International gun laws

"Stefan Molyneux The Truth About The Fall Of Rome - YouTube

You’d be amazed if you had sufficient English to watch this !

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you are right, Strong men prosper in both weak and strong times, a strong man’s job is to create good times for himself and his family rather than depend on others for happiness

Strong men create opportunities for themselves, weak men complain and rely on others to make their lives better, weak men wait for opportunities, while strong men create them.

I would say crime and mass shootings is the product of weak men creating hard times

Not enough strong men creating good times.

In terms of politics and civilization, check out this book

The main purpose of a man’s life is to reach his full potential, to live meaningfully and not squander it!

What does it mean to be a man in the modern world? Throughout history, being a man has meant different things. Maybe being a man was about being a good hunter, or a good soldier, a good businessman or maybe good with women. Hard Times Creates Strong Men examines what it means to be a man in the modern world relative to money, sex, religion and politics. This book examines what worked and what doesn’t work based on proven history instead of feelings. This book is raw, real and politically incorrect, it will threaten and challenge your ideas of what does it mean to be a man and how to better serve your purpose.

An Australian Comedian taking the Piss out of the ludicrous American Gun Culture…

(Offensive Language Warning!)

It’s no laughing matter… But this shows the dark truth surrounding Gun Control in the US today.


Unlike weak men who spend their lives worrying about things they cannot change, strong men focus on the things they can take steps to change

The weak are fixed on things that they cannot change, the strong are focused on the things they can alter

I am led to ask this question after reading the above two quotes.

Is our society a society of weak and vulnerable people who depend on others to make the world a better place?

They live in their world and are determined to cause havoc and mayhem

A Fox News contributor defended the police response to Tuesday’s mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 children and two adults dead, saying it’s “a little unfair” how reporters
are questioning authorities’ shifting timelines.

Come on then Troll Farm - Lets hear your Troll on this one ! What would a

“Strong Man”

do ?

"Women Att@cked On NYC Train And No Men Helped - People Are Mad - YouTube

There is nothing to troll i said what i said. if you disagree so be it

so what are you complaining about now?

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This is what you post, Hopefully you figure it out one day :+1:

Someone’s incapacity to catch up with time cannot stop the flow of time

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Former president Trump think they should.

Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses

I’m from Namibia, here it’s heavily regulated to own a gun. You must be eligible for it, once ownership is granted there is a license given which has a duration for usage. Every time you have to renew it, there are background checks in terms of criminal records and illegal possession of a firearm is against the law.


As someone who is also from the US, my political opinions towards guns have started to change. My husband owns guns and it’s nice to know that we have them for protection, but I’ve found myself debating weather or not to send my children to school or homeschool out of the fear that they might be killed. Either way, I feel that they will be missing out on something, so do you trade safety for socialization? Still, taking guns away only stops more law-abiding citizens from having them, because bad people will always have guns. I still believe in the good guy with a gun theory.
It’s interesting to see how this is dealt with in other countries where these mass shootings don’t happen like they do here. I also wonder if many of these people have been influenced by the nation’s fascination with school shootings ever since Columbine happened. I fear that every time these things get stirred up, more people get the idea to do it. I’m no politician and don’t know the answer, but the people we elect need to change something before more innocent lives are lost.


Where do illegal guns come from? That’s a simple question to ask.

Most likely legal purchases sold illegally later. It should be easy to find out who’s buying 100s of guns every year and doesn’t have them any longer.

Stricter gun laws aren’t going to fix the issue overnight. But they’re a start. Increase the age restriction. Ban assault weapons. Limit the amount of guns you can buy annually. Followup on high volume purchasing in states/cities where gun violence is a problem. Gun buy-backs. Keep the guns at the range. Make exceptions where needed. Make gun registration a requirement of ownership.

Start small. This will take years and decades but it’s a start.

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“A lock only keeps out an honest man”


What the US chooses to do about guns should really be driven by what sort if uses of guns need to be more controlled. So the question needs to be whether it is suburban school shootings or urban criminality.

Each will demand very different responses. It has to be said that mass shootings represent only a tiny fraction of gun-related deaths. So restricting illegal firearms won’t help achieve much here. Nor will anything else which is focused on the weapon.

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Agree with you here. A complete ban will never happen. But let’s start somewhere, with something.

Have you all seen this?

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That is very true Tom - in the US most of the rest of “gun deaths” relate to individual suicide by men and boys. These combined with the “school shootings” [ Which are closely related and just different expressions of the same problems] - (and leaving aside for the moment the mainly black on black gang shootings)

Both of these uses of guns stem largely from teh insitutionalised Misandry and the “war on men and boys” evident throughout the West - and probably most advanced in the US.

To address the root problem, these issues would have to be recognised - but recognising them would lose masses of votes for the Democrats and the other Socialist / Communist Parties as well as being hugely resisted by the massive industries of “Feminism and Race baiting” which are so advanced that even speaking the isuues attracts huge and often terminal vitriol from those making their livings from them.

So the “man blaming” and “man hating” have no visible solution except for us to wait until the West becomes so weak that the Barbarians will simply walk in and take over - Then the cry will be “Where are all the GOOD men?” the “Strong men?” -

Well my dears

"We’ve gone fishing ! - sort your own crud out ! "

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The first is by private transactions in which guns bought at gun shows, flea markets or through private sales are later sold to prohibited persons.

The second, the official underscored, was by straw purchasers – individuals who buy guns from dealers and transfer them to prohibited persons.

The third category is theft from gun dealers and private citizens. Gun traffickers transfer guns from legal commerce to illegal commerce and are “considered to be violent criminals,” the official said.