Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Doing some analysis of this current trade it is against basically everything he has taught. HTF market structure is bullish and he went short at the long OTE from yesterday’s lows. This could also be considered a Judas swing of yesterdays NY session low, taking out those stop and at the Big Fig. Also going short below the asian range low and CPP is not what he teaches, let alone not having a stop loss of any kind.

It looks to me that at least this most recent short is exactly the opposite of what he would really do. A long trade has reached 20 pips profit as well so you could have taken first profits and gone to BE.

Pretty much none of his trades have followed what he has been teaching over the years!

There’s more to this than meets the eye, and I’m not just saying that in a wishful thinking way.

All the London KZ classic ICT trades have been missed.

I doubt anyone would let people follow their trades live from $5,000-$1,000,000. It takes years to become a successful trader and not many even get that far. No way would I let people get a free ride after the years and money it has cost me to become successful!

We shall see in good time I suppose.

ICT just make all the trades history private and smash this thing! Or keep trading like you are and I will fade every trade :wink:

Good luck mate

Sounds good. I’ll stay on this thread and you go to your thread

I don’t post much here; as I don’t get into the banter stuff that much – I did express concern awhile ago – and I do reserve final judgement - but at this time - -

I feel duped.

I am quite frankly expecting you to turn this around ICT - and I hope you do.

Still no SL on EURUSD?

I would love to see that, just a ‘ICT trade analysis’ thread.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Michael is taking the opposite position to that which, imho, would seem logical, to even a novice.

Every time I see his latest trade I think WTF! I suppose it takes real skill to trade that poorly.

The next issue is why? NFI !!

True, it does seem like he is trading in the exact opposite direction one would expect - but if it was for the sake of joking around, then why does he do trade reviews on each trade in a sincere manner? I don’t know anymore, the whole thing seems like a massive waste of time and effort.

Ah well, let’s wait to hear what he has to say.

I was thinking the same thing. To actually be able to to work out how a total novice would trade when it’s second nature to do it properly. A bit like Les Dawson playing the piano!

It did occur to me (not making excuses, just exploring the world of the possible) that it’s his way of testing the faith all of the thread followers. Maybe he sees all of the people who consider themselves followers, and he wants to see how little it would take to create real doubt. I’m just thinking out loud here.

Frankly I am spending way too much of my free time focused on this, and not enough trying to make myself a better trader. But it’s like potato chips when you’re starving.

Ha - but I think your reference to the late great Les Dawson might be missed by many on this thread

I doubt anyone is mirroring his trading, if you wanted to copy trades you could go to Zulutrade or etoro and just copy their best traders. You would not copy someone without a proven track record.

As PerchTird said we are told one thing then get another. In the opening weeks I wasted a significant amount of time checking over the trades he entered. I was pretty mad when I found out that time was wasted because it was some sort of deception for what ever reason. I didn’t bother this time.

I spent roughly a minute on each of these new trades and it’s obvious he’s not doing what he set out in the second post. I’m convinced that this account will not make money now. It’s going to be traded into a greater loss then be deleted. Afterwards there will be some sort of big reveal on how it was an educational tool and many will cheer and praise ICT for his great work and genius in carrying out this fantastic lesson.

It’s a shame really that he’s either lying or playing with people. I’m disappointed because of the pointlessness of it all, I was looking forward to seeing just one person out of the hundreds of thousands on these forums post a live account that actually made some money following a plan. He’d be the first person to do so, would have been cool. Oh well.

yup that went over my head…
Someone nudge ICT and tell him he’s trading with his phone upside down…

Maybe he wants all the brain dead followers to do the opposite of him so they can be millionaires like him in 36 months lol

I hope anyone who does follow him,instead of copying his trades, have , on eur/usd,just traded the very basic method he talks about.If you have ,you’re about 40 pips up and counting at the moment.

Trade is running with more than 3% loss now… Why would he suddenly go full tilt like this?

Because when its Demo money its nothing but when your using real money and losing it quick you want to try and win it back quickly aswell

Yeah there is a bounce on S1 with an OTE following it. But remember the years worth of videos talking about market flow and never trading against the 4H flow. That buy would be against the 4H flow. Also LO is supposed to make the high or low of the day. So that would be a low in the NYO. That and price had just broken the 1H structure down too.

Now it’s reacting to the central pivot too so maybe put in a sell at the OTE that may form there now, because thats in the direction of the 4H market flow.

I’m just going off on the reasons that are against that trade because they are valid ICT concepts to not enter.

It’s easy to win 1 or 2 trades using his concepts. We’ve all done it, we’ve all captured a weekly move with a tiny 20 pip stop loss to gain 200 pips or more profit. It feels great. I don’t believe anyone has been able to consistently win though(no evidence), thats why this challenge had so much potential. It could be the proof that it’s possible to make these sorts of trades frequently and earn yourself some nice account growth over a long period of time.

well, i think i know what’s going on! he said he will make 30%. but he didn’t say loss or gain :wink:

It’s about the overall picture.I know what you mean re:the 4hr but with this present bull run and looking when the new low was made (exactly an hour before london Tues open) is saying to me a run at 1.38 + by the end of the week. Might be wrong but it’s a free trade from now on anyway.