Is it merely a fire sale or is the ship sinking?

Haha don’t worry about it! I was actually, as the millennials call it, “shookt” when I checked back in and saw the many replies. It’s entertaining.[quote=“jtconlon, post:59, topic:133819”]

there is a lot of undue fear being propagated by people who do not understand market structure, saying that it is doomsday for crypto. I am extremely confident that they are wrong.

Preach! Wish we had more crypto folks here!

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Now…even Belfort is calling Cryptocurrencies a “Pump & Dump” scheme…

He explains the possible failure of tether (Stablecoin) which hasn’t been mentioned in this forum.

“Just have seen this so many times in the Stock Market… Even the Price Action looks familiar…”


THIS forum ?? hehe
he’s not a member , to my knowledge
let me check… @jordonbelfort
Nope… no results hehe

also he has mentioned this many times before , so has bill Gates, Warren Buffet etc.

Yeah USDT is a ticking time bomb. Sucks. It might just take everything down with it when it bursts.

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Well I’m new here, just getting used to everyone.
Even after your civil discussion I must have been pretty grumpy on the day and couldn’t help jump in!
Though I disagree on a lot of crypto points I might try tone down a notch and see if I can learn a bit more about TA and forex.
No need to convince anyone.

Hey @bradley79, your gamble is paying off… hopefully you’re back in the black…

“Gutsy move Mav…”

Thanks :slight_smile:
I’ve been in the black since I’ve started trading cryptos. Had a bit of BTC, LTC and DOGEs lying around and decided to try trading them. Just for the sh*ts and giggles in my spare time.
Once I had everything transfered to the exchange it was the equivalent of about 14$ (back when the prices were low).
Managed to trade them up to 0.01BTC. That was my goal in the first place - to see if I can make them enough so that I can cash them out and the minimum pay out is exactly that (0.01btc).
I`m currently at around 0.0225 BTC (~200$) which for me is quite the accomplishment for just several months of trading.
So, yeah. In the end considering i’ve invested only my time into this endevour whatever I get out of it past that initial 14$ is a profit.


Wow. That’s not bad at all!

Beginner’s luck, I guess. :blush:
Since I’ve started learning about the different forex trading strategies, signals and techniques it dawned on me that I’ve been using strategies without knowing it.

Oh nice! How convenient that must be! Which ones in particular were they? :slight_smile:

First one was scalping, then there was hedging, swing trades based on trends and avoiding shilled/hyped cryptos. In general I tend to avoid news trading as from what I’ve seen in cryptos almost always leading up a big dip. Maybe that’s just because the exchange I`m using is not that big, but yeah. Once there is some kind of news regarding a certain crypto - there is a bit of hype (price rise) before the release date and there is almost always a big drop off once the release is made.
Recent example: Lisk. Before the relaunch event it was ~30$. The day after the release it dropped to ~$25 and now is gravitating around 23.
Another kind of tactic that’s been quite useful is the averaging out -
example: buy 1 coin at 30. Price drops to 20. Buy the same (or double) amount as the initial purchase.
Now have 2 coins at 30 and 20 = joint average 25$/coin.
This is risky but in my case once I’ve been keeping an eye on the trend and market movements I can make a fairly educated decision if I should just hold and wait or buy the dip and then wait.

Last but not least - watch the other traders and transactions (i believe that’s called social trading). If I see automated trades and big order walls I tend to keep an eye on them to see what their goal is and when they are active. This allows me to sometimes predict price pushes (pump&dump) and profit from them.

Which P&D have you recently been able to take advantage of?

Oh man, I also generally avoid heavily shilled coins but fell for one REALLY bad one. I’m too embarrassed to admit which coin it is haha. I definitely learned my lesson from that one!

Dollar cost averaging makes sense but not if we don’t know what the bottom is. Scary! But also kind of exciting lol

Had a burn with DNT but that was when I first started trading and had no idea what a P&D is. Well, learned that the hard way.
Recently made a good profit on TRX, Doge, DIM.
Did you give in to the BAT or XRP craze? Still holding 16 XRP and waiting for a price increase. If not I may double down and then hodl for the next wave of price surge.

Haha yes. Thankfully I got both BAT and XRP way earlier. Ok fine, the coin I’m referring to is TRX haha. Crazy how you made a good profit on that! When did you get in?!

Also: have you bought any recently? Like within the last 2/3 weeks?

I got in when it was first introduced to the exchange. Bought 500 and forgot (literally) about them.
Needless to say - was pleasantly surprised when I saw my overall account balance +100$ and saw that it had hit 0.20 cents. Sold 400 and kept the 100. Still holding on to those.
No rush to sell or buy more atm.

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