Hey Guys! i’m back from a 4 day intensive Chris Lori Workshop! not sure if this is the best place to write this review but let me know if you guys have any better ideas and i can take it down or copy and paste if somewhere else.
i had a couple of private messages before i left asking me to let them know what i thought of the workshop so i thought it would be easier to write a review and more beneficial for the ICT community to get a students opinion on it.
First off i can’t teach you what i have learnt, 1 because i cant condense the 4 days into a 5min email ;-), 2 because i signed an agreement not to teach it, 3 because i feel its unethical to teach it while its still being sold anyway.
Also a quick mention that the hotel was excellent!! and food was great!! certainly helped being very comfortable when you have to concentrate for 4 days.
Anyway lets get to the meat of the review! I must say i really thought there would be more overlap with ICT material and Chri’s teaching but there wasn’t! I did spend some of my time learning and at the same time looking at how i would use it to compliment my current methods that we have all learned from Michael and i can say that what you learn can be used with probably any method or of course on its own!
A key thing you will take away from the workshop is the …how can i explain it… You will have to connect with the market and more importantly price, and the way to do it is through the exercises that he gives you. A quick example… you may be a London open trader and there are a few exercises you can do in this session to study what price does and how it reacts, you will then look at previous and future live data at that specific time and record the reactions.
These exercises will give you the confidence to know what is most likely to happen and help you make a unique trading model and risk plan to trade with. Also the point of exercise is that, as i did and i’m sure most do when starting trading, you get a method and you start trading it, then you have a few losess and think this is crap i’m moving on to the next thing, but that method hasn’t really been tested properly. Let me give you a different example, ICT teaches us a method or gives us a trading plan, we then start trading that plan, we have some degree of confidence obviously because we trust the source, then we take some winners and some losers then we don’t understand why we lost the trade or if we are doing it right, well its simply because we haven’t done it enough times! Test it first, not 1 to 10 times but 100-500 times! At this stage everything is second nature, you know when to get in, you know when to get out, you know your risk parameters and you are not sweating about pushing the buy/sell button lol.
What else can i talk about… PRICE ACTION…its pretty F’ing cool! if you are a bit geeky like most of us on here anyway lol
Now, a lot of the content is taught on a intraday basis and it was a little bit difficult adjusting to 1min and 5min time frames, but not that difficult. You do have to understand that the reason for this is because the smaller time frames will help you interact with the market quickly and often, however all that you learn is fractal in nature, same as Michael’s!. Just to clarify when i say fractal i mean that you can use the same concepts on any time frame.
Here’s another thing i noticed, if you have been to any other workshops, free seminars or Gurus sharing their secrets you will notice that everyone in the room is fresh (not much experience) and they will usually give you some crap system with indicators or try upsell you onto a more expensive course or mentorship programme. Alarms bells should be ringing in your head, well they will do after you have been ripped off a couple of times lol. Here’s the difference on Chris Lori’s course, you feel a lot more confident for a few reasons, 1 you don’t get an upsell, 2, You can tell the content is quality (well i can after seeing all the crap from others lol) 3, in the room you have a few students that started a couple of years ago that are actually making money and they are happy to share their experiences with you.
Ok this email is getting pretty long so i’ll cut it short here and if there are any questions feel free to ask and i’ll do my best to reply soon.
In short, if you are serious about trading, i mean serious! and you are willing to do the exercises given then Yes it is totally worth going! It has certainly changed how i look at price!