Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

those 'lil butterflies, jumping from flower to flower… :26::26::26:
pick a side a stick to it is what I believe in. :57:

Dude i am learning everything i can. As mentioned what deserves to be pointed out should be mentioned. So if i like a system or trading style i will pointed it out, does not mean i should only follow one trader as some things may work for me other will not,as every one has unique physiological profile and interprets thing there own unique way. I am still in a process of discovery and will read, experiment and try to consume as much info as possible and WILL give credit where it is due. Its thanks to ICT that i am on this path. I singed up for Chris Loris London workshop does not mean that i don’t appreciate what Michael does or disregard his methods. Well i hope you get my point. Let leave loyalty out of this process as i have tonnes of respect for Michael… Possibly same way he has For Larry Williams, Linda b raschke, Chris Lori and the list goes on. All of there teaching have influenced ICT, trading style and he took away what fit his style best…

Thank you

good luck with that one! :wink:

Wow, it feels way too long since ive posted on here!

Apologies to all ive been a bit MIA recently… Final year of uni has kept me a lot busier than i expected, and honestly it became quite a chore trying to keep up with my own thread as well as trade and try to graduate with a half decent degree :stuck_out_tongue:
That said, makes me appreciate what ICT does just that little bit more as i can see how much effort goes into maintaining even a half ass thread such as mine, let alone ones as successful as his…

Im still currently trading and learning more everyday… Since ive been missing suffered the usual pitfalls of frustration and the odd weeks of absolute astonishment at how well i could read the markets…
For those that followed my thread know i was looking into trading mainly higher time frames, but in the last two weeks i have moved back into trading the intra day action which i wanted to stay away from really…

My time looking at the higher time frames really helped me develop a lot of patience, and a fresh understanding on what i was doing. The markets work amazingly in the sense that the same concepts can be used on different time frames.
Everything i have learnt and the way i attempted to trade the higher time frames i have been applying to the intraday action in the last two weeks.
For anybody new to this, i can only advise looking closely into market structure, identifying key long/medium and short term highs and lows and trade in line with this with a confluence of support and resistence, while bearing in mind everything taught in the ‘inside the range’ video module… Sounds a mouthful, but honestly its golden once you start understanding it and seeing it unfold…

I am still running my small live account in which ive had very little progress. A lot of which was purely because the majority of the time has been spent on the higher time frames which limited my setups to usually maybe once a week - if that!

Im hoping now that im back intraday ill be able to really kick things into gear and see what i can do…
Y’all can still follow me here:
SanJ System | Myfxbook

In terms of actual % return, my account is more or less at BE since opening in September, but i can assure you what i have learnt in that time is far more important - not only about the markets, but myself.

Im still young, and really have no rush to try and make my millions. November just passed was my ‘one year anniversary’ in learning forex and i already felt like i have come so far. For this year (til September 2013), i have no aims, aspirations or objectives in terms of % for my account, all i hope to achieve is trading profitably, consistently. Whether i finish the year -10%, break even, or +10% really makes no difference to me as i feel i would have learnt more with this money than i would have if i had left it sitting in a bank collecting interest.

I look to judge my progress annually and take it from there really…

Im going to make more of an effort to get back into rejoining the forums…

Just wanted to thank ICT and everybody on here for any help you’ve provided me over the last year, wouldnt be here without you guys!

Ill be in touch

Suit up folks, see you on the battlefield this week

I did wonder where you’d got to…

Nice to see you around again, good luck with Uni & the trading mate.

Good to see you back Sanj - you were gone too long :slight_smile:


[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Also nice to hear from Traderpilot again - I remember your posts from the old thread - keep posting you guys - we learn from each other.

I finally got around to setting up myfxbook account. I wanted to start participating more in the threads going into 2012, but was unable to find the time. So instead of posting my weekly results anyone can just check out how I am doing through myfxbook account.

fred9455 myfxbook

Anybody want to pitch in to get Lori’s Global Fundamentals like we did with Inside the banks? Email me at <[email protected]>

Hi guys, I have been playing alot with Market Structure, and have tried finding more about this in ICTs videos, and I know there is more coming (CANT WAIT!! :D) but Im really unsure about when market structure is deemed broken and we start looking for Sells(after a buy ‘run’)… Do anyone know of any previus videos that goes into this?

Thanks, and forever, ICT, your doing an amazing job, slowly changing my life :slight_smile:

I think Peterma has posted on this topic outlining specific videos and exact time where ict goes in to it. In any case i think his comprehensive video catalogue should be of help. :slight_smile:

Hi, thanks, I have already looked through his list, but mine could ne outdated, I’ll check it out again:-)

short fiber at 30419, h4 frame trade. there is a 79 pullback on the large swing 3140 to 2660, and a 128 extension on 2880 to 3010. stop at 55, no other trade management cause 'm off to catch some sleep!

This is what T-Rex looks like when he jumps in cannon ball style. I got very lucky and caught a piece of this before the blast off last year.

Just wanted to share to show how much a bank can move their country’s currency in minutes whenever they want to.

The range for the day was over 1000 pips. If 1 bank can do that to a currency, imagine what 10 banks can do controlling most of the daily order flow.

This is 1 example of many that confirms ICT is 100% correct concerning manipulation.

Here is the headline, you can google it…

The Swiss National Bank in effect devalued the franc, pledging to buy “unlimited quantities” of foreign currencies to force down its value. The SNB warned that it would no longer allow one Swiss franc to be worth more than €0.83 – equivalent to SFr1.20 to the euro – having watched the two currencies move closer to parity as Switzerland became a “safe haven” from the ravages of the eurozone crisis

Another way to think about manipulation
Think about this, if you bought a lot of goods from Japan and had to convert your currency to yen to pay contract in 6 months, would you hedge now or risk a possible loss when payment is due. That order you put into the banks to hedge is held off for fair value meaning limits and stops that are targeted are used to place the order flow. Buyers need sellers and sellers need buyers. Remember the banks have a trading plan standard operating procedure, it is the only way they can trade.

This is one of the main reasons why I like studying the methodology from ICT, if we can learn to see half of the puzzle the goat will become more obvious… Looking forward to the next series.

Shorting the Fiber, given current PA is similar to playing Russian Roulette (game to play only as a spectator) with three rounds in the chamber

Why do you say that?

… so suspect that even bet it will either break up out of the AR for a bull run or JS down for a safer Long entry.

Playing Russian Roulette as a spectator? :18:

Market Flow and Stucture is Bullish

Clear evidence of accumulation in AS