Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

[QUOTE Fair enough?[/QUOTE]
not really, put your money where your m…

Your risk from the CFTC if you give signals and advice directly?

I’m not one to shirk responsibility and blame other for my mistakes. I go out of my way to assume responsibility for things I’m attached to in even the smallest of ways to keep myself accountable. That’s how I live. I’m not gonna run and cry and blame ICT if I blow an account taking your trades. I’m not a typical deadbeat American that feels entitled to everything under the sun.

I do understand the trouble you can get in. I didn’t wanna say anything because of that sole reason. But you and woolo needed some clarification.

I just wanted to clarify you can’t pin everyone under one roof.

Whatever you have learn from him for the past 2 ½ years should not affect your trading at all if you apply them correctly or if you modify it and create it as your own. Why are you feeling disappointed if you are making money? (I assume you were).

Like I’ve said in my previous post… ICT is still in his game and his account is not blown up yet. Don’t make any judgment yet when the battle is just getting started. Besides, this is his own show not ours. We are just here to watch it unfold whatever the outcome is.

thanks, the Jade story is nice

But I thought Jade was someone who made lots of money trading because of ICT. That would have alos been a very veyr nice story

The first time i heard about someone named “ICT” was about 10 months ago, so i decided to check out what this was all about. I found plenty of information and awsome video material. This turned out as a big eye opener for me. I have spend a lot of hours watching these videos over again and making my own notebook. In the end all the parts that ICT taught me, fell together as a pretty solid trading plan and motivated me more then ever. Turned out to be the biggest positive turn in my fx career so far. (Offcourse i did not follow those doubtfull trade entrees).

I also love his attitude on the internet and the crowds disbelieve. Dont give up guys, the world is already filled with people who never achieved their true ability

Thanks ‘ICT’ for teaching me how to dance in the ****ing rain, already a legend to me.

Well don’t get me wrong i’ve learnt plenty from Michael but I’ve increasingly become aware of his issues and it simply does him no credit to draw attention to them with live trading. I know what he 's doing and i’ll tell you now he’s not playing although he is more than capable of retreving the situation and laughing it off or some other reasoning if it does not work out.

I think his opening gambit on this forum should have been FXbook, not the last straw, or not?

I hate to pick on your posts Woolo, but this thread has evolved, and MG is very much a part of it and has thrown down the gauntlet as well. And as someone who recognizes ICT’s abilities because of what I’ve seen him do, I also think MG is developing quite a good thread as well, that I enjoy participating in. I’ll learn things from anyone that can help me develop myself into being a better trader, because I love to trade. MG is a better trader (from what I can tell) then I am, and I’m happy to consider any information he’s willing to share.

The gratitude I feel with ICT is because he’s a fellow over on internet who’s made a ridiculous effort over the years to share knowledge with people and make videos. At this point, the fault for my not being as good as I want to be is mine alone. Taking responsibility is an empowering thing. Have you watched and taken note of all his videos, because though I have with many of them, I have not gotten through them all.

By the way, even ICT learns things. Watch one of his old videos from 2011, and then watch one from late 2012, and notice that his overall presentation skill improved, and became more confident and polished.

What issues? Tell one, tell all.

Could someone please private message me this secret lol…

It’s nice to see you venture outside the chat room kido.

I’m hardly a Troll and this is not a harmful thing to those seriously studying “themselves” not ICT. You failed to retain the lesson in it… and it goes with not being immersed in the plasma pool that is… ICT. One day you will amount to something and on that day… remember me as I am now… thumbing my nose at your mean ole remarks.

Die a Hero or live long enough to become the villian they say… oh well. I can do that good too. :57:


wooloo you remind me of my gf, yesterday we went to Kent and she asked me where we going i said Kent and she asked: Oh so this is where they Make Kentcuky chicken? I think you could learn alot from each other :wink:

Umm how to put this gently, there is no ICT myth beyond what you imagine, please get back on track.

yeah I’m a little bit mental as well

Maybe you should start a thread about you then?

wait…so you don’t have any psychological/mental issues?

Fair enough. I understand where this comes from and what the risk can be for you. I have seen some of your material and noticed the CTFC disclaimers. It should be clear to people that have seen more of your material that you do not (publicly) advice or tell others what to trade in the near future, but how to trade based on specific technical tools/methods. I understand from what you have told that the material, the challenge and the public showing of trades have an educational purpose only. And you made that clear again with this post. That should have been sufficient for people, and it is clear to me, to understand not to follow your trades, as they are not intended for that purpose.

I dont think you need to worry about me. I made a huge gain on the exact trade you took a huge dump. You should really treat your students better, since no matter what you will always get people copy trading you (not me) when you post up a live public account.

Assume this is why the live trade videos were pulled from this thread:

Always wanted to ask what happened to those but I’m lazy

I don’t think that anyone here can say that all of his methods aren’t valid and wouldn’t in some way compliment your own trading method.I don’t imagine he’s in any way trying to get you to follow his every rule or movement.He doesnt really have to prove himself , however I can see why he would do this.Does it matter to you if he does this or blows his account?It doesnt to me. What I will say is,that in the short space of time I’ve been studying his methods,by applying certain elements, my own accounts have profited more than they were doing before. Cheers and good luck!

how much did you gain?