Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

pull yourself together and stop getting emotional


Posted by ICT on 11/17/2012

As NYCā€™s talk-radio-host Bob Grant would say, [B]the guy is a fake, phony and a fraud.!!![/B]

Ad hominem

Attack the point not the person.

I think its to early for that. also when i click the go to post button it doesnt take me to the right post.

Maybe this shows how much youā€™ve actually learnt & developed as a trader over the last few months :slight_smile:

It is not demo money. It is real money he has put in there.

If it is a lesson he is trying to teach us, then it is a pretty screwed up way of teaching it, unless it is to make us use our own judgement only in spite of all outside inputs. He has closed out the day -12.4%. I think his max loss was 6% in a day??

I am happy now I think continuing with how I was trading before spending time here. Much less than many others, but I am bloody happy with my 2.77% effort today (2 trades now. AJ long just closed)

IMHO he is sooo goood that he will make this -10 to +30 this month easy. I always thought hes the best in the world and i think he is. You just watch how NO1 trader in the world shows the impossible!!!

Ye I know its not Demo ,im saying he is not use to using real money

sorry, I fixed the link, try it now.

I think he is showing us how not to trade. Remember that jade story he told. He is giving us a rock right now, and I can tell it is a rock. I think I am learning.

what is the Jade story?

Please show me so that I may learn as well.

thank u sir

Thank you for posting a quote by Bob Grant. I no longer feel old. Donā€™t you think itā€™s a little early for this. Iā€™m not being mean, but the contest is only a few weeks old.

Do you really think a pro trader claiming 15+ years of success would blow 12% of an account in less than 24 hours?

No, not too early.

If anyone of you still think this is some offbeat education, you really sound as if you are willing to justify anything he does wrong. Thatā€™s why people make reference to the fact that this is cult like.

This has become a joke that Iā€™m even laughing. He says heā€™s serious then flops. He says the jokes over and heā€™s continuously losing.

Had I invested time into learning from him, I would be livid. I get why you have to justify now.

No one wants to feel duped.

Sighā€¦ Well if Iā€™ve been duped then I am honestly sad. I really do benefit from what ICT has taught me, although I donā€™t have anything to show for it. I am just upset that things turned out this way. I still canā€™t shake the feeling that something isnā€™t right though, but at the same time, it just doesnā€™t make sense that he would joke about it.

I respect your opinion and what you have been contributed in this forum and so as everyone else. I am trying to weight in the discussions and most have a valid points.

However, why donā€™t we give a man (ICT) the time that he needs? Why we donā€™t review the performance in 3 months or 6 months? I am sure by less than a year (this year) we will find out for sure of what everyone is hoping to see or not.

Would you cashing in your Appleā€™s stocks, your 401K, mutual funds, and any other investments (I am just using this as an analogy) in just a few weeks of bad performance? It is still premature at this point in time unless he already blown out the account then his done.

I think everyone can say I told you so when the accounts blown or if he doesnā€™t get there in 3 years.

Investing in the market and speculating currency markets are two different things.

However, if Apple had a presentation and came out with the latest greatest device, letā€™s call it the iPen, a revolutionary pen that writes itself when you speak to it, and when the product is delivered its a regular number 2 pencil with a broken tip, and then they just say, we were kidding we will send out the real thing now, but now itā€™s a magic marker that is dried up, I would not only sell all the stock I owned, I would short sell the hell out of them.

Apple is a real easy stock. Buy when they announce sell when it actually comes out lol.