Dont chase price, anticipate it!
Dont over trade.
Dont over leverage to try and get back to break even! I know this from experience, it doesn’t work!
2% MAXIMUM RISK. If 1K is 2% of your account, then thats OK, if not, dont over leverage. If you you do take a loss, drop the risk down to 1%, or 0.5%.
Dont revenge trade! If the trade goes against you, no more trading for that day. Take a step back, see why it happened and learn from your mistakes.
Take the time at the weekend to review ICTs reviews and note his key levels, they are very useful. Add these to your own analysis and see how they stack up.
The most important thing to learn is how to trade, not how to make money.
The money will come as a result of careful analysis and following the techniques described in these threads.
To learn this, risk 0.5% per trade. This will give you confidence in placing trades and should they go against you, you’ve lost very little of the account.
After a few months of trading at very low risk, you will have a good indication of how you are getting on with very little draw down should some of your trades go against you.
Once you are happy that you are analysing the markets correctly, increase to 1% and see how you get on…
Its a marathon, dont rush these things. Spend the time now (2-3 months) learning with very low risk (gradually increasing over the next 6 months) and in 3 years time, you will be reaping the benefits and you’ll be so glad you took a time out and a step back to really get a solid grasp on how your preferred markets move.
Another point I picked up right at the start of this iconic thread: 301 Moved Permanently was that you dont need a lot of money to make this work!
Learn with a very small amount of real money (after sufficient demo/paper trading), still only risking 2% or less.
When you start to see solid growth on the account, deposit more funds.
I started trading ICTs methods 2 months ago (with about 3 months before that learning/watching his videos and related material). I started at the start of September with £200, thats all, nothing more. The account is now sitting at £240. 20% in 2 months on the account and that includes so many missed trades and opportunities for massive pip hauls…
Sure, its a long way off £1,000,000 but its teaching me the following:
correct risk management
money management
trade management
giving me confidence to place trades knowing that if it goes against me, there wont be lots of £££ on the line (I still dont want to lose any money, no matter how small it is).
Discipline to perform my own weekly analysis.
PATIENCE! <-- THIS IS KEY!!! Stalk the levels and WAIT. If nothing happens or you miss an opportunity, what have you lost? EXACTLY NOTHING
The markets will always be there tomorrow!
Sorry for the lengthy post, Im probably way off topic LOL
Pretty much all of this is documented by ICT in his video archives. Mostly in the “What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants To Know” thread. I studied the material posted there the most. It gives you everything you need to know, my post above is really just stating how I’ve used them, so its nothing new, just what ICT has been going on about for years now (as if any more confirmation was needed that the material is good :))