Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

I have seen my vaccination centre injecting literally hundreds of people who I saw having their first jab (AstraZeneca) in January/February. There is literally no reluctance from these people to getting a second jab with the same vaccine.

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I think the fact that we’re discussing this topic with people from all over the world in almost real-time, hearing and reading news from every country on the planet, while truly an amazing thing, also exposes us to more psychological distress. We’re immediately informed about every bad result or bad reaction or death related to the vaccine. The news updates, if you’re looking for them, hits our brain within minutes and hours of the real event. It’s a crazy thing.

But for every bad side effect, there are probably hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who are just fine. So I think taking that approach can calm your nerves.

And I wholeheartedly agree with this. Unfortunately, if they can get a critical mass vaccinated, they are going to make this mandatory for travel, crossing borders, maybe access to public spaces, restaurant’s, where will they stop… and this is my issue…

If I choose not to have the vaccine and I become critically ill… stupid me!

Millions are still smoking knowing full well they are causing untold harm to their lungs and vascular systems… Smoking’s not banned… Governments get too excited by hiking the taxes on tobacco…

The vaccines aren’t stopping the spread of COVID… Just gives the inoculated a warm and fuzzy feeling in the knowledge that they won’t die from the original variants of the virus…

It’s more than obvious, even in this forum, so many just cannot see the wood for the trees, the rest of us are fully aware where this is heading.

The people who are at risk from Covid are the same group who are at risk every cold and flu season and when you look at historical data including Covid, the 2017-2018 flu season was much worse than this one. An Otago University study found that around 500 people died from flu in NZ each year on average. So far during this pandemic there have been 26 deaths attributed to Covid. If you are reasonably healthy you don’t have much to worry about.

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The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.

i have got my first dose of the vaccine. waiting for the second now

Another highly Vaxxed (60%+) Island Nation experiencing a sharp rise in new COVID cases…

Chinese Sinopharm’s vaccine is Seychelles elixir of choice… Only it appears not to be working!
Like most other of the Vaccines, efficacy KPI’s can be made up as you go… Not important really…

The game is to get the vaccine into as many arms as possible… Quantity over Quality…

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Aww :blush: That sounds lovely! :blush: I was talking about the Covid situations in different countries with a friend earlier and he talked about how he now envies the US and the UK cause cases have dropped and more and more people have been vaccinated. :smiley: Must feel amazing to have been part of this development. :blush:

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That’s greaaaat Matty! :blush: So happy that you’re not suffering from any side effects. :smiley: I’m jealous. Just a few more months and you could probably go back to normal (or at least, super close). :smiley:

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That’s interesting. :open_mouth: And I respect your choice. After all, it’s your body. :open_mouth: I just hope you and your loved ones keep safe! :blush:

Oooh. :open_mouth: By very sick, did you mean they were down with the flu for a bit? :thinking: I hope they’re feeling much better now though!

So, I guess, just a quick update from me too. :blush: My father and grandfather both got their first shots today. :smiley: They got the Astra Zeneca one. Unfortunately, my father has a fever and has been sore ever since he returned, but we’ve been making him drink Paracetamol to keep things in check. :open_mouth: I hope he feels better soon! :blush: (I feel like I’m gonna get vaccinated super late because I don’t belong to any priority groups unfortunately. :sweat_smile:)

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Thanks ria_rose, hope you and yours stay safe too.

It has to be a personal choice and not through pressure from other people / government / celebrities etc.

My mother in law had a stroke after her vaccine and my wife is showing mild signs of bell’s palsy !

A recent has suggested that as few as 1 in 100 side effects are ever reported.

But part of this issue was opening up for tourism, right? Allowing outsiders in, on top letting their guard down?

They’re in a specific situation too, with their over-dependence on tourism to support the economy.

Wow, that is crazy! Sorry to hear that.

I did have a friend report shingles after getting the Pfizer vaccine. All others had general flu like symptoms, but nothing that lasted longer than a day.

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Positive new cases for COVID in the UK is continuing to rise… (~1500 per day over the last 14 days)

Notice how the people testing positive for COVID is increasing every week… As the UK begins to unravel it’s lockdown regulations… What could possibly go wrong???

We’ll know how successful the mass vaccinations has been as the data evolves in 2-3 weeks.

Will these new cases become more acute and cause an increase in hospitalisation and death rates?

Why are mandatory vaccine’s for all really being pushed… Some Interesting information…

“Follow the money”

Once again… Not my selfish opinion… Just cold hard data and facts…

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They are doing what they call ‘surge testing’ i.e. testing en masse in particular areas where recent mutations have been identified - the most recent being the B.1.617 variant.

This testing regime helps i.d. people who have no symptoms - so the case numbers rise.

What is happening right now is that the death rate continues to decrease and the increasing case numbers are in the younger age bracket - possibly a reflection of the vac roll out with older ages first - only the future will tell.

“What is happening right now is that the death rate continues to decrease and the increasing case numbers are in the younger age bracket” Opinion?.. do you have proof to confirm this is the case?

@peterma, There is tangible evidence that the vaccine rollout is having a positive effect on the mortality rates from COVID in the UK. Also evidence it’s improving the outcomes for those that are infected by the virus.

It’s not stopping the transmission of COVID in populations across the Globe, which we were assured would be the outcome due to Vaccine’s greater than 67%+ efficacies… So, authorities have gone dark on reporting supposed transmissibility impacts of the vaccines and jumped on the decrease in symptoms and mortality rates… As I have stated in previous posts… A lot of this is being made up as we go…
And while we are on making it up as we go and only the future will tell scenario’s… A report from the UK in the last 24 hours is revelling just how the British public has been lied to by it’s Politician’s about the proposed Vaccine Passports… Only the simple and infirm couldn’t see this coming??

The sheer volume of information that will be accessed by the incoming NHS app is astounding and just shows how the UK citizens are being led by their gullible blind obedience, down a path that will see their relationship between its Government and citizens (Tax Cattle!) take a sinister path.

This is happening on a Global scale and can see this, if successful in the UK and/or EU implemented in Australia as well (Just like leverage restrictions on CFD Products).

The truly stupid and simple have now gone from " Oh, that’s all a conspiracy theory, tin hat stuff" to " Yeah, we knew that this would happen…"

" So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause. "


Brilliant! The only thing missing is a Government crypto currency with an expiry date to ensure consumption and an approved purchase list (for carbon friendly products) with discounts for fully vaccinated cattle.


That there is - my own city hospital currently has no covid cases.

There are only three ways to beat this virus -

One is that we all live as hermits in a continual lockdown,

Second is carry on as normal and after x number of infections with x number of recoveries and x number of deaths there would be a hope that the virus would mutate into a harmless cold (like the Spanish Flu virus).

And third is to fight it with the same approach as the fight against the smallpox virus - using science.

As for politicians not telling the truth - are there any that actually do?