Is it merely a fire sale or is the ship sinking?

I exit and enter back in all the time lol I been sold off what I had in bitcoin before it started dropping, and put some of my profit back into other lower coins. Some people are married to just bitcoin, forgetting that there are many other altcoins they can profit from as well lol but it really is not like forex to me. I have a few friends that rather not own any of the coins, but just trades them and just makes money on the rise or fall of the coins. That’s another option too

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That’s interesting! :slight_smile:

Come to think of it, for people like me who unfortunately just hold BTC, this intense plummet in its value is such a terrible news. :sweat: But, the other options do seem promising!

My friends have actually encouraged me to try trading alts but I’ve always been very cautious so I wanted to get to know BTC first before I dive into the alts. Guess this could be the perfect time to try them out. :wink:

Do you have any particular alts that you recommend? :smiley: Thank you! is an excellent resource. Look through the site when you get a chance. It’ll show you whether a coin is doing well or not doing so well, along with many other things that will help in your analysis

Bitcoin reminds me of some classic "Pump & Dump" plays in the Stock Markets…

Next stop could be 4,500’s… or even as low as low 3,000’s.

Those poor people that bought Bitcoin (Not CFD’s) above the 12,000’s… or higher.

This is causing a whole lot of carnage…Winklevoss… anyone…

Disclaimer: I own no Crypto Currencies… don’t even have CFD’s…

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There’s no carnage until you sell in deep loses or if the market dies. Don’t sell and pray the market doesn’t go poof. :joy:

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Like KamauKambon said. You haven`t lost anything until you sell at a loss.
Just HODL (if you can afford it).

There’s life in them Robber Barons yet :wink:
Tulip Bulb salad anyone ?


that’s right guys remember the right thing to do is HODL
HODLing is the key

:stuck_out_tongue: You’re a Firetrucking crackup dude HODLing hehe

Now… by contrast, if someone was trading with a regulated broker and they killed themselves.

They would do what, bring them back to life?
Did the broker’s lose any sleep over those who lost money in the 2008 markets?


so… I need to explain, Elaborate, or clarify do i

so… you think i was talking about bringing people back from the dead

I just want to know this…
Do you seriously want me to answer this, because i promise you if i do , you’ll look like an idiot.

let me know what you want to do

@bradley79 & @KamauKambon and @blazing_snowball … I’m not having a crack at you guys… Genuine sympathy for those caught…

Just have seen this so many times in the Stock Market… Even the Price Action looks familiar…

I set my sights on a tech stock (RC Drones)… watched it rise over a month or two from $0.015 cents all the way up to $0.16 cents… waited for a bit of a pullback to $0.14 and bought in… up it went to $0.165… I thought hold…hold… and back it went over 2 weeks to $0.12… should have sold then…contained the loss…held…back it went again… $0.095 cents…I was out…

That stock today (24 months on) is $0.008 cents…and the company has still not sold a product…

I got out lightly… some lost $1000’s… it was a very sobering experience…


Maybe we misunderstand each other.
Maybe I disagree with the point you’re trying to make.

Do you seriously want me to answer this, because i promise you if i do , you’ll look like an idiot.

So the purpose of this post is to make everyone look like an idiot?
Guess you have nothing to learn to learn, no need to waste each other’s time further.

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This is normal market structure. If it hadn’t corrected, I would be worried. It seems to be at the end of the third wave down, and will probably be going up a bit for the fourth wave before continuing downward even further. It will likely go up after the fifth wave. The thing is, ya can’t HODL forever when it goes back up. Ya gotta plan your strategy and exit at the right times according to the levels (fib. historical), Elliot wave theory, etc. If you aren’t all in, this is the perfect time to think about placing buy orders. I’m excited!!! If you are all in, you gotta wait it out.


We’re talking about cryptocurrencies right?
If I sell at today’s rates I would have lost 2/3 of what I had before.
So, the solution is to wait and buy in at the lowest point. The average will help me even out and turn to profit faster.

Bought 1 BTC at 14,000
Buy 2 more at 7,000.
This is 28,000 in total for 3 BTC or 9,333.33(3) per BTC.
Meaning that if/when the price starts rising I’ll have to sell at that pricepoint to be even and anything I make above it is pure profit.
It’s a serious gamble but if you can`t afford to lose what you’ve invested you shouldn’t have invested it in the first place.
It’s a marathon not a sprint for me.


Yes we are, owning Bitcoin is similar to owning stocks… you cannot short or hedge like FX to protect your position… averaging down is your only option.

I understand the averaging technique your going to employ… it’s just how far down is the bottom…??

Cause if you get it wrong, say a dead cat bounce… the situation just gets a whole lot worse…

Bitcoin has some serious fundamental challenges as well, such as banks not taking deposits and credit card companies not allowing purchases of the cryptos on their cards.

The last thing the finance industry want is the public to have control of their own funds via Blockchain…unless they have a say or finger in the pie…The Crypto’s are fighting against a lot of vested interests.

Just a lot of people, less knowledgeable than yourself are going to be left without a chair when the music stops…

I don’t have a dog in the fight,… and I don’t have the answer either…

hi mate, i really hope it is a misunderstanding
because the way you said it (well… i suppose i could tell you how i interpreted it) but … Look

lets jump to this point…

i agree,
i think this course of action is best

i will say this though
if you disagree with me, i’m fine with that
i’ll leave it there ok
be cool

Thanks for this @justshell! :smiley: Will definitely check this out! :slight_smile:

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This is the vested interests I was referring to….“Always back self interest …at least you know it’s trying” Page 1 Page 2

Sorry about the aggression mate.
If you’ve been stopping people from thinking that they’re going to get rich easy off this or putting in more money in than they should then I’m on your side on that one at least.

I did not lose money on this.
I’m more interested in the idea of keeping a network open that is as free as possible.

Good luck on your forex trades.

it’s ok mate, i’m not offended

all i was trying to say though with this comment

was this

  • firstly, you took what i said out of context

  • Secondly my point was AT LEAST SOMETHING WOULD BE DONE to show some level of care.
    of course it can’t bring back the dead, (that should have been implied) but A CURRENT AFFAIR of 60minutes would have been involved or some other news medium. i mean a few years back, a cop accidentally kills a 10 year old kid in redfern who got in the way of the cops while chasing another car (it was sad) but, was it left alone… NO

Media had a field day with it and the whole Black Vs White thing came up again
(in case you’re not aware. REDFERN in Australia (Sydney) you can look at like East L.A. in America , Not quiet as bad as what compton was back in the 80’s but that whole Black vs white thingy definitely is still there
Except it’s aboriginal vs Australian (As in English Australia. RE Captain Cook and all that)

My point was in Australia if a company is responsible for a death, something would be done.
if an Australian broker had a client that killed themselves over a crash or whatever… hehe… I CAN ASSURE YOU (Even if the company didn’t care) they would DO SOMETHING… to make it look like they did

in this case, NOTHING WAS DONE
Meaning… there is an absolute and utter ( we don’t give a shyte) attitude

that was my point…
it wasn’t that he would be brought back from the dead. of course.

Now… re this…

Mate, not only do i do this
I piss people off in the process OK HEHE
because i feel if they are on that level of stupidity they need a kick up the bum for the sake of not losing money

i try to make them understand that i’m not hating on them
but, i’m not going to dance around the subject, if they are being stupid and doing stupid crap, i’m going to tell them that it’s stupid

i will then educate them on how to not do it and make sure they understand

same here mate

Luck doesn’t exist
don’t need it. Already have a strategy that works and has been working for a while

but… THANK YOU ALL THE SAME, i understand the intention here and i get what you’re trying to say

all good and same to you mate, may you be profitable and financially free.

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