Admissions are doubling every 14 days… Allowing for the 28 day lag…Deaths are moving on a similar trajectory… A very clear pattern is beginning to emerge and it’s not going to end on July 19th.
The UK will be recording 1 million new cases every 30 days by the date of the next “Freedom Day”
No matter how hard anyone tries to spin these figures into a good news story…
You can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig!!
Edit: As noted on the UK Data Site Admission data is 12 days behind the figures displayed…
Not quite broken methinks - but the most vulnerable are protected as best we can be so the % rate is way down - even on the grossly exaggerated figures they quoted before.
It’s summer and the Bat Flu will be way more dangerous to individuals and to the health service in the Winter - so lets just get it over with - take our chances and stop pretending we can live forever !
The data around this Virus has always been a percentage game… Maybe those that are vaccinated would like to believe that is the case… The raw data (GOV_UK) is definitely displaying that this variant isn’t as deadly. A million plus fresh cases each month will add up to a lot of admissions and possibly even more deaths
The vaccines can’t be the cure all that most would like to believe they are… As Peter and you have said more than once… it’s the young that are driving the new case explosion… and many of them are not yet vaccinated. As has been proven across the globe that healthy under 25’s are practically immune to COVID.
You can’t have your cake and eat it too… Case figures either include many of the older vaccinated citizens which are displaying improved outcomes from the vaccines… Or it’s the young, mostly unvaccinated at this point who are just not getting admitted to hospital and therefore not dying.
Initially the vaccine rollouts where to stop the spread of this Virus… Well that didn’t work out well… Now even the vaccinated are contracting and spreading COVID, hence Pfizer is in talks with the CDC (US) for a third Booster vaccination because the first two aren’t providing the efficacy that sold everyone.
At some point you guys are going to have to pick a lane…
I have heard an expert on UK TV saying in not so many words that we cannot avoid a covid-restrictions-release wave of cases and we cannot avoid a flu wave in the autumn. All that is left therefore is to avoid having them both at the same time.
I made that comment 6 weeks ago at the start of June, a lot has happened in the UK since then, including the UK hosting some large scale events like the Euro’s football and the G7 summit - which included far more than just young people. 6 weeks ago, it certainly seemed to be young people driving up infection rate, but I wouldn’t say it is now, though I have no data to support this.
The data we do have available to us though, is that infection rates are rising (and quickly) however death’s have remained low so far, especially compared with previous waves of infection. The only difference between the previous waves and this one, is the number of the population that has been vaccinated with either 1 or both jabs. One can safely assume (excuse the pun) that the vaccines are helping keep more people alive when infected. Our government seems to agree as in a weeks time, virtually all social restrictions are to be lifted despite the increase in infections.
I agree there that there was a lot of speculation that the vaccines would stop the spread of the virus and that quite clearly is incorrect. However, I don’t think that negates the fact that the vaccines are proving to be a valuable tool in controlling the damage the virus can cause and will help return society to normal.
I agree with you again there that the under 25s are practically immune. I’m 29 and I’m not concerned about Covid as a risk towards my health (perhaps foolishly) but I still had my first Pfizer jab a few weeks ago. Reason being, I want to be able to travel with my family when possible and going forward, it seems that would be virtually impossible without being vaccinated. Vaccine passports might be unfair, but it seems that is the world we live in now thanks to Covid.
Not sure there are even any lanes…
If rates are high and the deaths are low, something is working. Sooner or later we just have to get on with life and what would life be without a little risk?
It’s called natural herd immunity and is the age old defense against cold and flu virus.
In NZ we have a nasty chest cold doing the rounds which is mainly impacting the very young, 0-2 year olds. Doctors are speculating the severity is caused by the lack of normal social interaction over the preceding months (owing to the government lockdowns) which has impacted the natural exposure cycle that builds robust immune systems.
I have been conveying the same message since my initial post in this thread… Over 6 months ago.
Exactly, most are getting vaccinated in the hope of a return of their freedoms… Not to stop them from dying from COVID. Some Governments such as Australia have realised that they aren’t going to get the vaccine rates anywhere near 70% or 80% and are plotting to add youth down to 5 years of age to boost the number.
I agree with @Falstaff and @Student05 that with the huge numbers in the UK contracting the Delta Variant, a natural herd immunity is beginning to take place…
The lockdowns are dangerous as they break that cycle that builds herd immunity. The Flu has all but been forgotten and people are rarely being tested for it… Just watch how many will pass away during the UK winter because they have had no exposure to influenza for 12 months or more…
This has been my message from the start… Get the vulnerable, compromised and anyone else who wants to be vaxxed. Then open up economies and let immunity do it’s thing.
Only Governments and a few here in BP have the misconception that mass vaccinations are the only solution and are now holding whole populations to ransom using vaccines as the payment for freedom. Although this has proven to be a false idol to follow as they are continually moving the goal posts with knee jerk reactions.
I’m sure Governments and the public at large will look back on 2020 - 2022 and realise how stupid they where to let the charade go on for so long… But as with all blights on humanity the perpetrators will have vanished safe from liability and the believers of this on going nonsense will be born again experts that knew it all along… Hindsight is 2020 but Foresight is 50/50…
As I have stated with ad nauseam in this thread… Alway$, Alway$, Alway$ follow the money…
A customer recovered is a customer lost… Pharmaceutical Industry.
Appears to be a complete backflip by the UK Government on everything COVID around July 19th.
It’s not the unvaccinated that are demanding the continual restriction on freedoms or mental health and economy destroying lockdowns…
It’s predominately the vaccinated, scared of their own shadows and decision less individuals that would rather have Politicians and their medical mouthpieces make their life decisions for them…
It’s the only path to never being wrong… And guarantees a collective victimhood if it doesn’t work out.
Professor Tim Spector, who runs the ZOE, Britain’s largest COVID symptom tracking study, said new cases peaked at around 33,000 per day on July 6. Symptomatic cases among unvaccinated Brits fell by 2.4 per cent, from 20,973 on July 5 to 20,487 on July 6.
But the number of vaccinated adults —who make up 87.2 per cent of the population — falling ill with the virus is still rising. Another 12,905 vaccinated Brits were estimated to have caught COVID on July 6…
Meaning nearly half of all cases are now among the jabbed…
I’ve been double-jabbed for quite a while and my plan is to get on with life after the 19th as much as possible just like it was before covid. If I’m asked to wear a mask in a shop or restaurant or public transport or in a taxi for the sake of anxious staff I will do.
I don’t have any plans to jet off anywhere this year. Next year it will be as usual to France etc., nowhere that wouldn’t have achieved their vaccination programme.
I think exactly the same.
Being 46 and recovered i don’t think my single jab will make any difference for my health, only for a regulatory standpoint.
Covering 100% of old and weak would make much more difference than covering 70% of the population.
I don’t think we are at herd immunity yet, but we sure are on track for it. I heard somewhere that once herd immunity has been reached, levels of infections should plateau for a while then begin to fall, something we aren’t seeing right now in the UK with rising numbers. But I do agree that natural herd immunity is what we should be striving for to beat the virus.
I don’t think this is accurate. If that were the case, with the level of previous infections, new infections should be going down or plateauing, as @PhillR stated. That’s not the case. And even if it did work, there’s no evidence it works across variants.
There’s some evidence out of Brazil, where some communities that were hit severly hard with Covid from the onset last year are now dealing with the same or worse infections rates from the P1 variant there. 100% of new cases are from the variant, so previous infection didn’t provide any sort of broad protection against reinfection.
The number of ‘cases’ depends entirely on the amount of testing which is unfit for diagnoses at best (according to PCR inventor and Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis) and fraudulent at worst. Most people don’t even know they have covid until they are tested. Not a very convincing argument for a supposedly ‘deadly pandemic’. (Here’s an interesting fact for you, if the WHO had not redefined their definition of ‘pandemic’ in 2009 to exclude increased mortality this current fiasco would never have occured.)
It depends what you base your evidence on. There has been a ton of actual data and statistics presented in this thread casting doubt on the official narrative around Covid-19, and a complete lack of data supporting the official narrative, your post is a case in point. If you have actual data from a credible source debunking any of the data that has been presented I would be inclined to take you a bit more seriously.