Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

I am really glad that the situation in your city has improved so much!

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Finally went out today in public with no mask. It felt a bit strange actually, being outside with no mask. I felt I needed confirmation from others around me to make sure it was okay.

But the US is a mixed bag. We’re at 49% vaccinated, total population.

But vaccinations are trending down nationwide while I think 9 states are trending up infections wise, week over week.

Adjusting to post-covid Earth will not be an overnight thing. Lots of people are going to be shy of crowded spaces and public transport for a very long time.

This will be real but not rational: covid will be brought under control, but unemployment and weak GDP bring their own negative health implications. What we really need is for consumers to get out there and spend like drunken sailors.


I wanted to fight the new crown vaccine, but I couldn’t get in the line at all.

Hey guys! Me and my sister got vaccinated about a week ago. Feeling some pain in the arm and a bit feverish. However, my sister did have high fever for around three days post vaccination.

Oh no! :open_mouth: How are they doing now? I hope they’re a lot better. Tbh, it’s the first time I’ve heard of people experiencing these side effects and now I can’t help but worry for your family. :open_mouth:

That’s definitely a great improvement! :smiley: OMG just hearing about your experience is making me feel a bit more optimistic that we’d slowly get back to normal. I just hope vaccinations continue to increase in my country as well so that we could get closer to that reality. :thinking: BUT REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU! :blush:

Thanks for sharing April! :blush: If you don’t mind, from which country are you? :smiley: And, how are you and your sister doing now? :blush:

Hi ria,

Thanks, they’re both ok. I can’t believe that you haven’t heard of those side effects… It’s common knowledge about the blood clots and strokes etc. Are the media in your country not broadcasting that information ?

To others looking forward to returning to normal ‘after’ covid… Don’t hold your breath.

What is “normal”? :open_mouth:

I was vaccinated with Pfizer and feeling great now.

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Who knows… I don’t like the look of the new normal though.

Melbourne (Victoria) has had an outbreak of the Indian variant of the Virus, so we are in a 7 day lockdown 5km travel only situation….

Strange because all our front line workers (Doctors, Nurses, Police, Quarantine staff) were all vaccinated weeks ago…. All our aged citizens over 60 that wanted to have been vaccinated….

It just goes to show just how much faith our Government and Heath Authorities have in the efficacy of the vaccines that just 23 new cases has the state plunged into a “circuit breaker” 7 - 10 day lockdown…

It just gets more and more ridiculous…

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This isn’t good news. We’re getting the impression in the UK that the Indian variant doesn’t generate a more serious illness, it doesn’t “target” specific vulnerable groups and it isn’t more resistant to vaccines.

How do they reckon the Indian variant got into Australia?

Hey @tommor, we have had a lot of travelers returning from India over the last 2 weeks or so. This outbreak was from a person who was apparently released from quarantine but still had the Virus… 98% of recent cases in Australia, stopped in quarantine, are from returning travelers.

Fortunately, the aged care system in Australia has learnt its lesson from the 2020 outbreaks, most of our most vulnerable are either vaccinated or out of harms way (Including my elderly Mother).

We shouldn’t have any major escalation of this outbreak… Just Ministers using the lockdown to protect their own credibility…

I have acreage in regional Victoria, so I just get out of the city (Melbourne) each time they try this stuff… Speaking with few regional businesses today… these constant knee jerk lockdowns are sending them to the wall.

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The UK has 45% of the population fully vaccinated… 73%+ with their first dose completed and still the numbers are on the rise… The 7 day average has increased by 4000+ (27%+) in the past 14 days.

And now hospital admittance and deaths from COVID are beginning to rise as I discussed (6 days ago) would happen as the COVID variants dilute the efficacy of these vaccines and case loads increase…

My wife and I had to have a test a few days back - I’m identified by the health system as Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) - long story for the reason but suffice to say I’ve been very careful with contact avoidance.

Then in Feb and and April past we got our vacs and a cloud was lifted.

So early this week when the dreaded symptoms appeared we were not afraid - and the tests results were negative.

This is what the vaccination programme in the UK is doing - instilling confidence :slight_smile:


I’m originally from the UK and still check in on the news occasionally, it baffles me why people aren’t asking more questions about the whole thing.

Does anyone actually believe that the mortality rates are as reported ?

Why can’t the vaccinated now return to normal ?

Has there ever been a disease where the healthy have been forced to quarantine ?

Do people realise that covid was actually downgraded to the same level as the flu just before the first UK lockdown and is still at that status ?

Would you volunteer to become a guinea pig for a new technology vaccine if you hadn’t been scared to death by the media ?

There’s a thousand things that defy logic about the whole thing.


There are a few key factors that led to the hysteria that has occurred over the last year and a half.

  1. The pump was primed with a large scale pandemic exercise in 2019 (Event 201).

  2. One of the most polluted cities in the world (Wuhan) had an outbreak of SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome) among the vulnerable. Not surprising among a population of heavy smokers in a city that is often covered in a thick blanket of smog, this is not uncommon or infrequent in China.

  3. Neil Ferguson provided critically flawed and virtually useless computer models predicting widespread deaths, multiples of regular cold and flu deaths (These never eventuated and the death toll was lower than many of the previous years. 2018, 2017, 2015, 2014, 2013 all recorded higher fatality rates than Covid-19 according to CDC data.

  4. The WHO deliberately ignored and marginalised independent experts and cooler-heads who questioned what they saw as an extreme overreaction to what was a typical early season coronavirus chest infection that impacted those with compromised immune systems such as cancer patients, the elderly, kidney, heart, diabetic, obesity etc.

  5. A propaganda campaign by social, and mainstream media that engaged in censorship and vilification of dissenting science seldom seen outside of war time and the unwillingness of politicians to acknowledge that the data proves beyond a doubt that there is no pandemic and the number of deaths this year is comparable to any typical cold and flu season.

If you look at any historic pandemic you have large numbers of healthy people being struck down and a significantly higher death rate than normal, this just isn’t happening with covid and anyone under 20 is immune according to CDC data and anyone under 65 don’t have much to be concerned about either if they are in reasonable health.


A lot more questions should have been asked and I suppose a reason behind people’s compliance was the grinding down they have been subject to since early 2020.

Nevertheless, vaccination seems to be the best way out of the pandemic so people also made a rational choice to go along with it.