Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Lol “neigh” I spilt my coffee bro! :smiley:

I don’t think you’ll ever have any success following 100% of someones teachings any more than you would profit from following their trades.You can ,however , “cherry-pick” the best of their ideas, and this fella has quite a few.

He has the followers that he does because he doesn’t charge any money. The concept of genuine generosity is foreign to some people I guess…

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the majority of what ICT teaches is already out there. And that there is a small handle of tools that are unique to him.

I’ve said it before, babypips puts on a great education as well. However all the FX-Men are pretty crummy traders. I don’t think any of them had a profitable 2012.


Your devotion has actually made me think more than once in recent days that you are ICT.

You can’t be this out of touch or think anyone would be losing that much intentionally.

You’ve had some questionable beliefs before in the chat room.

But come on guy, what’s the real deal with you?

Not when you (ICT) and your messianic followers just claim it’s all a joke and you’re the joke for believing it’s not a joke. :wink:

A = not A, and A Lie = not A Lie, in the minds of the deluded … sadly, more evidence that we live in the Age of Irrationality.

no worries guys, there are always some ungrateful jerks around who is always trying to get some attention to themselves. because in life no one is paying any attention to those jerks.

go ICT, we are all the way with you on this.

Hmm, I Was hoping to see some amazing trading in this thead, but seems thats not happening yet… :confused:

My theory about Michaels trading,
1: Its not Michael trading
2: Its a last lesson from him, to always follow your own analys and no one else’s(and at the same time throw of all that uses his trading as signals)

Anyway, I will keep doing what works for me, and enjoy the show :slight_smile:

Or ofcourse he is just bored and ****ing with us, or MG99 is right(seriusly doubt that though)

All he has to do is hide his trades. Problem solved.

The real deal?

The real deal is that I get it, and it seems the majority of people don’t.

Which one of my beliefs do you find questionable?

If me and ICT seem similar… I guess I could understand that. We got similar psych issues like OCD, ADD, etc. We both have problems with sleep. We both grew up in poverty and know what it is like to be made fun of for being poor.

Big difference though… he’s 40 and I’m a youthful 25 :smiley:

At least I know where you stand. I question your character and your morals. This is where you and I part ways.


I’ve been reading through this thread and didn’t want to post until I had read it all. I have to say the bits I’ve seen of Ict’s teachings have been good.

To all the followers of Ict, don’t be so quick to claim this is all a joke to throw people off track. And that he is a puppet master etc, read your posts back, they are none sense. I hoped he would make a good steady start and help the people who want to learn from him learn (not me but theres a lot of loyalty on this forum for him and alot of people have supported him)

I have to say when he came out and said he was playing and teaching people how not to trade and that’s why he took entries where he did etc I felt i could see this coming.

Every credit to MG for calling Ict out in the beginning, not that MG needs it, I’ve read your thread MG and I’m pretty sure your not looking for supporters or followers.

ICT Be honest, you’re having a bad time trading. If you’re not sticking to the methods that you’ve taught, why not just scalp the 8 pips a day or whatever it is to hit your goal and prove your capable of trading any style.

Personally I won’t be following this thread any further, and I’d go as far as to say I hope ict blows the account and then at least has the strength to admit he’s not perfect or, indeed, a puppet master.

Good luck everyone, and MG, nice results.


In 15 years you will think that 40 is still youthful, but with the added benefit of some wisdom and confidence. I think ICT can win this challenge if he chooses, but not because I have some blind devotion to him, though I do feel gratitude. I’ve seen ICT pick highs and lows ahead of time that happened within a couple of pips. I don’t think my own ego is tied into whether ICT wins this. My perspective is based on how I would assess his performance as a trader and a teacher, I am surprised that his start is not better. He seems to be digging a mathematical hole for himself. If I am wrong about ICT being able to do this, it’s not because of blind devotion or any of that, it will be because my analysis of his skills was erroneous or some other X factor, like pressure, his not maintaining interest in the challenge, etc. I do hope he’s taking different trades on his personal accounts.

Maybe you don’t. But at least you, your master & the rest of his geisha’s provide endless fun & entertainment to help fill the void.

You can make excuses all you want but this is his trading. These are the results, the only thing thats real and un-manipulatable. Cold numbers are the only thing that matters for proof.

[B][U]This is not a cult or a religious faith.[/U][/B]

So cut the BS about faith in ICT and all the rest of that garbage. Belief in something without evidence is moronic, let the numbers talk. This is not some other joke this is legitimately his trading. He said it was and if it was not that would be a second lie.

Something fishy is definately going on.

Although I don’t know all of ICT’s methods, I have been watching with keen interest as he has a genuine desire to help others and indicated a wonderful philantropic goal at the end of this challenge.

I have checked the charts when a trade has been tweeted. Many of late I have wondered about, with the big one being no stop loss, and allowing a trade to lose 6%. That was against his rules right at the beginning.

I do believe ICT is a gifted trader, but I am starting to think that he is also having quite a bit of psychological fun at many peoples expense.

I am one that was not burned by copying his trades, but I am sure many people have been, and I feel genuinely sorry for them. A large carrot was laid out in front of them and they took it.

I would ask that if there are games afoot, that they stop as it is soiling ICT’s reputation in my eyes, and that reputation was quite high (but easy to destroy). Why not make changes in myfxbook. I am sure nobody would be upset if you hid the trade entries so copying could not occur and you then played by the rules on the first post and showed how you could walk the walk.

I think ICT methods do definately work, and seem to for many here, but the decision to make a trade needs to be the individuals choice and for a very distinct reason. Write that reason down and analyse it afterwards. To anyone copying ICT’s trades, the reason “ICT took it” cannot be acceptable as he currently is showing a disregard for his own rules and I think it is poor knowingly sending naive traders down the gurgler by them choosing to copy.

As for the trade he just went in on (sorry, I have VSA teachings in me), high volume reversal off a fib zone would make a short the last trade I would want to take. If anything off the 1hr, we would be looking to head up to create a H&S pattern before possibly going back down to 1.34595 - 50 pips away.

Personally, I was looking at price action - namely ICT’s methods to add to my VSA methods for a larger tool kit as such to trade from. I think I might be staying on my well worn VSA path for now

I just came on here to see:
a. how the “challenge” was coming along
b. see if I could learn from anyone analysis of the trades that have been made so far.

Win or lose, every trade is (or should be) a learning experience. Even for those who think he is doing this as all a joke, wouldn’t it be infinitely more useful to point out why trade X must be a joke.

If you watch the videos he claims to have called highs and lows. The reality is the highs and lows were not called they just happened to form at one of the many S&R lines he drew on his charts. He has never offered proof of consistent profits most of the things he teaches in the videos are true and are patterns you can see occurring frequently. What was missing from all the videos was a demonstration of being able to call them in advance.

I don’t care about his personal accounts because we can never see them. This was to be a demonstration of the tools being applied and making money. Instead he’s boasted and bragged and now lost 8% in under a day.

I’m not a man of faith, so this is disheartening at the moment. There are guesses one could make that perhaps he’s changed risk management to try to up his gains casino style. I don’t know all I do know is the plan on page one is not being followed and that money is being lost.

I agree. I was looking at the swing low to the left of the one he was looking at and looking at going long at 1.3499.

Which is it?

Is he this gifted and talented trader with immense generosity to help people learn and grow as traders?

Or is he a manipulative puppeteer making a mockery of all of you?

I can’t see the two descriptions you’ve all provided being the same person.