Is there a Holy Grail in Forex Trading?

I agree - depending how this one progresses, I was thinking maybe - just maybe - it could form a part of the Babypips school as a “Postgrad” study !

I really do think there is a place for a “self defence” section in there - and this one could go along with “Broker bousses” in such a place :sunglasses:

I link back to yur post again because I feel it has a lot of merit !

Do you know that websites that derive their income from advertising Forex brokers while offering educational programs could actually have a vested interest against their members? Forex brokers have a vested interest in making money from traders who lose money. Why would brokers want to support anyone against their own interests? There is only one way to trade the Forex with consistent success, I repeat, only one way and no other way. I’m talking here about that one way, real and verifiable…no hocus pocus.
Who on this site would be against that and why? Something to think about.

Yes I’d like that ! - You are clearly a man of intelligence and understanding - and we only seem to have the single point of major disagreement - but your points are cogent and well presented and I always read your posts with interest. A pint and a "schtack up barney" could be good - although perhaps we could concentrate less on our divergences and more on the beer and the crack . :wink:

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So you’re saying that what it is you’re not selling will be free to all? Sign me up to the Holy Grail. Why give the secret sauce away when you could use this all for yourself, to make Warren Buffet money? Nice try…


I’ll try to reply to any coherent message :slight_smile:

Ok here are two questions that in my opinion are coherent and relevant, in response to your claim:

  1. if this were really true then I would first earn my own billions before releasing it publicly. Have you already done so? If not, why not?

  2. if this were really true (and proven by question 1) then I would be selling this for very large sums/licence fees to major banks, investment funds, pensions, central banks, etc. Why are you then promoting this on Babypips where the majority of participants are beginners and mostly have only between 10 and 500$ to “invest” in starting their trading?

If you are not just another scam looking to rip off these vulnerable hopefuls then you certainly are doing a good job of looking like one!

We have at various times here seen claims that:

  • forex markets are all manipulated by the big players
  • all brokers are fleecing their customers
  • all forex markets are moved by astronomical movements of the planets
  • all forex movements are controlled by astrological forces

Now you are offering another claim that:

  • all forex markets “operate on two specific properties of physics; one is known and one was unknown until recently (both are recurring phenomena of physics).”

Combined with the threat that “Unless both of these laws are followed ‘to the letter’ the forex market will beat all traders into a pulp…over X period time.”

In other words, until your mate found his “2nd Law of Physics applying to Forex”, no bank, institution, pension fund or private individual has ever made a profit from foreign exchange…hmmm


Many years ago I was just like most people on this site…lost and searching for answers.
It took me a long, long time to find out that 100% of what people are being taught about trading is 100% B.S.
I’m here, on this site telling people that there is a ‘Holy Grail’ for trading in the Forex. The reason why you and so many others think this is not true is because…you don’t know what it is. In fact, the entire world would think it’s untrue because the entire world does not know what it is. Therefore your skepticism is quite justifiable.
It would take many years for anyone to figure it out. In fact, the task is so arduous that it would literally kill people to go through figuring it out. There is more work to it than most people can imagine.
Yet, it exists and I know what it is. You don’t.
I’ve mentioned previously that it could be rolled into and educational venue…or it could otherwise be rolled into an equity fund. This is yet to be decided.
The big, big difference between your argument and mine is this:
I can prove it…in real time…
What I mean is that, when I have time and if there is enough interest, I will go live in real time and tell you what will happen in the Forex before it happens, time after time. There is no more stronger proof than that.
One cannot successfully trade anything unless one can predict what will happen before it happens.
That my friend, is how ‘the Holy Grail’ or whatever you might want to call it works…and it only works one way. It does not work any other way, only one way. You see light refract through a prism. It only works one way, by physics. It does not work because of moving averages nor because any other sort of antiquated, regurgitated mythological nonsense is impacting the light…it only works one way, by physics.

You seem to have plenty of “time” to “hype” this “System of yours”

When you are proving what you say by posting your trades in real time 95%+ of the time winning money, without fudging and evasion, you will generate interest !

There are others who post their trades already and often they start off positive but then they just seem to “evaporate” - !

You are claiming the “Holy Grail” and that “It is all physics” - That being the case, we shall be hoping to see you capturing decent movements - not just “7 pips” but 100 plus, regularly. - IN REAL TIME ! We shall expect to see Stop losses declared at the same time as your Trades are announced and “Take Profit Levels” also.

At this moment in time, You have done nothing whatever except make completely unlikely claims with mystical connections to “Physics” - What qulifications do you have in “Physics” which have enabled you to discover this relationship, which the finest brains in the world, working with unlimited resources have been unable to reveal for themselves - even by detailed application of chaos theory - apart from noting the occasional recurrence of “fractals” ? [Note for casual reader ; “Fractals” - has a meaning in chaos theory - the similar word used to signify tops and bottoms on some trading charts is completely different]

I’m sure we are all DEEPLY suspicious of the claims you are making, that you are 95% + accurate [quote=“2018904, post:32, topic:166374”]
Yet, it exists and I know what it is. You don’t.

Then why ? as @anon46773462 says are you here trying to convince US that it does ? - WHY - are you not quietly taking all our money off us by using your special knowledge ? :wink:

It just seems like such a pointless excercise which can do nothing but cost you money as others identify and start trading your “Holy Grail” - which you have already said you are going to teach them !


Absolutely! I certainly won’t disagree with the strength of you providing proof…but you did not answer either question!! (and why am i not surprised?)

…so do it then! Prove it! You’ve made your unsubstantiatied claims (like so many others before you). So instead of just rambling on about how you’re gonna turn the world order of forex upside down - prove it! Until you do you are just another scammer in the wings awaiting your cue…

But I will leave you now to your canvassing, I’ve expressed my view and I’ve got better things to do than follow this. I’ll come back with my tail between my legs when I read about you in the mighty magazines.


Stop wasting my time. Get on with it. Show me.


Your assumptions that I’m a scammer are laughable. What I have is something that could put scammers out of business if I go public with it. You simply do not know…and have no right to be demanding anything from me. I don’t respond well to vitriol.

Yep, right on cue. That is always the next step from potential scammers when they claim to be able to offer proof but actually fail to provide - they cover up their failings by attacking those who question their outlandish claims!!! :joy: Hardly the response to expect from someone who claims to hold the keys to the almighty Holy Grail of all trading :joy:

@2018904 just come up with the goodies or move on. This is a total waste of everyone’s time.


You’re the one who came here and said you had something valuable. So actually you’re doing the demanding so far - demanding we listen, demanding we respect what you’ve done, demanding we admire what you’re going to achieve.

So go ahead.

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Michael J Huddleston, what is up DOG. I’m glad to see you alive and kickin. You know that the math does not work out, I mean in a short period of time you would have all the money in the world, ooooop’s sorry, thats right you do. Oh and if it ain’t Mikey, git out of here you Scammer.

The Ever Rude VIPER

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Hello, @2018904.

Welcome to the BabyPips community.

We have many new traders who look to us to help filter out the noise, so we put extra scrutiny on posts by new users on our forums. This is simply to ensure that all resources offered here are free, credible, and of high quality.

Given this, we ask that you share meaningful details about this ‘Holy Grail’ within the next 24 hours or we will have to close this topic.

Thank you!



Sorry, I’m not to here to offer anything nor advertise anything at this time. No decisions as yet have been made.

Then why write this rubbish ?

Then you’re either telling lies or trying to use this site as free publicity for something to be generated at another place.

Clear off and stop wasting everybody’s time !

yes, that makes perfect sense…smh


Perhaps you could apply your superior intellect to answering some of the points I made here - And which you have studiously ignored in your self agrandisement ?