Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

No Sir… none. I make nothing off of him or his work. I merely stated imo his materials where worth reviewing. As I do with Larry William’s work.

… and like the majority of those emailing me regularly… you will never seen them post that. They are scared to step out here… and who could blame them?

All talk Bro. All talk. We’ve heard all this before. It’s time to walk the walk.

A couple of weeks ago there was a Livestream where ICT mentioned some thoughts on the direction of the Euro. After the Livestream, I analyzed what he said to see if it made sense to me, and then I worked out an entry point, TP, and SL. I made 70+ pips, and another 50 the following day. Anyone copying any trades blindly without doing their own analysis deserves their loss real or fake.

I am 5’ 10"

I’ve been told a time or two I have a sense of humor. I’m no comic by any stretch.

MG99… you shouldn’t be calling anything on the basis of “all talk”. Excel and fairy tale equity novellas hardly make the cut here. I’m still here… I won’t “fade away”. You have my word on that… read that one d-pip? :wink:

Come on mg why dont you put myfxbook up and proof your self before dis proof others?

I’ve taken a few of the trades. And risked less than 1% with a SL on them. I’m not dumb. On a $200 account. I make good money with little debt. This account is completely separate from my own studies. But the risk:reward is too good to pass up :-D. If I lose $200 o well. It’s not like I’m blindly following in the dark. I don’t take the trades out of killzones and I’ve even made money on trades he’s lost on because I didn’t wanna let them run while I was asleep. Why does everyone always talk in black and white? There are gray areas. I think if I wanna gamble a little on the side I should be allowed. What else will you dictate I do? So lets not lump everyone in the same basket here guys. And thanks for the warning CFTC, I mean ICT but if I wanna do something I’m gonna do it not anyone else’s job to tell me how to live. Thanks for the concern tho.

MG99 promised he would when I make a million with this same Oanda account in question lol.

I will be calling him on it… and Excel won’t count Gunnie :wink:


Yeah, that was me! :smiley:

Thanks for the head start ICT :slight_smile: I have almost covered my $30 wire transfer fee. I would have if I would have stuck to my plan and only traded the 1 pair last night, but I saw the Fiber had massive SMT divergence and thought it was going up so I traded it like my open trade was a loser… deducted the risk dollar on the open trade and divided the risk % in half.

2013 System | Myfxbook

Let’s be straight and understand each other…

There is a real RISK to me if you or others are under the assumption I advise or instruct others to take these trades, as I do NOT. The real RISK is mine… not yours. What you do is exactly that, in and of your sole discretion… not by any influence in and of ICT or Michael Huddleston. The concern is selfdirected. No disrespect intended.

To be fair, even if they did they wouldn’t mention it

Bro. What excel sheet? The only one thing I ever posted was a screen shot of my Oanda account and the 4000+ pips I had on open profit.

I don’t need a public live link. People either accept I trade profitable or they don’t. It doesn’t change the reality of my results for a moment.

I don’t require ego. I don’t need hype. I don’t need to deceive. People get the real deal the first time and it doesn’t need to be second guessed. Ever.

But carry on with the show. Sometimes it feels good being the guy that can say, I told you so.

Because this thread is about ICT proving himself not MG99. Lets deal with the person who said was going to give us shock and awe first. Everyone will tip their hats in admiration should this trading challenge lead to profits.

More to the point:

The bottom line is really quite clear and simple. Either you make money or you do not. You can talk and talk the night away but the only thing that matters in this challenge are the results.

So far though the results have not been fitting anyones expectations that were derived from your trade plan on post 2 of this thread, or previously in the introduction video, or before that in a forum post. Thats where the disappointment frustration and lack of faith is coming from.

Last week the plan was to follow the trade plan on post 2, this week it’s to make +30% in a month. Whats the plan going to be in 7 days time? My guess is something different because it’s changed every week so far.

Again though the only truth in this whole affair are the trading results. Numbers don’t lie, so lets see them do the talking for you.

I’ve been silently following Michael, daily for 2 and a half years. I am disgusted by this line of argument and turn of events from him. I have not followed his trades but am very disappointed by the whole debacle/vanity fest he has exposed himself to. Whatever spurious justification is forthcoming, you have let us down and yourself. FXbook was a mistake, the wizard is out from behind the curtain.

Woolo, mg has yelled he woud beat ict and claimed xx% profit this month, and claimend tahat ict is conman, yet no proof. what shoud we think?

Think what you want. In fact, assume I’m full of crap. Fair enough?

Just kidding kidder;) there’s usually an underlying reason for such an ego. Used to know a little bloke called Hamish and your ict persona reminds me of him.