Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Could you explain your ICT rational?

Or you use the ‘preflight checklist’, where you have to put all this info on (key SR. divergence, entry method, …), even the emotions part :slight_smile:
When you create this document every time BEFORE you enter a trade, you’re less prone to let your emotions run.

I think this is a really key point. A good example of this was yesterday during the LO on the Cable. Price moved up and out of the Asian range, but it did so rather slowly and controlled, definitely not a “judas” move, as described by shaunfx. This was one of the reasons I decided to take the long.

Now compare this with the same move this morning on the Cable. Aggressive move up, and almost immediately reversed and went right below the asian low.

Mastered is a very strong word and far from the truth. When my trading reaches a level of consistent gains over say a one year period I will consider myself “competent”. I have created a ranking scale for my trading, I rank my trades and my monthly trading performance and I encourage others to do the same. This not just a pure % gain performance. It is based on your % monthly performance as well as your dicipline and execution of your trading plan. In this process you have to be honest with yourself. If you truly want to learn, this [U]must[/U] be taken seriously. If you look at last months trading journal, what would your rank be?

[U][B]Ranking system[/B][/U]
[B]-10[/B]: Being the worst
[B]0[/B]: Being breakeven
[B]10[/B]: Being the best

“competent” I would consider [B]+5[/B]. I have a current overall ranking this year of [B]0[/B] and I have been at this 2 years come december and that should in no way be taken as “bragging rights”. If anything it is gross underperformance. This is hard work and you only end up making it harder for yourself if you are not diciplined. If I had developed and stuck to my routine and plan without fail I would be in a different position today. Please do not be under any illusion think that I am shaunfx the great because I am just shaunfx the student like many of you. If I come across as professional it is because I take this seriously. This is what I do and this is what makes me tick. I have an intense passion for this stuff and I will succeed, whatever it takes. Hopefully what I can bring to the table and share with others is experience. I am a walking encyclopedia of mistakes. I have done everything that shouldn’t of been done from overtrading, to trading with emotions yet I am here today because I have one unbreakable rule in my trading plan. Risk management. I have never blown my account, I have never had more than 10% draw down in my account. Take not of that. It is easy to make money, I do it all the time but what I don’t do all the time is keep that money! The more you treat this as a process, the easier it becomes. Your risk management is what keeps you here, forget about dollar value, focus on percentages. Lose the emotion of that attachment to dollar values. That was probably the hardest thing for me to overcome. As a South African, the exchange rate is roughly R8.50 for $1. $30 risk per trade was like WHOA HALF A TANK OF PETROL! WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING!! Over here in Dubai $30 is AED110 which is A FULL TANK OF PETROL(we have good petrol prices over here). The average person earns approx R10 000 in SA. A mere $1176 per month and for most they can live pretty good lives off of that. My challenge was to elevate my mindset, to start thinking in percentages and lose that value attachment to money. Have a plan, set your goals and stick to them. At the end of the day I am here for myself and “my world” and hopefully through sharing with you I can learn more from myself and others while at the same time helping another on the way. I am not concerned for the person that looks down on me, or the troll that spits at me, that is why we have an ignore button. Hitler had millions of followers, Jesus had just 12. It only takes one person to make a large impact in anothers lives. It is in that spirit that I share.

I also use Chris Lori’s teachings on inefficiency when it comes to the Judas Swing. I like to see price move fast and leave a large inefficient move during the Judas Swing. It adds more comfort to the trade knowing that price should reverse and come back and fill in that inefficiency.

Yes, that’s what my ‘Stoch Spring’ setup kind of represents.

hi purplepatchforex

just to make sure. ie; a bearish market structure starts after a htf swing high occurs, and continues until a htf swing high forms.

am i right about market structure?


Just looking at the 15m timeframe on the EURUSD, I took a short this morning at 1.3113, I was seeing lower highs and lower lows, took TP half at 30 PIPS, I couldn’t be at my desk to close the full lot, I might not have done, but anyway, it didn’t make a new low past that 82 support so no lower low, then it went up, now it’s a short term higher high.

But it is a search and destroy pattern.


so you look for swing high and lows in lower TFs for market structure bias? i thought we need to look for swing points in H4 and above TFs.

It’s up to you what you use, when and where, that’s just focusing on one chart, and I’m not saying it’s a 100% correct even, but it’s good practice to look at the market from that point of view on all TFs.

Sure would love to :18:
But first a quick update on the trade : i moved my sl to BE and took 70% off at 30pips profit. Will let the reminder run and see what happens.

I did my market analyses yesterday and predetermined a level which was exact that level to go long on.
I was only looking for longs this as market structure is very much bullish up to this point.

reason for entry.
Predetermined level.
market structure flow bullish
Fib OTE area which i pulled from yesterdays HI/LO which gives us that 1.613.
Major smt divergence usdx made a higher high whilest cable failed to do so which indicated to me that there is some major buying going on for that currency.
Price was ranging around that OTE area which means we have an accumulation phase going on.
ms1 pivot.
stoch oversold.
I asked my self where is price trying to reach? Previous high>?
USDX was approaching that 70.20 level and i was expecting a bounce from it.
As per ict vid Tuesday normally posts high or low of the week so from there on the direction is like be heading the same as wed tue

When i logged in the price was consolidating around that predetermined area so i went to 5 min chart and pulled a fib from Asia hi/lo to get my self in sync with the price .

Got stopped out :slight_smile: plus 1% :slight_smile:

Talking about Judas Swings and inefficiencies and all that today


I think my previous post so far is pretty much dead on, pretty happy with my analysis and how the pairs are trading…judas up and now we are heading down…usdx is on its way up…lets see if it continues…

Congrats PH,

Looks like you are back again. Good stuff!


Cable is currently bouncing off the 6115-6120 level so does it seem sensible to wait until we break below that and maybe retest it before looking for shorts? I took a short on Tuesday for some reason and got stopped out for 30 pips so I’ve kind of scared myself out of taking another trade.

I’m currently in the USA for a few weeks and I just don’t know how to make trading work in this time zone. By the time I wake up all the juicy stuff seems to be done. Although I did wake up at 2am this morning and thought I’d have a look at the charts, but everything just looked like a red and green blur

Did my bit for charity today, but H£ll man I’m lucky to be alive!!!

CO poisoning!!!

Faulty gas flue in kitchen, where I ‘work’ , felt awful yesterday, mild headache, lethargic etc etc, rang Doc to make appointment, then realised what it was, after a bit of thinking, switched gas heater off, half hour later felt 10 times better!

But, the point I want to make is, that I thought of cancelling the docs appointment, but no, I still went in the interest that it just may jog the docs memory if someone goes to him with similar symptoms, and he realises straight away what it is rather than give medication, just might save someone’s life.

It’s not all about giving, it’s about doing too :wink:

EDIT: My 30 PIP TP was hit too :slight_smile: while I was at the docs.

Isn’t it fun being right! Idk what just happened, but my short on GU is picking up nicely LOL.

wtf just happened? google loses?

And the chinese data, and the banks - it’s pound selling - see eur/gbp

And you know what they say - what goes down must go… (from the hrly 62% ? )