Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

Oh wow. :open_mouth: If you guys over there don’t want them, maybe you can kindly hand them over to us. :sweat_smile:

Niceee! :blush: Good for you. I hope the second dose also does not show any side effects! :smiley:

Pretty good numbers for your vaccination center, I think! :blush: Also, I might have missed it but I didn’t know you were volunteering! :smiley: How has it been so far?

Its been great to get out and have something constructive to do, to interact with other people even if only briefly and behind masks. Everyone is so positive, I’ve met some very nice volunteers.


I got my first shot today, Moderna. 5 hours later and no side effects yet. I couldn’t even tell which arm they put it in if I hadn’t been there.

It will be nice to get back into the office in a couple weeks.

Next one booked for Aug. 20th, but hopefully it come sooner.

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I won’t be having the vaccine, I believe that the completely new mrna technology to be potentially dangerous… And I’m one of those people who don’t trust a word that the government say.


People testing positive for COVID in the UK is still on the rise…

The 7 day moving average is up 12%+ in the last two days, with the fatality rate also increasing.

** Can anyone explain how the 7 day MA for the death toll rises from 70 to 86 across the last 48 hours yet the indicated result is a -6.5% decline… Voodoo mathematics??

@Barrigan, No one knows the longer term outcomes from these Vaccines… It obviously isn’t curbing the spread of the Virus. While the ability of the vaccines to decrease the severity of COVID on the recipient is definitely a successful outcome… It also will cause knock-on issues.

World renowned Epidemiologists predicted in 2020 that mass vaccine rollouts would cause mutations of the Virus. Various cocktails of vaccines is an issue that Governments across the globe aren’t acknowledging is cause for even greater alarm.

Disingenuously, most in this thread believe if their arm isn’t sore, or they don’t feel lethargic after the inoculation then all is well and they have nothing to be concerned about… What could go wrong??


I have a lot more to be concerned about if I was to contract COVID. I’m in a high risk category. I hesitated posting here, but I did. Yes, I was happy my arm didn’t hurt. So mock me, call me naive if you think that helps get your point across.

@MattyMoney, Please read the complete thread! I have no issue with anyone getting this Vaccine… Just because I’m hesitant doesn’t mean that you should not be vaccinated… Especially high risk nations like India, UK, USA, Brazil etc, and/or high risk citizens with Cancer, Heart issues or Immune deficient.

Every comment or statement I have backed up with actual linked facts… Not just my opinion. Just as I do with my trading content… Have a read through the mockery of some of the posts above…

I discussed the mutations as far back as January in this forum… And now it is coming to pass… I’m no expert in the medical world… but I can research and join the dots, just as I do with the 1000+ posts on Brokers, Regulations, Platforms, even a few Unscrupulous Members…

All I’m spelling out is be cautious… All’s not what is seems.

No consent form, but this link was texted to me I think the day before I got vaccinated. Straight to the CDC website with safety info on the vaccines.

Are they following up with how you are reacting to the shot? Questionnaires or interviews? Because wittingly or not, you are part of the largest medical experiment of an unapproved medical treatment ever conducted in history.


I wasn’t expecting to be follow up by the UK health services after either of my vaccinations - the NHS is just charging through so many vaccinations it would be impossible for them to keep in touch with every patient. But then actually I was approached by a university working for the NHS who asked me to take a covid test after the first jab. Negative result.

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I was obviously quite alert to any symptoms after both jabs, as all medications can cause side-effects. After the first one I had muscle and joint aches for 24hrs, then tiredness for another 24hrs.

About 8 weeks after the first jab I noticed severe pain in both thighs. However, my doctor was sure this was referred pain from the sciatic, which turned out to be right - sciatic pain emerged a day later and this was treated with painkillers - all OK now and nothing to do with the vaccination.

There is a raised risk of blood clotting after the AstraZeneca vaccination, but this is in comparison with healthy unvaccinated individuals. The same blood clots are up to 8 or 9 times more prevalent in people who have caught covid than they are in vaccinated individuals. The risk:protection balance is not so distinct in younger age groups so in the UK younger individuals may be offered the Pfizer vaccine.

@Student05, Careful… You’ll spook the horses…


Maybe I am just a bit oldfashioned, but all this things with vaccines are not for me (at least for now). I heard a lot of stories about how one received a first shot and got very sick after it. Maybe because 2nd shot was not made, mabe bad quality of a vac, or maybe just some conspiracy theories. But as for me, I would better wait for a year or two before taking it

Do you have any medical information and reliable statistics on this?

No, just heard a story here, a story there…
And I know two ladys who received Indian vaccine and after they got sick

Still waiting for my turn to get the vaccine. Honestly, I am very afraid of taking the COVID vaccine after seeing some really bad side effects to many of my known people. I don’t know, but I am still very skeptical.

No followup. Just a brief 15 min waiting period after receiving the vaccine at the vaccination site. But the info shared before getting the shot outlined what symptoms you should be on the lookout for.

Most of my friends and family have all be vaccinated with the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J, and other than some flu-like symptoms for some within the first 24 hours after, no apparent lasting issues. And no infections since.

Any interview will take place at the doctor’s office if an issue comes up.

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Which vaccine did they receive?