Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

Oh yeah. That makes sense. :open_mouth: I do hope you get your vaccine shot soon though! Better prepared and protected. With that said, I also wish the same for myself. :sweat_smile:

Oooh. :open_mouth: I think those are pretty good numbers. :open_mouth: And if it stays at this rate, most of the UK population would be vaccinated by next year. (But of course, as the vaccination processes and systems get more established, distribution would become a lot faster.) Still stay safe though!

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Thank you! :pleading_face: I hope you also get your vaccine shot soon and that you also don’t get any harsh side effects. :blush:

Super happy for youuuu! :blush: Those side effects don’t sound like anything unbearable so that’s very great news. :blush: Good luck with the second shot! I hope the side effects still wouldn’t be that bad.

Oh no. :sob: For anyone here who’s from India, we’re sending you our prayers. :sob: Those numbers are just depressing. I’m still trying to grasp how they got to this state when they were one of the countries who effectively implemented the social distancing protocols.

Congratulations! I know it’s still a death but I’m just happy that you guys are well on your way to fully containing this virus! :smiley:

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So happy for you! :blush: I hope you and your family stay safe. I know it takes a few months or weeks for it to take effect so I hope you stay careful and healthy! :smiley:

Hello, and I do believe that at the rate in which the vaccination is being produced as well as success rates you will probably be eligible before then fingers crossed! As far as the vaccine itself yes I have received my first dose and I am scheduled to receive my second dose this weekend.

US is at 40+% of the population with at least one shot, something like 30% fully vaccinated. However, with kids and those not wanting to get vaccinated, I don’t think we reach herd immunity, which is anywhere from 70-90%.

Some localities are actually reporting over supply. Demand for vaccines slowed for the first time last week.

already had my first dose, so far no side effects. waiting for my 2nd dose schedule


Seems strange that ~40% of the US population has fronted for a Vaccination and the balance are waiting or hesitant to join the queue… Even on a Continent ravaged by the Pandemic, it appears to be a Noisy Minority (once again) pushing an agenda that they believe everyone should have to follow…

Hesitancy rates are even greater in Australia with only the Aged, Sick and Immune Compromised believing the Vaccines are the equivalent of rapture and are rushing to be vaccinated.

Under 50’s are not forcing the doors of the Vaccination Hubs… On any given day, there is more staff at the Vaccination centres than citizens lining up to get a Shot… Just like the US where they are starting to close Rollout facilities due to lack of demand.

Hesitancy due to Clotting episodes and other to date unknown side effects is REAL and has slowed the rollout to a trickle of those that are fit and healthy…

Fortunately Australia, unlike most of the Western world didn’t stuff up it’s response to this pandemic and limited movement and secured it’s borders promptly. Fatalities from the Virus has been zero for months now, and the chance of getting COVID here is effectively nil with all new cases coming from overseas travellers and contained in quarantine…

Unlike the UK that needs the Vaccines, still grappling with partial lockdowns and 14k new cases weekly.

Just a footnote that goes to show the utter fixation on COVID in 2021…

Statistics show that there is one tandem student skydiving fatality for every 500,000 tandem jumps which makes the odds of death 0.000002%! According to the National Safety Council, an individual is more likely to die by a lightning strike or being stung by a bee.

Yet… very, very few people have the cojones to jump out of a perfectly good Aeroplane…

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I hope so too. And thank you!

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In the UK it seems the majority of the population are going through the vaccination process and are positive about it. This extends to the youngest age brackets eligible, well under 50yrs.

I have been volunteering at a UK vaccination centre since January and it is regularly running at 1000 vaccinations per day. They write up a notice-board in the foyer each day with the previous day’s jab count and the total jab count since Jan. We must be up around 70,000 by now. we expect this to run at least into the autumn.


Same thing here - zero deaths for a while now - life largely back to normal (except for the cold weather)

Only anti vaccers I’ve encountered are either plain afraid of the jab or are happy to wait for most people to be vacced and then the virus will die a death - but there are very few of them.

I see that Pfizer reckon that covid vac will be around for a few years - but no-one really knows for sure.

Oh dear… It’s any wonder healthy Australians are giving the vaccinations a wide berth.

Those with foresight, (the antithesis of hindsight) are left to ponder what side effects await, 6 months, 12 months, 5 years from now…

Was the prototype version of the Vaccine, developed over 4 months ago worth the risk? With what now appears to be a very resilient Indian variant starting to spread in the UK (even with current lockdowns)

“We have latest Indian variant that is increasing so rapidly, even during a period when we are still in a pretty strict lockdown and have more than 50% of the UK population with at least one immunisation, is very depressing and suggests that as we come out of lockdown this variant could accelerate even more rapidly,” Paul Hunter, a professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia

Hey @tommor, Australia’s health services has nearly completed initial vaccinations of all front line workers (Police, Hospital, Quarantine, Airport Staff), Aged Care and most over the age of 60-70 years of age that want the vaccination.

Australia hasn’t had a community transmission of the Virus for a few months (Sydney ATM), roughly a third of the population and a far superior Public Health (no wait) system than the UK, so it can be completed without panic in a much shorter time frame.

The Mass Vaccination Hubs that were set up in most of the Capital cities are effectively empty. I imagine with the furore about non-aspiration (very few have a clue) of the vaccination initially blamed for the clotting episodes… Most will wait till it can be administered by their trusted GP.


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Curious to know if anyone who has had the jab were given any sort of Medical Safety Data Sheet prior to the injection or were required to sign a consent form? (I don’t know if they can even issue a MSDS until clinical trials are finished in 2023?)

In the UK, no patient signature is required. I suppose consent is implicit in attending the location to get the vaccination. An advisory leaflet and medical information sheet is given to each patient.

Zero COVID Deaths across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland over the last 24 hours… !!!

One day and they are lowering the COVID Alert Level…

Yet the official UK Government website for data and insights on (COVID-19) May 10th displays 4…

Nothing to see here, just the usual media bullshite for the Kool-Aid swilling public to choke on…

BTW… Notice how the people testing positive for COVID has been increasing… Maybe the Authorities have began relaxing lockdowns… What could possibly go wrong???

Ooooh! :blush: I really hope so! But I guess, access to the vaccine still differs per country. I don’t think we’re as lucky as the US or the UK when it comes to access and distribution. :sweat: But good for youuu! Let us know how your second shot goes! :blush: