International gun laws

Also, as I stated earlier, every state functions like its own country and can pretty much do whatever it wants

Tulsa police say gunman bought rifle hours before hospital shooting, targeted doctor

It is impossible to prevent mass shootings when gun owners are legal.

I want to clarify is that guns are legal in the United States and they should be. My point is that you cannot stop people from buying guns legally and going insane.

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That’s plain silly ! - in UK we have a limit of 12 ft lbs on airguns - above that you need a firearms cert - below it you nowadays just have to be over 18 - I got my first airgun (a BSA Airsporter) for my 8th birthday) It would kill small game if you hit them right - but wasn’t really that accurate and I was quite jealouus of my mate who got a .410 ! I got my first shotgun (12 bore) when I was about 16 - bought it off a lad at school who was 14 - Barrels were soldered together and one of the hammers sometimes misfired - barrels were pitted badly but it would be ok up to about 30 yards or so.

Many’s the “Rabbit stewed in Newcastle Brown ale” that old dog of a gun produced for me and my mates for several years after. :sunglasses:

But then - here are my seedling tobacco plants - that too would be highly illegal in Australia !

And one can only speculate as to whether your Government and Police would have behaved as atrociously towards you as they did recently - if you had not cowered in the corner when they demanded your guns ?


The US government for one



ATF gunwalking scandal

You have to read for yourself

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For some people, mass shooting is a game, and they want to play it.

Police arrest 16-year-old after tip he was recruiting students for California mass shooting

A 16-year-old boy was arrested last week after police received a tip that he was recruiting fellow students in a plot to carry out a mass high school shooting in Berkeley, California.

Forgot about this guy Alex Jones

The bankruptcy was filed in April in the wake of court judgments that found Jones and his media businesses liable in multiple defamation lawsuits after he falsely claimed that the 2012 shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, that left 20 children and six school employees dead was a hoax.

The three holding companies for Jones’ far-right website InfoWars and other products he controls agreed to toss the Chapter 11 case following allegations that the bankruptcy was filed only as a litigation tactic in the Sandy Hook defamation cases. A lawyer for the three companies has denied those allegations.

Are police required to protect people during mass shootings? The legal answer is no

Falstaff… SWAT Teams would repel from helicopters if they thought you had Tobacco Plants growing on your property. It’s bad enough that citizens want to protest against a State Government that locked them down for a world record (excluding China!) period. But if those pesky citizens start growing Tobacco that the Government can’t Tax… There would be hell to pay…

@samewise, @Falstaff, Yep, it’s absolutely ridiculous. I think they are trying or have banned imitation gel blaster guns in Australia as well. The average Australians knowledge of firearms (me included) is so poor… Crooks could use imitation weapon’s to commit armed robberies.

I had a BSA Air Rifle given to me by my Grand Father. Wouldn’t kill a chicken let alone a high speed Rabbit…

I remember when the Gun Amnesty was implemented back in the 90’s, we had to clear all of my Grand Fathers guns hidden around his house… Shot Guns, a .303 Rifle from the war and a nice .22 Rifle with a night scope and silencer!! The Police were very interested in that…

He hated cats and possums running across his roof at night!!


The depth of unreality sometimes displayed by government agencies’ policies is staggering but no longer surprising.

What is amazing is the breadth of feeling amongst many of the population that a strong answer to poor government would be more government. They seem to think that all of us should be compelled to give these same people in charge more laws, more money and more power and then we’ll all be OK.

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We shall see if these new laws deter or slow down mass shootings in the future.

NY passes bill raising age to buy, own semi-automatic rifles

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York’s legislature voted Thursday to ban anyone under age 21 from buying or possessing a semi-automatic rifle, a major change to state firearm laws pushed through less than three weeks after an 18-year-old used one of the guns to kill 10 people at a supermarket in Buffalo.

Besides raising the legal purchase age to 21, the bill would also require anyone buying a semi-automatic rifle to get a license — something now only required for handguns.

There was a case a few years ago here, where a 6 year old brought a water gun to school, The school had the kid arrested, can you imagine using police resourses for such a stupid thing, the water gun in question did not even look like a gun, but they still called it a weopon.

This all goes under the definition of insanity , " repeating the same behavor over and over and expecting a different result"

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Heck, why stop at 21? Make it 25 or 26, unless you’re military or law enforcement. And if you still need one for work or personal use, apply, waiting period, interview, get your license or permit. That at least makes it harder for high school kids and young adults to get a hold of guns and rifles.

Yea, that’s a crazy one. Fast and the furious or something like that, right?


as the late great President Ronald Reagan would say " Government is not the answer to our problems but the cause of those problems"

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There’s no realistic answer yet in sight against the phenomenon of school shootings.

Meanwhile the great numbers of deaths by guns in the US continue to be in Black communities and via suicides.

What’s hard to calculate in the US situation is the degree to which violence and crime are suppressed by the widespread ownership, or fear of ownership, of guns. Statistics covering crimes which did not take place or which were interrupted by someone legally carrying a gun are going to be very hard to tally up. Yet guns ownership is a great deterrent against criminals.


Which begs the question: why aren’t they addressing this issue head-on?

another war on drugs thing. wait

I don’t think many governments of any type in any place are very concerned about suicides. I’m not sure I am politically in a general sense, only on an individual and personal level.

As far as the black communities are concerned, most administrations are far too afraid of the “racist” label to contemplate effective policing of those communities.


As I stated before, law enforcement should focus on how guns are getting into these communities, It is impossible to stop gun crime entirely, maybe slow it down.

In addition, I think the police should post up where gang activity is high, whether it is on a block or a street corner

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Did the CIA Actually Sell Crack in the 1980s? | The War On Drugs

They’ve tried with different technologies, but success is mixed.

Interesting read on the shotspotter system, if you’re not familiar,

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In cases where high gang activity is taking place, I think human presence is better.

Regarding cameras, I think the government is using crime laws for a wider agenda that affects all of America, i.e. supplying local police with military equipment