Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Ok, I’m ready to throw in on this like everyone else. (i have watched some videos, but I am not a full-on cult member.:16:)
I think he did the thread as a joke/training tool to: 1) see how all the flamers would come after him and let them show their backside, 2) let his blind followers realize they need to learn and don’t just take the signals, and 3) teach those learning how to recognize a bad trade and why.

I think he took parts and pieces from threads of so many others that have come here and said the same thing that got beat up and went down in flames, and then implemented it for his thread.

So, after MG and others have flamed him for over 1,000 posts, it wasn’t until post #1305 and several others already saying it, that MG recognized that ICT isn’t even following his own rules. Check mark on #1.

Some of the followers are saying they took some of the trades and lost money. Check mark #2.

Several of the students are saying, that wasn’t a proper trade, that doesn’t fit. I would have done this, or that, or nothing. Check mark #3.

From here I will guess that he will go 1 of 2 ways. Explain why he did what he did and drop the thread. Or turn it around and build it like he said he would from the start.

My vote is that the thread is PURE GENIUS.

Wow. ICT must really have a huge amount of credibility to you for you to trust him like that…

Wow… print in red ha? Nice… Well, I prefer pink or purple. It is much cutter that way…lol.

I understand that you call yourself as a student of ICT as some of us here. I myself as well but then there are somethings that it real doesn’t work for me so I created my own strategy that I am comfortable with. Now, I am on my own and I am doing good so far.

I think the problem is you only rely on one person to show you “how to trade” but not really give yourself a time to really do your own homework , analysis, and your own judgment. No one here is forcing you to be a “loyal student”. You said you really want to learn how this business works but then you didn’t took the time to create your own strategy/system that works for you and become an independent. So now you feel duped. If you can create your own trading plan and just cheery pick the ICT tools that you are comfortable with then you should have been fine and you don’t feel the way you feel right now.

Relying into one person to teach you how to trade is a big mistakes (I think). To become successful in this field, you have to be an independent thinker, do your own research, and create your own system that works for you. This way, whatever ICT does or what not , it shouldn’t affect your trading at all. Do not rely on anybody else except yourself.

I hope I didn’t offend you. I am just answering your question and this is what I think.

Best of luck!

This thread is stinkin hilarious. As someone who has been following ICT for a while, this is not surprising in the least and frankly maybe even expected. I would call this a Judas Swing. And from the looks of it, there are a lot of suckers. For those who have been around a while. Reflect on what ICT has taught. For the others, put in the time to learn the system. That is the message here. The teachings are gold, unfortunately for most the foundation is patience. One shot, One kill.

I don’t get what ICT is doing at all. I have respect for the guy as he has put immense amount of time into creating educational videos and resources for the community. He has done tons of webinars explaining how he trades and answering peoples questions when they ask. I know I wouldn’t be doing that for free if I had the skills. He’s put in so much time in this so I don’t see him as a fluke or trader just now on a demo account.

As he says in his videos, his methods work. I’m sure plenty of people out there use them and they are working at least to a point as he has so many followers. Maybe they are all just new demo traders and they never actually end up making it but who knows. I know I can see the entries showing up on past charts and they work, the problem for me personally is picking the right ones. I feel that it will come with more time that I will improve on that.

That being said, I’m completely losing respect for him in this contest.
From his twitter: “Don’t follow my trades… You should be fearful to follow them by now. No more emails and comments. I’m not providing signals. Tough love ;)”

Really? Wasn’t the whole idea to have it open and public so we could all see your progress? I don’t see how being egotistical and saying that all these trades are “your” trades and yours only gets you anywhere. You make yourself look like a poor trader and a jerk at that. Someone else is going to take your trades and “ruin” them for you? no. It makes no difference if someone else follows them, all it does is hurt your account and image.

The first week acting as a “new trader”? Come on… If that’s true it should have been stated at the beginning prior to the contest, it makes no difference to your account whether it’s a secret or not. It seems each time you take a loss you come up with an other reason why that’s the case.

Last, you aren’t even following your own trading plan in regards to risk management. You clearly took over a 3% loss and DID NOT reduce your risk for the next trades as the next ones were both negative and one of those was a 3% loss. Quoted from trading plan: “If I experience a loss at 3% in one or a collection of losers, I must reduce my Risk to 1.5% max.”

Deviating from the plan is not a good indication of a professional trader.

Unless you’re trying to lose your following on here, since you’re trying to not be so big on here anymore, you’ve got to stop playing these games. Stop with the reasons why you lost, stop trying to throw people taking your trades off, stop disregarding your trading plan, and trade like the professional you say you are. We don’t care whether you win or lose trades, but clearly violating your own rules and playing psychological games with us is ridiculous and disrespectful to the people who have respect for you.

Trust…that’s an interesting word to use.

After, quietly being on BP for 3+years. and seeing MANY people come on here acting like they wanted to teach you for free, only to then start charging, or promoting their website, or sell their signals. Then to watch those on here that really are here to help folks. Spend time making videos, pics, charts, graphs, etc. Answering questions, even when they are stupid questions that have been asked 50 times already in the thread. To watch folks with big egos, tear into other people just because they trade differently then them. And then there is ICT…been here for years. Teaching people and people using his techniques and building their accounts. Endless videos…and not just 1 min videos…35min videos seem to be his norm. Every video giving props back to BP, never asking for money or promoting his site, newsletter, etc, etc. And again, I’m not a follower. Don’t have time to watch all the videos. Do my own thing…

…so back to your word Trust. So do I trust him over a bunch of newbies that have only been here for a few months…yes. Do I trust him to the point of blindly trading my money on his tweets…No. Do I think he is intelligent enough to pull off the most genius thread of the year. Probably.

It looks like he is trading roughly at $5 pips.

For a $5,000 account, it is my opinion that his minimum trade size should be 20 micro.

Short term trades: 20 to 30 micro
Medium/long term trades: 30 to 40 micro
Opportunistic: 40 to 60 micro (long term, micromanage the short term)

Do not underestimate the power of your pawns (small position sizing, short moves).

I’d give ICT at least a full quarter before making any comment as to his competency.

Again, the above is opinion and not criticism.

yeah -sorry red print - - i just picked one - and stuck with it - -no offense taken.

"Don’t follow my trades… You should be fearful to follow them by now. No more emails and comments. I’m not providing signals. Tough love "

This is getting cringe worthy now.

My predictions, we’ve already heard the last from ICT on the babypips forum

He’ll just disappear never showing up again to explain why he traded the way he did.

In a few days the ICT youtube vids will be removed/deleted.

And in a week or two the money in his myfxbook account will be withdrawn and closed.

Sorry for the off topic…

Is there any commercial link between ICT and Chris Lori?

Not that I know of.

ICT has said he was going to be a guest speaker at Chris’ upcoming Fort Lauderdale workshop. In April but when I emailed Chris about it the workshop is in May. And ICT says if you have to pay for forex material buy Chris’.

He doesn’t promote it but when asked that’s where he steers. He promotes babypips.

You sound like a fool.

End of day, the guy had a bad start, then tried to call it a lesson in how not to trade, he then couldn’t restrain his ego and said there wouldn’t be a losing month. Then has a terrible start to feb. He may not have a losing month, that’s yet to be seen, but he owes his devout followers better than this.

I’m going to highlight this-I’M NOT AN ICT FOLLOWER- I don’t care if he loses the account, I’m not here to learn from him. I’m not here to copy his trades, I’m way ahead of him percentage wise, but I am disappointed that someone who seems to inspire so many has basically lied to them. Everyone has a bad day and everyone makes mistakes. The first time he fluffed his start, he posted with an attitude saying he’d played everyone and taught them a valuable lesson in how not to trade, and them stated that he wasn’t playing games anymore…shock and awe…it’s time to get serious.

I’ve lost nothing by reading this thread. To anyone who took his trades as signals you’re in the 95%, unless you go away and re think what you’re doing you’ll lose your shirt.

To those still trying to defend him, I understand, you’ve invested a lot of belief in him. There’s nothing to say that you were wrong to do so. If what he outlined for you works then that’s great. But don’t try and insult the intelligence of other people on here by saying he’s still teaching everyone a lesson. Grow up and get on with being better. If I were one of you fanboys I’d be disappointed that ict hasn’t shown up to reply to the posts instead of letting the cult take the floor.

Patient pip I think you’re the sucker


I went & read the whole of that visitor message…

…& saw his off hand comments to that fool eremarket, aimed at the more established threads, which I can only assume related to the likes of 3 Ducks, Petefaders stuff, the Technical Templates material etc.

He was probably irked that those threads attracted the more mature, emotionally grounded contributors (excluding that clown cabbagepatchkid) that his were/are quite clearly lacking.

Can you imagine for one minute Andy Perry or Tess, Jocelyn et al stomping around the forum like a petulant teenager trying to garner respect from a bunch of impressionable anonymous novices with conceited, arrogant displays?

No. They’re far smarter than that & have way too much class.
And that’s the difference between real professionals & this guy.

In the short time those Tech Template guys hung out here they took not 1 but 3 active thread participants from a virtual standing start to trading institutional sized accounts inside 3 years. There are 2 more (from another forum) who joined Carll, Kevan Reynolds & catcher late last year.
1 with a small amount of prior market experience & the other completely green - again, confidently trading large size under properly supervised conditions inside a similar time horizon.

catcher & Kevan are still working with them, earning in the high 6 figures whilst Carll joined a Saudi Arabian backed outfit only 10 days ago (recommended by Tess & jjay) on the back of banking north of £1.3mio into his acct during the last 11 months - all of which have been evidenced & witnessed almost daily by 4 other established regulars of this forum.

Now that’s what you call successfully transferring & implementing genuine quality trading material into practical application.

They quickly recognized & identified the [U]real[/U] deal, grabbed the opportunity with both hands & were handsomely rewarded for their initiative & guile with an invitation to progress their learning curve in strictly controlled professional surroundings.

Compare those three (or five if you count the 2 from another forum) with you lot over similar time horizons, & the chasm is huge.

While you’ve been tentatively dipping your toes in & out of mini/micro live trading accounts because you’re lacking confidence to trade his confusing info to the max, they’ve been reaping the very substantial rewards of remaining discreetly under the radar advancing their knowledge & financial pots, confidently applying a solid, logical yet succinct approach, under the watchful eyes & encouragement of successful professional traders.

No histrionics or postulating egos with those guys.
Just solid, mature interaction in an adult environment trading a simple, effective structure presented & tutored in an efficient manner.

Chalk & cheese!

I am sooo confused. It just doesn’t make sense

It is pretty much impossible, for him to trade this way; overtrading, lack of patience, scalping, lack of protective stops, trying to take small pieces of the market instead of waiting for the big safe moves. It’s SO against his teachings that for him to seriously trade like this? I don’t get it. He can’t be this bad at trading, it’s unlikely for a beginning trader to do this badly, let alone a veteran doing his best.

It’s so against his trading plan, what he teaches, that this is defiantly not a solid trading methodology going through a bad batch of variance.

So this isn’t good trading being unlucky, and i’m struggling to believe it’s just him being serious.
That leaves the option that he’s doing this on purpose. This is SO hard to believe.

The only thing this notion has going for it is just how badly he’s been trading. He really has made most of the beginning trading mistakes he warns people about. Setting very high goals (30%) Aiming for scalps, justifying bad trades, over trading, trading without a stoploss. Maybe he is trying to show people how badly things can go if you make these mistakes. It kind of seems like a thing he’d do, idk.

Just the chances of him publishing BS, having no real trading experience, being an absolutely god awful trader, building up this image, all to just throw it away is just so unlikely.

I’m going to have to say he’s thrown this week on purpose, he wants to show beginner trader mistakes, it’s possible he decided to do this after a bad start to justify it. But after what he did today with the fiber, mindblowing.

People should know I am a bit of an ICT fanboy, his material has just made a lot of sense to me, it seems well reasoned and logical for the most part. I’ve also put a fair bit of work in to studying his material and the thought of that all being wasted time is depressing and going to cause a biased view.

Also, if a mod wants to IP check ICT and akeakamai, just lately there have been similarities in their text that are hard to ignore, it could just be akea copying his idol but I’ve seen something like this before on a forum, not much can surprise me on forum’s anymore.

my 2 cents

I am watching you make fools of yourselves… biting hook line and sinker.

I love the plot twists… from betrayal… to cult led astray by Judas Shepard. The goats have made themselves known and the sheep are not my flock… but have learned to be “free-thinkers”.

There is so many posts on here today I simply adore and I can’t bring myself to settle on one to start off with. What I find the most entertaining is… ICT is a fake. That one is a gem… and a keeper. I was expecting a few others to joy the parade… but they are reserving their posts for the account bust.

Those that praised ICT and saw today’s action and switched camps… this is why I never buy into the praise and gladhanding. It’s not needed and I’ve not gone and thrown the “challenge”. I have had a large number of followers email me asking specifics on trades I entered and I am not trying to spoon feed. If I must put the account through a Rebel Yell initially… so be it.

I bet those trying will second guess it now… I’m shocked that some of you would take the trades despite the obvious diviation in the setups… and time of day! Your faith in ICT while appreciated… is misplaced. I can’t make your money for you. You have to be a free thinker… and mindlessly following my trades and after they have already been opened several minutes… is reckless. I warned you not to do it. I know you feel dubed but you will be glad in the end. You want to trade on your on steam not on the heels of my trades.

Now I said I would leave it all open access and nothing blocked. Please don’t make me regret my open honesty. Be responsible.

Back to the crackers… you are doing precisely what I want you to do. Secondly, MG99… no this is not scared money and no I don’t need to have it in my pocket… I have no debt. Now here is where you are… you are sitting there quite confident this entire endeavor is a joke… that ICT is a hoax… my concepts are useless and based on demo account trading… this account will bust. I was able to draw that out in one day… one 24 hour period. None of you so called smartypants haven’t a clue as to what you just unknowingly walked into.

No I am not frustrated or worried. No I am not scrambling to get to BE. No you are not able to “read me” nor do you have me figured out. I said there would be 30% gain on this account by months end… did I not? I just made it more interesting. You really are too easy a group to bend and influence. I’ve proven you have more on the line trying to prove you are right in your misconceptions of ICT than I do building this account. I’ve spent zero time implimenting the plan I laid out and your have spent multiple pages and posts upon posts trying to prove you are “right”. All the while you are standing on misguided conclusions.

Every lil’ Joe coming to post like they have any idea… to explain away what they are seeing. This is my show… my script and you are all being directed by ICT. It’s fun to see the strong willed trolling crusaders raise their pitch-forks and torches and shout “we have him… we’ve finally slain the beast”. Yet… I still stand here mocking your efforts and will do what I said I will do.

You see… for Crow to taste as it is intended… it needs to be seasoned. I’ve done that… I’ve seasoned you folks to the point even the ICT posse has seen some jump ship. I’m not surprised and not upset… you are free to think and feel as you feel is warranted. I’ve made some goals and I will see them through. Doing this has taught you more than most of you realize. Those that understand… seen right through it. Those that didn’t may in time… if not… so be it. I am a Trader and my time is fading as a Mentor and the last lessons are the toughest… and like I promised… the most expensive!

Carry On Peeps :57:

Have you considered that ICT maybe drank too much of his own Kool-Aid? He was all hype and he had to hype himself up as well. He merely bought into the idea that he was this great trader.

There’s no comparison really, but imagine how people thought when it was determined Bernie Madoff was a con.

Liars come in all shapes and sizes and all have different motives for it.

I think ICT was attempting to build a brand that would attract the attention of others. I believe his devotion to Babypips was that they would let him in their fold as an FX-Man as they have done before with another Internet guru… Nick something or other. They trade straight lines and that’s it, guy.

IMO the show is close to getting pulled, although i will certainly stick around as this makes great reading material on my commute.

At this point, some things just don’t matter. If he has a secret account, if his real account is doing great, if this is in the master plan, if this is too early to call, etc. I don’t care. What I see is a “professional” trader breaking rules. Not bending, clearly breaking. Any trade you make in any direction can be justified. Breaking your money management rules cannot. The truth as it is stands is that he said no more then x% loss a day and he went over.

I would expect him, if he posted here, to say something along the lines of “I’m getting a kick watching this thread, the goal will be met and the nonbelievers will have nothing to say then”. But without good reasoning for taking those trades (which I doubt exist) he’s sunk. If he wanted to complete the challenge handicapped, he should have simply done it from the start.

This was about long term growth and sustainability, not sinking an account and then making absurd gains. If i wanted to see that i’d go full risk longing yens. I think most of us can agree that we’d rather see profitability than pure transparency. We simply want to see accountability and book keeping from a good source. The jokes are up. What’s the lesson here? Like I wasn’t aware that even good traders had losing streaks? Like I didn’t know not to chase price? Not setting sl is bad? pay attention to market structure? Like I haven’t done this already myself?

This isn’t the dummy test drive account. This is the real deal and the reputation on the line

WOW…talk about dramatic!..Scary :15:

Been watching this thread like a hawk today. Not one person has said anything along the lines of feeling duped because they copied a trade and lost money real or fake. Not one.