Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

I don’t know the guy, don’t follow him, I just wanted to see if he was capable from the thread title, so if its disappointing for me to see this, I can only imagine his followers must be disappointed.

On a side note, for those followers who have been around for a while, you should be able to remember this is the 3rd time he has started this challenge. Original start was September 2011, (due to seasonally on British Pound) and then restarted February 2012 after the whole " US government intervention".

Ever wonder what happened to those accounts?

I for one remember the old GFT videos where he turned $500 into over $5000, so I’ve seen the guy turn a mad profit, but, I also remember the above.

Everyone here can, and should be forming their own opinion on things. There is just no need to try and shove whatever opinion that is down everyone else’s throat.

buy at 3583, buy at 3529, sell at 3509,
what is this!
the lessons of chasing price and revenge trading for the weak minded?

looks like a disaster in the making…

I have been monitoring his Fxbook, and to say I’m shocked is an understatement. Disregarding the fact that I don’t care whether he wins or fails, the only thing I wanted to see is the trading consistency of someone who has been trading 10x longer than I have. Now to see him say he is going to take it seriously, yet trades like a retard (in the sense that he is not following any of his own rules that he puts out), this can either mean

  1. He is full of poop
  2. He is getting emotional and letting you people affect him, yet he is too proud to admit it
  3. He is just ****ing around (the worst case scenario, because it means you can’t trust anything he says)

I think whether or not he addresses this issue that everyone is discussing about, is going to be the dealbreaker for his followers and his critics. Something is wrong when a newbie like myself show more self restraint than a self proclaimed old-timer when under trading duress. In case you don’t know me, I have all my trades public, and I beat myself up heavily when I make bad trades. I’d like to see ICT own up to what appears to be a series of really bad mistakes, because I can’t fathom in anyway that these were calculated and expected losses.

maybe he is trying to blow the account as fast as possible :stuck_out_tongue: looks promissing thus far!

I can see why he might want to teach how not to do it, but even the most naive trader surely wouldnt follow this? I can only presume he has an ulterior motive in this.It’ll be interesting how it pans out.Just don’t copy and you’ll be fine!

yeah, same idea crossed my mind seeing this, whatever it is that’s going on.
it would have been cheaper on a demo no?

edit: there was a ‘lol’ and took it out cause there’s nothing to laugh about

I’m sure we all know how not to do it. I like many saw this as a chance to learn how to apply his methods ‘real-time’.

Personally I’d be happy for him to change the myfxbook, to only show trades once they are closed.
It would remove any ambiguity as to the trades. e.g. there would be no reason to ‘confuse the signal followers’

I’ve watch the videos, and had hoped this would be the missing link to help pull the various tools together and show them in action.

It’s quite a dis-regard for real money, whether its 5k or 50k!

I think it’s fine as it is.Doesn’t this fella say not to copy in some of his stuff? He’s also exhibiting exactly the behaviour ,trading times ,risk management etc he says not to! I wouldn’t be surprised if he turns this one round on a sixpence! Might be wrong but it’ll be fun watching!

Agree nitsuj
I was also hoping to see what could be done by someone who was on top of all the methods, his own psychology and money management, but there is no doubt that it is not happening. He knows so much better, so I wonder why he is doing it. Current EU short with no S/L down 10 pips plus spread

Why do you suppose you actually need anything this character is offering in order to improve your own approach?
Aren’t you confident in the tools you’re already utilizing?

There’s an old saying in life that holds good in trading too.
The grass is rarely greener on the other side!

I’ve never understood this penchant folks have on these forums for adding layer upon layer of confirmation to trigger an entry (or exit).
This bloke has been banging his drum on here for 3 years, has submitted hours of video, thousands of pages of text covering any & every eventuality focused onto 2 currency pairs.

Divergence plays, coupled with double-bubble pivots, multiple fibonacci lines from several different swing highs & lows criss-crossing each other, bond yields, multiple index tracking charts, multiple levels of support & resistance - you’re all sent off to war kitted out with a heavy duty artilliary pack strapped to your back yet not one of you peeps are setting the world on fire…not one!

And here we are a month after he kicks this circus off & already he’s chasing price all over a chart like a novice just to try & claw himself back up to b/e.

What happened to the 2 quality trades per week which are supposedly the result of all this high powered analysis?
What happened to playing like a “smart money operator” as opposed to a street money clown?
What happened to the discipline & patience he beats you all over the head with at every opportunity?

He’s had his ass handed to him trading like “street money” (his term, not mine) on 2 very dodgy bets today & now flips over & initiates an equally dodgy short with price meandering between yesterday’s high & low levels…critical levels this guy supposedly holds dear to his heart & drums into you lot all day long.

Where’s his bias for the day?
Isn’t that supposed to set the tone for all this high quality pre-trade prep & thus ensure you’re betting in the higher probability direction?

I don’t know about you lot, but 2 washed out bets long, followed by a dodgy bet short in the same day doesn’t exactly signal a confident awareness of one’s bias confirmation to me.

And if, as one or two of you muppets claim, he’s engaging in all this as some sort of jokey mind games ploy, then he’s a bigger clown than I already give him credit for.

soultrain is bang on. The only value this circus has is of the entertainment variety, & even that’s low par.

100% Why I am here.

I don’t need. I learn and decide myself. That is also why I have made just 3 trades this week with 2 winning trades for a modest 1.7% gain. Not setting the world on fire, but learning as I go and being very conscious of my rules - but willing to see if there are ways to improve myself.

Funny you used this word to desribe even though you ment “cult”

Definition of COLT

  1. A young male horse

Or lol at 2

  1. A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.

Not sure what background anyone has here re: work but if you were given a hammer and hand saw, does it automatically make you a builder. If your given ALL the tools a builder uses, does it then make you a builder?

Why does anyone think it is any different for trading?

Why does a tool work? Then you might start getting somewhere

Seems a lot of people focus on the tools that ICT has shown and completly missed the lesson of the underlying fact he has tried to pass on. Still looking for the holy grail that isnt what it seems to be. There is one, ICT has highlighted it, just not what people want or expect to see.

Remember he said (What every new trader…) it would be a painful process… One of the hardest and most painful things to do is confront your own thought process and change it.

I actually feel badly for some of the folks who express disapointment that this thread has gone more in the brain candy direction than the analytical chart direction. I was wondering if it makes sense to have two $1M challenge threads, one that is anlaysis / chart oriented, and another for the various discussions that take place. Personally, I’m interested in both, and I like the debates and lightheartedness, but for those who are interested in the analysis only, who get annoyed by the other stuff, maybe two threads in the Trading Journal section make sense.

…he is trading another account in private, not sure when he will make it public though.

Adding more thread is way more confusing to me and less entertaining. This is not a thread for learning (as you can see). It is just various discussions of so many topics. Where else can we find that? Only here in this thread…

I can see why he would kick this off exactly as he has.The dodgy trades will have been hedged off in his private trading anyway.If anyone copied and got burnt ,they can only blame themselves as if they had done any analysis they’d have seen the trades were all “tits up”.
There do seem to be a lot of bitter people harping on about this guy.I’ve not been here for long, but as far as I can tell, this fella seems to have the goal of bettering peoples skills as his only agenda.He may hope to get some kudos in the end, but why wouldn’t he.

Oh, everything makes sense now.