and has a hard look at themselves.

If i had brain washed followers like ICT has achieved with his followers i would probably be a multi-millionaire without even trading since these puppets are prepared to sacrifice there lives for him.