Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

People aren’t getting sick and dying of covid in the numbers reported, there’s overwhelming evidence of gerrymandering with the figures if you care to look beyond the media. Why would there be a need to do this if the numbers were real ?


The greatest danger from this whole 'pandemic ’ is the silencing and discrediting of any opposition to the official narrative…

Take Dr. Vernon Coleman.
Best selling author of 100 books, animal rights campaigner and outspoken on the ‘covid fraud’… Now labeled as a raving conspiracy theorist !

Take Dr.John Ioannidis
Departments of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics, and Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University. His study on covid suggests average global IFR of ~0.15%… Now being discredited over his ‘views’.

And on and on it goes… The 'unbiased ’ BBC refusing to interview anyone who isn’t pro-covid !

Covid is dangerous but not in the way that most people believe.

Ps. Mask wearing is proven to be bad for your health.


Care to share the non-media numbers you’ve seen? I’d love to read what you’re reading?

Not for me. It’s the people lost.

It’s always sad to lose loved ones and more so when they are young, but I have yet to see a single case of death in an under 50 that didn’t have one or more serious co-morbidities like kidney disease, obesity, diabetes, asthma or COPD etc. If you remove these people from the tally, according to the CDC, the deaths are 6% of the media reported figures.

Here is a graphic that illustrates the infection curve for coronavirus (of which there are 7 major strains) in a typical cold and flu season. As you can see it peaks in late January (coincidentally when the ‘vaccine’ was rolled out) and tapers off into summer.


The infection curve peaked in mid April, at least in the data I was looking at.

White House Coronavirus Task Force member Deborah Birx admitted that causes of death normally assigned to heart disease or kidney disease were now being ascribed to COVID-19. During a press briefing Birx told reporters the US has “taken a very liberal approach to mortality.”

“There are other countries,” said Birx, “that if you had a pre-existing condition and let’s say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem — some countries are recording that as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death.”

When a reporter queried the validity of this approach, Birx fumbled for a coherent response, leading Fauci to chime in with the following:

“I think there’s so much focus now on coronavirus that … No, I can’t imagine if someone comes in with coronavirus, goes to an ICU, and they have an underlying heart condition and they die — they’re going to say, “Cause of death: heart attack.” I — I cannot see that — that happening. So I don’t think it’s going to be a problem.”

How about those numbers you mentioned. Can I look at those?

Yea, I get what you’re saying on the numbers. I have members of my immediate family in healthcare, on the front lines, in the ER and ICU. They’re shared about the complexity of identifying cause of death.

Just how rampant do you think the misrepresentation is? Are you thinking like 50% of all deaths would have happened without COVID? Even still in the US, that’s still 250K deaths.

As student05 mentioned above, only 6% of covid deaths are from covid (see the cdc website) … The other 94% had an average of 4 other health issues.

The U.K.government website downgraded covid over a year ago saying mortality was “low overall”… This downgrade information is still on the current info page.

There is a huge amount of real info out there but most don’t look beyond the media.

Ps. Sorry for your losses, I know very well how awful it is to lose someone.

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You see these? Thoughts?

My thoughts are that you are still reading the bought and paid for narrative… But I’m old enough to realise that no matter what info is presented I won’t be changing your mind (I can’t even change my wife’s mind)… So I won’t try.

But, the numbers are the numbers and without the spin they are still the numbers.

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I’m happy to read over data you’ve read. I can change my mind for sure if the data is compelling. What else is out there? I’m happy to read it. I checked out your “Look at the CDC data”, and then found the article references above related to the 6% statement.

Hey dudebro,

I’ve read a huge amount of information on this and would definitely recommend that you do too.

I’m sorry if I seemed dismissive of your fact checks but these sites are often not reliable… I’m sure that you wouldn’t have to dig very deeply to find out that some of the people financing the fact checks you mentioned are involved in producing a vaccine for the virus.


Here’s an interesting read with some comments from Drs themselves on the complexity faced at times when pronouncing a cause of death.

It also highlights how many Covid deaths went under reported in the early days of the virus due to lack of tests or because of the situation of death (e.g. died at home, died in the ER, had no history of covid but came into the hospital sick and died fairly suddenly).

Underreporting could be as big an issue as overreporting. Something to think about.

Hey @Barrigan, Some great information is available on Anthony Colpo’s site

You’re obviously doing some serious due diligence on this pandemic… even more than me!

I’ve added a link to this valuable site for others to peruse… Unfortunately, most here are getting a very limited version of this pandemic’s events, past and present from mainstream media outlets and therefore basically have no real idea what is happening behind the curtain…

@peterma, a link to some REAL information, yes with named sources and everything that you may find of concern.

The US virus data is all over the place… The historical vaccine reporting bodies in the US have been sidelined by the CDC and are having their data manipulated.

It is possible that due tens of millions of US citizens that tested positive for the virus and then add the 10’s of millions that were asymptomatic and didn’t… Maybe herd immunity is starting to come into effect.

COVID death numbers were a bit of a joke here in Australia in the early to mid 2020…

“You know that accident we saw last night, two people were killed, did you hear?”

“No really… Yeah, they both died of COVID”

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Was going to post this on the “good news thread”.

Yesterday the whole of the UK, England, N.Ireland, Scotland and Walse posted ZERO deaths as a result of covid - the first time since the pandemic began

Regius professor of medicine at Oxford Sir John Bell, commented this morning: that there needed to be “balance” in the Government’s approach.

"If we scamper down a rabbit hole every time we see a new variant we are going to spend a long time huddled away."

"I do think we need to keep our eye on hospitalisations, serious disease and deaths which is really what we are trying to manage,"

"We do need to keep a bit of balance to the discussion and keep our eyes on the serious disease that we are trying to prevent."

He was speaking on Radio 4 and commenting on the Govt’s deliberations on continued easing of restrictions in the hospitality sector.


I do some checking of my own information… It’s a Bank Holiday in the UK, hence deaths and admission data will be released later… Only lamestream media is “officially” reporting zero…

I send you a link on the Science behind the AZ Trials, methodology and results… with checkable published official documents linked…

And all you post is quotes from a radio interview quote from this professor of medicine

“Sir John Bell has received funding from AstraZeneca and is a member of the Oxford Vaccine Group - the University of Oxford has entered into a partnership with AstraZeneca on coronavirus vaccine development”

“Sir John Bell serves on the Genentech Board in San Francisco, and formerly served on the scientific advisory board of AstraZeneca (1997–2000)”

“Sir John Bell chairs the Global Health Scientific advisory board of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation”

It gets worse… much worse…

The government and Oxford University’s failure to be open about Bell’s financial ties make it impossible for the public to know what, if any, interests the professor has when influencing key decisions about which of the many covid-19 tests the UK should purchase.

Last November, The BMJ emailed both Oxford University and the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) requesting proof that Bell had disclosed his “long list” of financial interests, and asked for copies of any forms. BEIS runs the Vaccine Taskforce, which named Bell and AstraZeneca as members. A BEIS spokesperson then contradicted their own press release, telling The BMJ that Bell was a member of the “expert advisory group to the Vaccine Taskforce, rather than a member of the taskforce itself.”
Both BEIS and Oxford University subsequently refused to disclose forms Bell allegedly filled out detailing his financial conflicts.

Pete… Don’t say Conflict of Interest… Always, Always follow the money…

As I said, you’ll have to do much, much better!

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Rising numbers of Covid in the UK have largely been in areas where vaccination numbers were lower compared to the rest of the UK, largely due to cultural reasons from my understanding. If you take a look at the link below, you can see the UK Gov’s interactive map which shows the number of infections by area.

As you can see, high levels of infections are currently only in a few areas.

And as pointed out by others above, at this stage it seems the Government, hopsitals etc and more concerned with the number of hospital admissions and deaths as apposed to the number of infections. The virus is spreading amongst the younger population who have yet to have their vaccine but are far less likely to get seriously ill or die so growing numbers of infections aren’t as concerning as before.

The vulnerable have now been jabbed - We want OUT !


Things we are not allowed to say

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Ehh - the last bank holiday in Uk was May Day - exactly 4 weeks - Monday May 3rd.

NHS England sadly reported on Monday May 3rd a total of 327 deaths from Covid.

Now for more good news - 75% of all UK adults have now received at least one jab - this is significant in the fight against this ever mutating virus.

I see reports of extension to lockdown in Melbourne - it’s mainstream media but i got confirmation from a very frustrated resident.