International gun laws

Mayor Rudy Giuliani did, with incredible results, then Mike Bloomberg continued those policies only to see the murder rate come back as Democrats took control of the city. Sad to see the “racist” label used to keep poor blacks imprison in poor unsafe neighborhoods.

As stated above, Giuliani and Bloomberg, did this, democrats came in and stopped it, now murders are on the rise. Are you agreeing with Giuliani’s actions in lowering the murder rate in black communities


The NYPD’s practice of stop-and-frisk was found unconstitutional in 2013, and began to sharply decline under current Mayor Bill de Blasio, although it is still practiced.

IMPACT: Stop and frisk is a policing tactic of temporarily detaining, questioning, and frisking individuals in search of weapons or contraband. The New York Police Department’s (NYPD) use of the tactic under Mayor Rudy Giuliani (1994–2001) and Mayor Michael Bloomberg (2002–2013) disproportionately impacted Black and Latino communities, faced accusations of racial profiling, and contributed to an environment of fear amongst the targeted communities. In 2011, at the height of the program, over 685,000 people were stopped, with nearly 88% found to be innocent. The NYPD’s application of stop and frisk was found unconstitutional in 2013 due to a policy of indirect racial profiling. The practice of stop and frisk has continued across the country in varied forms.

I wouldn’t support detaining, questioning, and frisking individuals going about their daily lives, it was ruled unconstitutional in 2013.

By the way, stop and frisk is still allowed, just not randomly

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I know you’re coming to ask questions because it was a democrat, but when I bring you facts and legislation about the republicans, you’re nowhere to be seen, i digress.

I know you blame democrats for your personal misery, but I agree with your comment/statement :+1:

this is a little off-topic, but I found it funny and so true

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Former Ohio police chief sentenced to 3 years’ probation for trafficking 200 fully automatic machine guns, DOJ says

An ex-police chief in Ohio was sentenced to three years’ probation in a machine gun trafficking conspiracy, according to the Department of Justice.

The war on drugs has been a joke because it focuses on the wrong thing, as with guns, if you focus on where guns are sourced you can eliminate a lot of the gun crime in the inner cities.

" In WW1 & WW2 you had 15 & 16 year old boys - stealing their brother’s identity so they could go and fight !

Not Now - Now you have 23 & 24 year olds crying because they get called the wrong pronouns ! "

“Where have all the good men gone ?” - we hear them bleat :rofl:

"They’re GONE thanks to ‘toxic masculinity’. - YouTube

A rather good explanation here

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Although we ended up here, I tell future parents that now is the time to be in your children’s lives from birth until they leave school, building their foundation of morals and standards along the way.

It seems that certain cultures that come to America and stick to this philosophy and stay away from america culture tend to succeed more here

Actually - It’s middle aged white men who are most effected (for reasons one could infer with a little thought) - although I have read elsewhere that American Indians lead the demographic. - However - as yet neither of these “groups” have taken to what may be regarded as the “Logical step” as some of the young men/boys have.


Additional facts about suicide in the US

  • The age-adjusted suicide rate in 2020 was 13.48 per 100,000 individuals.
  • The rate of suicide is highest in middle-aged white men.
  • In 2020, men died by suicide 3.88x more than women.
  • On average, there are 130 suicides per day.
  • White males accounted for 69.68% of suicide deaths in 2020.
  • In 2020, firearms accounted for 52.83% of all suicide deaths.
  • 93% of adults surveyed in the U.S. think suicide can be prevented.


"Suicide statistics


Things change as the world changes, Let’s ignore politics and just concentrate on the technological advancements to see how behavior changes as technology evolves

from social media, hi-tech phones, game systems and the list goes on and on

Apologies Tom, I missed the operative word “AND” when I was reading that and took the inference that “suicides” and “death by guns…in Black communities” - referred to the same evants - whereas there is no such implication in your writing - my bad ! :slightly_smiling_face:


No matter how werid a society gets and laws, a strong man has never been stopped from raising his kids, a lot of men expect society to raise their kids, do your job as a man, win or lose, there is no stopping a strong man from raising his kids.

you have to be more creative these days,Those who are strong know how to maneuver in a wicked world

It is impossible to establish male identity and manhood outside of a household, so don’t expect it

Sounds like a slap on the wrist. Ex-cop doesn’t know that gun dealers are reselling machine guns for a profit? Where else would the guns go?

And this guy only got probation and a fine??

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Illogical thinking people

Extremists are praising the Uvalde school shooting online and encouraging ‘copycat attacks,’ feds warn

Extremists and conspiracy theorists are praising the deadly May 24 mass shooting at a Texas elementary school that left 21 people dead — and are encouraging others to shoot up schools in similar attacks — the Department of Homeland Security warned on Tuesday.

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Posting just to illustrate how powerful lobbying in America is, America can be brought

House Republican leaders told their members to vote against 8 gun-safety bills, citing opposition from the NRA and Gun Owners of America

House Republicans are poised to vote against eight bills aimed at preventing gun violence on Tuesday, in part due to opposition from powerful pro-gun groups on the right.

The email also noted the opposition of the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America, including links to talking points from the NRA about both the gun package and the red flag law. Leaders also noted the opposition of Heritage Action for America, an advocacy group tied to the conservative Heritage Foundation.

I’m not convinced of the logic in the suggestion that the Republican party has been bought by the NRA. Doesn’t it seem as if Republican politicians and supporters and other donors genuinely do not believe in gun control measures beyond where we the US has reached today?

Why would the NRA give money away to bribe people to do something which they already wanted to do? For free. As far as they’re concerned, resisting further gun control measures is a Republican vote-winner. I don’t see they would need compensation for adopting this policy.

Even if the republican party is in favor of some of these bills, the NRA is asking them to vote no, Which of these actions are likely to occur? Vote yes or vote no

BTW; Just pointing out how lobbying groups have a lot of influence over legislation. both parties are guilty

I believe that legislation should be created, pass or fail without special interest groups involved, not going to happen, but that’s where I am.

he made some great points here

Rep. Pat Fallon Blames Mass Shootings On ‘Dang Smartphones’

On Wednesday, Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas) came up with yet another cause of gun violence that doesn’t actually involve guns.

“So what’s changed in the last 50 years?” he asked, before offering his own theory.

There’s been a noticeable breakdown of the family, there’s been an erosion of faith and there’s been a seismic drop in social interaction in large measure due to the overuse of these dang smartphones and the proliferation of social media, which is probably better described as anti-social media,” he said while holding up his own device as a visual aid.

Here’s how gangs without guns look like, U.K. style

Gangs armed with 2ft SWORDS and bats fight in street in Birmingham

Special interest groups are so broad that democracy wold be badly damaged if they were somehow excluded from the political process.

For example in the UK, there were strong anti-slavery interest groups in the 19th century. Happily they prevailed against business lobbies. Likewise with the movements towards the vote for women. And the improvement of working conditions for children and then for all workers: again, against business interests.

Government is too important to leave to the politicians.

On a broader note @samewise, its of great interest that your original post has now been followed by over 100 more, and the discussion has without a doubt been driven by the horror at Ulvade.

Sad that the world is not as interested in the gun crime rate in, for example, Chicago.