Inner Circle Trader's 5k To 1mil - Live Trading Tracking Thread

Folks I said this was going to take a while to do. Why are you expecting a rush by me? Im not a noob racing to be in for the sake of being in. :57:

Thereā€™s always a lot of hype the end results are awesome. But ICT trades boring. People donā€™t like boring. Thatā€™s why he could publish this stuff in the USA today and it wouldnā€™t have any effect on the ā€œsystemā€ :-D. He hypes up every video. And when I see them i think thatā€™s it?! Doesnā€™t mean boring doesnā€™t work. Does show emotional the average person is :-D. Not knocking any videos or anything like that I think thereā€™s mountains of useful material just saying how we should be used to this. 5k to 1mil is an exciting idea. How heā€™s gets there will be a lot less dramatic lol.

Couldnā€™t agree more.

improbable for most, probable for a few. Wasnā€™t it Larry Williams who traded $10K to $1 million in 1 year? Iā€™m sure if there was an internet forum at that time, the skeptics would have been crawling out of the woodwork. Thereā€™s no doubt in my mind Michael will turn this account into $1 mill in 36 months.


I had a feeling heā€™d take that tradeā€¦

If ICT is holding back the remaining $3k from his account, and trading the $2k balance as a $5k account, then donā€™t expect to see ā€˜great money managementā€™ at face value. This is not to say that itā€™s not being used, but it wont be shown on Fxbook stats due to the remaining $3k not being deposited.

For example a 3% loss/win on a $2K account which is actually representative of a $5K account will read as a 7.5% loss/gain on fxbook - when in reality itā€™s a 3% gain/loss.

Good to know mate, I was sitting here wondering whether or not you agreed, and Iā€™m sure I wasnā€™t the only one.

ICT took first loss.

Drama is yet to begin on the first lossā€¦

He must be about to blow up the account with a .8% loss on the first trade.

Just wanted to say good luck! Youā€™ll do well ICT. :slight_smile:


Me too,but is part of the gameā€¦

Why 0.8%? I think more or less 1.5%. Just to make sure I intended well his trade

Good morning folks!

The Fiber trade I took last night was stopped at the 1.3315 level. As some have hinted atā€¦ did I take the trade to throw copiers off my backā€¦ the answer is no. I wonā€™t do anything my tools do not suggest as probable.

The trade while a net loss as a Trader isnā€™t what I aimed for, the Mentor in me has opportunity to utilize Risk Management. So itā€™s a good thing for those watching to be reminded I do lose on trades. It will also showcase the need to focus on the process of following your method and submit to losses and trade through them.

The reasons for taking the trade was due the USDX having an untested resistance level in 80.10 of which I thought would be tested into NYO today. Thus providing weight to the Fiber and likely lower pricesā€¦ into a NYO Reversal. This didnā€™t materialize and the stop was triggered and Trade resulted in a small loss.

Will ICT bounce back for thisā€¦ certainly. As the risk was less than 1% of the equity I set aside for the account. Recall the firstā€¦ yes very first videoā€¦ you donā€™t need a lot to do well. This is just a starting point of a journeyā€¦ and a loss among many that will arise. The wins and risk reduction will overcome the drawdown and you will see examples to refer to here.

Next trade pleaseā€¦ :57:

ICT, please take us through todayā€™s EURUSD short at 1.3367. Iā€™m currently short at 1.3368 due to emerging [B]butterfly on M15[/B].

Iā€™m looking forward to the losses too. Itā€™s all cool to watch and follow.

In this trade were there other tools you used to execute the trade or was it completely based on the time of day and the USDX level?

fiber has chance of rebound around 1.3325 area coz market structure already broken to up side

My TP is 1.3323 :slight_smile:

Why donā€™t you take 50% off at that level, move stop to break even and let the profit run. It might go all the way to 1.3150

Hmmm, so Iā€™m guessing that there is no risk reduction after a loss?