Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

If that’s the case then the new Apple product is still on a prototype stage because they are still changing the design or what not and it is not ready yet to sell to the market. Then you probably won’t sell anything because there is nothing to sell. It is in product stage and marketing stage.

All I’m saying is give it a time. By then you can say “I told you so” because it’s been done he didn’t make it (if that is the outcome).

Hey ppl, when you finished school and failed to join University who is to blame?
A. You
B. Your teacher.


If in the previous 19 months, Apple had taught me and a focus group of about 1,000 other people how to write in English while using this new device with over a hundred professional quality free videos, that enabled me to write and sell several stories, and I was being allowed to test this really cool new product at home for free, I might hold off on selling my stock and shorting until I really understood the full situation.

Time for what? To be told it’s another joke?

He’s not even trading in accordance to the rules he wrote. This isn’t variance from his rules. He’s not even following them.

So what are we waiting for specifically?

Whether ICT is the genuine article or not, today’s trading reminded me of just how treacherous this market is. There are no prisoners in forex, only casualties.

If ICT is messing around, I am really hurt by that, especially since he is being sincere about his trading in his videos. I am good at weightlifting - I don’t give someone else advice about it and then do the opposite in the gym, regardless of how “funny” it might be. They will get hurt at the end of the day.

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that BabyPips does more harm to me than good - it really isn’t worth it. If you’re going to figure out this market, I guess you have to do it yourself. Time to think for myself.

OK. So, did he blown out the account yet? Nope I don’t think so. He is still in the game.
Is it 3 years yet… the goal to deliver what he supposed to deliver? Not yet…

So, what is really the criteria to proved ICT right/wrong? Isn’t the bottom line here is to turn the 5K to 1 million in 3 years or so? or Is it how he took the trade in a daily basis? We needed to see the bottom line if he can deliver it in a specified time that he said he would.

But my own trading doesn’t affect either way.

Here endeth the lesson.

(that doesnt mean disregard the tools you’ve been given - only you can work out how to use them profitably, if at all…)

I find it amusing the amount of people who are worried about what others are doing, especially in an environment such as this…

Its all up to number 1, no one else…

With that, please continue the arguments, it makes for an entertaining read :slight_smile:

(I still think ICT will complete this challenge successfully)

Came to that conclusion about half year ago, and never did i regret it :slight_smile:

To use your analogy the question being debated at the moment is weather or not ICT’s course is a worthwhile STEM degree from an Ivy League or a degree in Nutrition from the University of Phoenix.

wooloo leave all forums, study hard and only yourself, dont listen to anyone, after some time dont thank me just send me that 1mil i deserve :wink:

The way he trade right now, it is getting close to your favor so I will give you credit on that :slight_smile:

Lets see if this comes out right - This is just my personal observations::

OK. So, did he blown out the account yet? Nope I don’t think so. He is still in the game.
For a ‘student’ as I would call myself -believing what is being taught - spending my time studying trying to understand what is being taught - expecting maybe - just maybe I can make it in the market - Knowing that it is a biatch at best and my chances are ‘slim’ - to study - really study - a college equivelant to calculus 4 and 5 in the same semester --the professor - - says look, I know this is hard but I can do it - and with time and patience and money management and a good trading plan - and all sorts of good stuff that we are taught - -He (ICT) is throwing that out the window - like everything he is teaching doesn’t apply to him - – and so where is the student left??? Professor taught some great things - believable things - - but he himself doesn’t use them - - - and now is faltering

Is it 3 years yet… the goal to deliver what he supposed to deliver? Not yet…
I’ll agree here - but like I mentioned to someone else – a pro trader doesn’t drop 12% like this - and did it in spite of his clear rules. So as a student - -what the heck am I suppose to ‘do’ or ‘believe’

So, what is really the criteria to proved ICT right/wrong? Isn’t the bottom line here is to turn the 5K to 1 million in 3 years or so? or Is it how he took the trade in a daily basis? We needed to see the bottom line if he can deliver it in a specified time that he said he would.
I think my comments above will support this conclusion – first question what is really the criteria to prove ICT right or wrong. Well the first criteria is to have a plan you’ve taught to your ‘students’ and follow that plan - so that a student can feel - enjoy knowing - hey this really does work as the professor has taught - - if he can reach a million - and do it differently that what is taught to me — what is the point - as far as timing – who cares – if it takes 10 years - but is consistent with what is taught - I am fan . … but that is clearly not happening

But my own trading doesn’t affect me either way.
I’m not quite sure here - my trading does affect me in every way - -I suspect a typo here or I missed the point

PIPNROLL - I mean no disrespect to you or ICT or anyone - I am interested in learning this biz . . I am the student - - -you see how the student (me) am thinking or feeling – Like I stated earlier – I feel duped - - I certainly hope this is just a hiccup for ICT - and I certainly hope it turns out well for him – -- however again - where does that leave me - - if the trades are NOT within confined rules - -what did I learn from it - -absolutely nothing –

Ok I think this came out like I wanted - i’ll post it

It’d been perfectly fine if he had followed his methods, stuck to his rules…

But let’s face it, even professional traders have difficult days sometimes. With all these pressure from social media, and his own expectations that he set for himself, he is bound to face unnecessary amounts of stress and distress when he enters a losing position.

He has probably gone on tilt today…

Probably best if he could clarify and acknowledge that he had made an honest mistake - like any other human being would - and start picking up his act.

To be honest, if he is placing trades at 5AM GMT in the morning, I think there must be something wrong with his methods because those are not the timings that offer the best risk-reward set-ups. While certain things can be debated, some things like when the market is best for trading are fixed. As a day trader he should probably better define his trading hours and not take random entries at random times of the day.

That is just my 2 cents… Something is fundamentally lacking in his trading method, which is hard to detect from backtest because our Reticular Activation System filters out the ‘bad’ trades and leaves us to only see the good ones.

I just learned an new way to say, “we see only what we want to see”…lol…:53:

The man wrote a detailed list of rules of how we was going to trade. He voluntarily wrote that list and said that’s what he was going to follow. That was his path to completing this.

He is at liberty to change them if he wants. They are his rules. But as they stand and as he violates them, it’s rationale to believe that he won’t complete the plan as he doesn’t even have the discipline to stick to his own rules.

And you would lose money in the process while everyone took their money and put it into companies that can meet or exceed advertised expectations.

OK folks, let’s compile a list of teaching materials that ICT uses, that are essential to trading success, that he has not yet shared with us. Let’s go to him with one consolidated list of things that we need to be successful, that he has not yet given us (for free.) I’m not talking about 12 days of Xmas stuff, which tends to refine / update what he’s already given us. I’m saying what do we really need that we don’t have on youtube, BP, Livestream.

My own request list happens to be blank; I can’t think of anything esle I need. What I need to do, is a better job studying the videos that I already have. I’m sure everyone else who is complaining has all of his other videos outlined in notebooks already. Whether ICT has ever made an untrue staement, whether he’s trying or not trying, joking or not, I see market structure, fib extensions and retracements, power of three, the value of kill times, inverse relationships with the bond markets, and about twenty some odd other things on charts when I look at them, that I did not see there before, and they clearly affect the market.

This contest has no effect upon the validity of what we’ve been taught, for free, that others charge $x,xxx for, that ICT put considerable effort into making. Regardless of whether he lied or not. There is no fault that I’ve seen folks accuse ICT of having that I or anyone else don’t also have.

12% loss in under 24hrs sounds like a bad day for a scalper or a bot.

I just had a thought. He might be trading with scared money. This really could be money that should be in his family. What did he have to sacrifice or liquidate to come up with the other $3000?

I hope he’s not financially hurting his family in an attempt to appease anonymous faces.

Lets say we have all lied before at some point in our lives, does that make lying a right thing to do?

I think some of his material are very useful, but they are at best starting points, and cannot be used to trade successfully without knowing how to apply the concepts to the market.

I have personally benefited from watching his video on accumulation and distribution, which inspired me to create my profitable strategy that I am using now. It is all about learning how the market works and then taking it and applying it to trading.

ICT may have a great understanding of the mechanics of the market, but being a successful trader needs much more than that and I think he is beginning to realise it now. It is not as easy as he claims it to be.