Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

I was really onto the Millionaires guild, but the problems we had in between was really a nightmare.

I don’t understand these CFTC regulation’s. There are lot of trader’s in this forum whoa re giving out signal’s and are running a signal service and no only them but a there are lot of other’s provider’s who are not regulated. How in the hell they are doing it without any license ? why doesn’t CFTC go after them ? I always wonder about this thing.

True or not, that’s irrelevant to ICT. Because some people are sticking their noses out trying to make a buck, he’s trying to do it on the up and up so you can make your own money. I’d never completely trust my money in another person’s hands without knowing exactly what’s going on. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

What’s funny is the other people that are giving out signals are probably getting one over on people. And Michael isn’t.


[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

ICT [B]DOES[/B] have a signal service it’s called HARD WORK…:57:

He tweeted it. January 2013

Best explanation of dealer motivation during a Seek and Destroy I’ve ever heard. Excellent teaching video. Would benefit everyone to really take notes on this one if you want to understand what is happening and why during these contraction periods. Awesome video Michael.

Went to chris lori’s site to find info on that webinar ICT mentioned in the PTC, instead found that he’s coming to sydney to do a workshop!

Do you guys reckon its worh going? Anyone else happen to be going to this one?

Its expensive and requires leave days…but I am very strongly considering it.

It’s one of the few people ICT actually advocates and the Asian range concept is taken directly from him…

Your call still.

its been a horrible week for me lol… was spot on on the directional bias but got pissed off and had an unfortunate revenge trade lol -1.5%… guess its time to take a break for the week…

sorry to spam just wanted to rant somewhere …

just had a look at Oanda’s dumb-money-tool

Obviously one cannot rely on it… but considering my hopes of 1.63 getting gunned before a bigger move south (which is still possible 50/50;)) seeing that the majority of Oanda users are currently short, could lead to prices going up to run some stops…
Still have my limit sell order form monday up there on the big fig… so lets see where PMI will drive the price to…
USDX is also in OTE… but I will stay flat until I am more convinced… otherwise I’ll just take the next ride up or down;)

Oh and about Signal service… the thing is: If michael will offer signal service then the men in black will come and send him back to his home planet… we don’t want that!


Anybody joining the Chris Lori webminar tonight? I can’t attend, conflict with timezone. But if anyone attends I’m sure you record it and drop a link in here, somewhere.

It’ll be recorded and added to the Chris Lori website. Its on at 1am here in the UK so I may wait for tomorrows recording.

Hi guys, I unfortunatley cant attend, but I have registered… If anyone wants my seat please send me a pm or something

It’s been a while, not been keeping track of ICT’s feeds, but what ever happened to his Million Dollar Challenge?

Was wondering about the same thing…!!

Anyone know if this Lori webinar is going to be an actual webinar or is it just going to be another promo?

Kind of rather spend sometime enjoying the borders of pandora than another sales pitch.

No response on Lori’s twitter when I asked if this is going to be a webinar or just a promo pitch.

Though I like the fact he’s setting it around the Asia session the thing that ICT knows him for and that he’s not staging it on NON-MARKET HOURS.

Lori’s Webinar

2012-09-20_200755152.flv - - online file sharing and storage - download - Max Powers

I didn’t expect an actual webinar so the first portion that was cut was the disclaimer and the overview of what we were going to be looking at.


This has already been taught so for a fast break down, if you’ve seen ICT’s inside the range webinar this is pretty much exactly like that.

PPS The AAC3 has expired on my recorder so use something other than VLC, FLV players can handle it no problem like flash media player etc.

I agree that ICT has already covered a lot of what was in the webinar, but it’s definitely worth watching. I picked up a few useful tidbits that I’m sure will help most of you in your trading. ICT, thanks for telling us about it.

Tansen, thanks for recording it and posting in on here. Much appreciated.