Inner Circle Trader's Pro Traders Club 2012 - 2013 Series

Wow that was quick,
Closed Position early for + 50 pips:D

Thanks AK Thats the plan:5:

Is it really enough ? 50 pips ?
Then i need not trade everyday…

If your trading 50 big ones a pip its more than enough

More than enough. My weekly target is 30 pips.

Any more and its a huge bonus to me. My account has never looked as healthy. Why? Because Im not giving as much back to the markets…

Its amazing how quickly the account grows, even with “small” target objectives

Good trading session today :slight_smile:

Hope you’re still holding the short, have we formed the weekly high? :slight_smile:

Mike, I hope you read this!

I know I have posted my thanks on many occasions, but it’s like every time something clicks in my head, I feel overwhelmingly grateful for what I have just learnt. Lately, a lot of things have started clicking, most significant of which would be psychological things over which I previously had a very weak sense of control.

I know you probably don’t go through a single day without at least one person thanking you for your work, but I just felt that I’d chime in yet again, to let you know that I really appreciate what your teaching has done to my trading personally.

Anyway, to everyone who is new to this thread, do yourself a favour - when you are listening to ICT, or any professional trader for that reason, take out a notebook and WRITE DOWN the gems that they share with you. You don’t get better advice than from someone who has been there and done that (referring to every possible encounter one can have on their trading journey!).

What green candle? Can you post a screenshot? Looks kind of like rail road tracks forming on the 4h now

i am a newbie,started learning forex 5months ago,i went through babypips school almost 3times,followed ict,gone through all his videos,almost 3 times,and today i celebrate 120 pips in three trades on cable,using ict concepts,big thanks ict,you are a blessing,i have not used any indicators,just fibs,t/trinity,an so glad for your help,

Long @ the london open, long @ asian high retest, short @ 1.5910? Excellent trades :smiley:

I got short @ 1.5910 on the Cable (key level! + turtle soup)

thats the way,its so amazing when u put this pieces together,it works out well

The way I see it is that USDX will reach for the 50 % retracement @ 81.30, and bounce to go lower.
That means the EUR/GBP will go lower now, and bounce to go higher.

So the way I see it is that we will reach the weekly LOW anywhere between now and wednesday LO (and than go up for 200 pips :smiley: )

To strengthen my vision, it looks like a head and shoulder was formed on the 5m on EUR (and GBP as well), if wel measure the neckline, it will reach for 1.2620 (also a 50 % retracement)

Z Days have the habit of stopping out held positions, unless one can pick the extreme entry and exit points.

Indeed, Im keeping an eye on that 1.2740 level, you’d expect a big pocket of stops around there…

I guess this could also support hopiplaka’s idea of having it run up quite a bit should we swing down tomorrow during the LO…

AUDUSD Update remaining short that was set to B?E now stopped out, I have re entered short OTE London Close,
Lets see how it goes

I’m in long on GBPJPY at 126.14…lost ALOT of pips last night because I thought that the EURJPY was about to resume downtrend and it ended up shooting back up.

I’m guessing you are on a ICT thread so tuning into Michael’s videos? Well you would have seen from the video he posted on the weekend that there were many reasons to EXPECT eurjpy to reverse and hence move to a buy programme for the short term. If you didn’t see the video, you might want to follow him on twitter, I would have expected everyone who is on this thread to have done that.

I actually seen the video AFTER I had a long position open and I rode the trade thru until It dropped to around 100.30 then I figured It was gonna resume. I should have held though…Still learning Trader’s Dicipline

So you had a long, then changed to a short … do you actually have a trading plan? You will get burned alive in this business if you don’t have a trading plan AND STICK to the rules of that plan.

I was never short, I was always long and yes I have a plan i just get nervous when the market moves against me.