Is forex a lonely business?

Yes, it can be and there are times when giving up feels like the only option. To escape all that, I have joined forex forums.

This is why, I am so active on this forum; actually Babypips is such an active forum, and I spend my free time here to learn and share my own trading knowledge!

Even if you only trade your own account, forex trading can be one of the most lucrative careers if you’re successful. However, trading at home alone with a computer can be a very isolating job for some.

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Yes, it can feel lonely at times. But its perks surpass everything. There are no commutes or arrogant bosses to deal with. So, I like it quiet!


I initially thought, but after connecting with various traders across different forums. I don’t feel isolated.

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I would say so, but I don’t consider that to be a bad thing. I’m already kind of isolated as a stay at home mom. I think that trading sort of opened the door to finding something that I’m interested in and so I take to forums like this one if I feel the need for adult interaction. Of course, you’d get a lot more socialization at a physical job but I prefer being in my own home in peace. The balance I’ve found is working during the week and then getting out of the house with my kids on weekends to blow off some steam.


Or change the scenery and take your laptop elsewhere!



Lonely, but peaceful!

When the boss thinks you’re checking stock, but you’re using the work tablet to check on your trades.

This guy went to a quiet corner because he needed a minute to think…


@dushimes This is hilarious :rofl: how about a picture of a trader sitting in the toilet and trading? I guess most profound thinking is done in the toilet nowadays :stuck_out_tongue:

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The morning when your one-night-stand left on her own without you saying a word, and all your trades are in the green.

When you have to get ready to go out, but Standard & Poor is about to rate your favorite base currency.

Yup. It’s real.


ROFL :rofl: I was just wondering if the trading pressure would help get the bowel movements right or disturb them? :rofl:

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There is no doubt on it! In this business we can talk with only our trading chart, there is no so called colleague in Forex!

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Yes, forex is a lonely business. You do not need any team to make successful trades into the market. You just need a good trading setup and good knowledge and expertise to run a trading business.

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You could go and trade from a working space, that way you can still meet and socialize with people at work. Lots of remote work computer jobs could also be considered lonely

How do you make sure this loneliness doesn’t affect you? :open_mouth: Do you simply distract yourself? :open_mouth:

That’s true too. :open_mouth: I would imagine it’s maybe a bit more difficult for extroverts to trade full-time as compared to introverts who aren’t really affected by it. :thinking:

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That’s a good way to look at it! :blush: Haha. I’ve always assumed you were an extrovert but it seems like you do really like you’re alone time. :smiley:

I just am very used to working alone and making decisions alone - my main career involved going out from the office and carrying out investigations and inspections - there was simply nobody to ask anything until later. Suited me fine but I know it stressed some colleagues.


Helps a lot right? Kind of like a simulation to how it’s like interacting with other humans lol. Also no having to deal with office drama etc!


Yes, forex trading is a solitary pursuit. This, however, is the nature of the trading business. You have no control over it. If you want to be a successful trader, you must have extensive knowledge and expertise and a willingness to work alone!


I don’t think it’s a lonely business. I guess it depends on your outlook. It’s just that it’s an activity that you do alone especially if you don’t have anyone to talk to about trading.