Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

2640 level in GBP ?? Even it’s 100’s of pip’s far from the current level in EURO …

Haha! omg sorry honest mistake, jumbled up the numbers. I meant 1.62400

Im bearish for the cable, despite my longs paying off, but best bet you get a judas up to 1.6300 if it decides to test up there.

Cable Short

My Entry got hit on the Cable for a short at 6230 today while I was at work. Basically was looking for a pull back after we broke market structure to the down side. Like ICT said in his video was looking for the 50% level of the range we are in.

My Asian KillZone trade didn’t work out like I thought. I thought we would drop a little bit before heading up to OTE, but I was able to get out of the trade at pretty much breakeven.

I still have my Long Term short entry at 6260 and now this will be a second Long Term short entry at 6230, lets see if we at least hit this weeks low.

Hello Ivan, Sry to bring up the old post but not so old i suppose. I was reviewing my trade’s and was confused with the trade. I took a short at that level and i know that was a dumb trade…selling in the buy zone.
But as the bias was bearsih i was only looking for short trades and overlooked the bullish one’s.

Can you tell me what made you decide that the day was bullish ??
even though we have confluences of bullish trade, i could not take it as the bias was bearish.

Any suggestion’s ? Anyone ?


GMT setting - try that and you should see the planets align better :wink:

hji pipstages, to be honest, that trade was a counter trend trade. I was actually looking for a short if price trades up into OTE at LO. but during LO, it traded down pass PDL to form a turtle soup pattern, into a psych level + SMT div and Stoch div which is why i did a minimal risk scalp that day…

Ummm, I thought fractals repeated themselves infinite amount of times? Apparently breaking market structure bearish at 6180 and 6160 didn’t mean much to the cable as price just keeps rising and rising…

Looks like another sleepless week catching a move and trying to hold it longer then I should have…It’s reassuring that ICT’s own son wrecked havoc on an account also…

This dream of becoming a trader just keeps slipping through my fingers and causing me nightmares, about time to hang this gig up and start putting on my McDonalds cap…

I will just accept being middle class american and bending over taking it like everyone else…

My previous job I was a"team leader" basically like the go to guy and helper who’s been around awhile. The jobs learning curve was about 6 months to a year. People would quit after 2 weeks of being on their own and say idk how u can do it or cope with the stress. One guy broke down and cried on me. I said Mike don’t quit tonight man give it 6 months if you don’t see any improvement in 6 months then quit. He’s now in a lead position with responsibility. I’m by far not a lead trader but I do kno trading has a huge learning curve. I’d guess around 2-4 years. You’ve been a member since 2010. Look back have you seen progress? If not then maybe consider quitting but I’m guessing you have. And in another 2 years you’ll have seen more.

:slight_smile: One week or one trade idea gone wrong shouldn’t be the nail in the coffin I’m Backula… share with me what you were doing and how you managed it.

I was just thinking about you today driving through Baltimore and that rising from the grave skit you share with us and how very refined your posts have become.

Risk / Leverage is broke here if your emotions are geared up over such a short term segment in Price Action.

What about profits? Were they taken at logical levels and percentages?

Talk yourself down and relax. :57:

One week, give me a break, this has been my whole trading career…Haven’t made a single return on investment since I’ve traded. Win some lose some, lose some more, win some…cycle repeats itself…

Yes I have refined my posts to try and document how I am trading and what I am looking for, it was intended to get a nudge nudge from the master as to what I might be doing wrong, since for the life of me I can’t figure it out myself…

I thought this looked like a perfect week setting up a long term trade so I held most of my positions this week only to see them disappear.

I guess you thinking about me today was a sign that today would be my last…it’s weird how things happen like that…

Hey PipHanger,
Do not give up on the quest. If you give up, it will never happen. There is a saying that is well known here, and I am sure many other places as well. “It is often darkest just before dawn”. You may feel broken with trading, but you might be just a tiny bit off that aha moment that lights up the whole thing for you.
Not one trader who has quit will succeed at trading. I have been knocked down many times, but I just keep getting back up, dust myself off, learn from the mistake/s and become a better trader.

My history, I have learned forex and demo traded for 2 years and have had a live account since last November. Willing to openly say that I took some hits in April and July, pulled back a little bit and reassessed things, but always going to be a successful trader myself. I feel I am not too far from that realisation myself.

Just remember as well, quite often what we think about comes about. I read that you feel defeated, but a positive expectation can also help a lot. I truly believe that :slight_smile:


PipHanger - are you selling a portion of your trade at 30 PIPS profit every time?

Has anyone tried downloading TPDS 3? I think the new series is great and as with the other ICT vids I’ve downloaded them so I can watch them off-line when I’m travelling but I can’t download the last one. No matter what download program I use I get an error.

I certainly don’t want to break any copyright etc so if they are protected in some way - I’ll just have to read my notes.

I had trouble downloading with Savevid - suspect there is a problem with the site

I ended up using Freecorder with no issues.

I use it as a Chrome plugin

Stopped out on this trade haha… officially my worst week of trading.
To reflect, i was looking for a short last week at around 1.62700 but missed it by 3 pips. Guess that was the turning point of my psychology as i was angry for missing the big move. This resulted in some revenge trading this week and not following to my rules ( making adhoc trades and trading outside of killzones)

Time for a rest before i approach next week’s chart analysis. -3% for the week…

Seems that many went short GU yesterday. Just curious, no one took that inverse head and shoulders and those wicks at 6150 into consideration?

Anyone in on the short @ 1.6270?

Only theoretically :wink:

I’d be out by now though. Equilibrium point reached and I don’t like to hold long on Fridays.

@ .6260. Holding for more though.

Edit: Half off at .62315