Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Watch out here comes pac-man ready to eat all the stops down below…munch munch…lol

Aussie has treated me good…now I just need cable and fiber to not make a liar out of me…

Well I have to go to the J.O.B. so I will talk with you guys later…Gotta leave before the fun begins…

I’m still Bullish for now, so I’m only looking for longs. Due to the volaitility expected today, my pending orders are at 0.5% risk for both Cable & Fiber.

Let’s see how this plays out… …

Scaled out 50% @ +20pip, SL to BE with downside targets at 1.28700 (significant support + swing projection 161.8)

Not bad kong,

I didn’t notice the OTE short b/c I went to sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

my cable short is finally at BE with some of my tiny position scaled out
entered at 1.6123 sl:1.6155 (now BE) 1% risk
next TP 1.6065

Still have a fiber limit buy order on since yesterday at 1.2855 Sl at 1.2825 1% risk (OTE of the german circus yesterday…)
Not yet triggered
And going back and forth in my mind if I should cancel it or not;)


edit: stopped at be. first profit amounted to a tiny win of 0.4%. closed limit buy order as well. Maybe tomorrow…:wink:

I’m watching the same limit on Fiber to get long too and at 0.5% also, although I may move the entry lower for the OTE on the weekly low to current high @ 1.2810. There’s also a key S&R above it at 1.2815 and pivot buy zones.

Therefore after re-reading this back, I have moved my buy limit to 1.2820.

Fighting the frustration today. Tuesday and Wednesday I was trying to call the reversal due to a HTF OTE and then today I convince that I should just be going with the bullish bias until proven otherwise. As soon as I switch sides and go long out of the asian range this morning, market heads south. Looking back, I’m having trouble seeing anything different to the Tuesday and Wednesday setups. Frustrated at moment.

Just because the HTF is looking bullish it doesnt mean every single day will end in a nice green bullish bar. This could be the start of the reversal, or it could be a retracement for another leg up - just wait on confirmation of market structure, market flow and good intermarket analysis to confirm.

The market isn’t perfect, and everyone will have times where they feel frustrated, the only advice id give is to close up your charts and walk away - because a frustrated mindset will definitely not do anything good for your trading. Take the day or the rest of the week off and come back whenever [I]you[/I] feel ready. The pips will always be around to grab another time.

Remember you dont need to trade everyday, be patient and the market will reward you - at least thats what im telling myself, been flat all week :stuck_out_tongue:


That limit order would have played out real nice too.

I also missed it as I moved my entry to 2820.

Oh well, as you say another day will come along soon enough I’m sure.

I did not get my wish but the lesson today way to be profitable even when you are wrong…more on this when i get home from work…

Thanks… i’ve actually been doing pretty well since i opened my account in mid july… so far am up ~10% with no drawdowns… far from my ideal targets but still not too bad, hopefully this continues…

ICT was definitely right when he said that you dont need to trade everyday… =D

Was eying this setup for a possible LO or NYO trade. Canceled my 1.2855 Buy limit toward end of NYO, as we were headed outside my preferred KillZones.
Count on big news events to really fuel trades. In any case, my Buy limit would have been missed by 3.5 pips. Regardless, it’s nice to see the tools working consistently even in the face of big news events.

Reflection + OTE converging in pivot buy zone near mid-fig around 9/11 high = Hello 1.3000



The bigger picture

You just about presented my PTC for tonight lol… you guys are getting good! :57:


[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

Hi Sanj, Thanks for the response and the timely advice. I agree with you on all counts and think the temporary walk away is a good idea. Looking back, you are spot on about my patience level…trying to almost steer the market into doing what I think it should, instead of taking what it gives…or better yet, waiting when it isn’t hitting my criteria. Thanks again, I think it helps a lot to be reminded by someone else who has probably been there as well. Much appreciated. Hope everyone has a good weekend. GLGT to all. Or just GL to anyone taking a day or two off like me.

ahhhh why did I close my limit buy order, it would have been perfect…
ah well… I will go kick myself for a few minutes and then Ill be back for LO;)

That is too awesome for words! :wink:

Ok the new video on Wednesday finally made me dig into interest rates - a subject I am incredible ignorant about.

I will have to watch the video a few more times. But One thing I need clarification:

it is my understanding that:
During times, where we would (e.g. seasonally) expect a turn in market structure we should pay extra attention to possible divergences on yields.
Then we should also check the 5/10 year notes of Germany and UK compared with the US to see if the divergences also appear there.

So I just did that and I noticed the following:

The US 5 Year Notes/yields are causing a divergence, which cannot be verified with a divergence in the US yields (2y,5y,10,30y)
this by itself is strange to me… is it because of the data feed that is delayed? Or is it just not verifiable and hence not a divergence to worry about?

If I am comparing US yields with a divergence caused by the UK Note for example
Would I need to compare, in this case, the 2y,5y,10y,30y yealds of the UK instead of the US to verify a divergence?

My problem is, I can’t quite connect the dots…
still quite lost in the whole yields,Interest rates, inter market analysis subject.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated!
