Is there anyone who has been vaccinated here?

@peterma, @MattyMoney, I don’t suffer from immunity issues, over 50 and on nil medications, never had a flu shot… Never had the flu…. The only booster I get every 10 or so years is for tetanus.

Many of us are healthy and require no medical assistance in our daily lives and are very unlikely to be compromised by this Virus… 99% chance I’ll survive it….

0 deaths from COVID in Australia in 2021…. I have more chance of being killed by the vaccines (2), attacked by a shark (5), or hit by lightning (3) during 2021. Christ, even Snake bites (1) are more deadly.

14 people under 60 have died from COVID since the pandemic began… 10 of which had co-morbidities.

It’s the compromised and unhealthy that need these vaccines, your reality although unfortunate, does not need to become mine.

It’s what so many of the “do as I do” Muppets cannot comprehend…


That’s pretty much what I said a couple of months back on here

The odd thing is that from the point of view of the human race - this particular one is pretty much irrelevant - It basically just kills old men ! (of which I am one )

They have already passed on their genes and their lives are therefore irrelevant from the point of view of evolution - unless we accept they may have some evolutionary value as educators of the young - but hey - see where arguing THAT will get you just now ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The vax’s however seem to kill mainly the young and healthy ! - that Israeli report says to save 3 lives of old decrepit people per 100,000 - TWO young healthy people per 100,000 - have to fall victim to the vax ! (Let’s hope that study is WRONG !)


I’ve read this report, it was being suppressed for the last few weeks… @Falstaff, the problem is that the truth and the facts around COVID are like poetry and everyone f’n hates poetry!

I post the clearest of information surrounding COVID, with which even some struggle to comprehend.

Old people are a necessity for education and the warmth of family… When my kids were at Kinder/Creche (~2003) they were catching all kinds of diseases… When they were sick, you didn’t take them to see Grandma & Grandpa because you knew even back then that some diseases including influenza was a risk to the aged… The same could be applied with COVID…

Unfortunately, it’s so dangerous in children and the young they don’t even know they have this Virus…
So, you would just have to be more vigilant or adapt to the conditions…

What has happened in some countries around the world is nothing but blatant coercion… If you don’t get vaccinated we will lock you down! If you don’t get vaccinated we will not allow you to travel!

As has been stated by a few of the Pied Pipered in this thread… Most of the young are only getting the vaccine so they can live an unrestricted life… not to save them from COVID.

Nothings changed, except the average punters acceptance for increasing tolerance of stupidity…


Fair enough. But put yourself in someone else’s shoes for a minute. You’re in a country where 5-10% of the population is contracting this. You live with your elderly parents, Grandparents, immune deficient siblings. Wouldn’t you do whatever you needed to do protect them?

In this situation, it’s no longer just about you.


NO !
We reject your GUILT attempts !

You stay in your cave or come out - let your own family give up their lives for you !

I ask nothing from those around me now I have been vax’d If I decide to isolate - that is up to ME - I will not ask others to risk their lives because my health is deficient - Neither should YOU!

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@Falstaff I can’t even tell now if this is sarcasm or not, lol.

Regardless, I personally, am willing to risk the side effects of the vaccine (whatever these secret, hidden stats may or may not tell us) over COVID.

I realize this is probably all just being regurgitate, so I need to sit down one day and read this entire thread, as painful as it will be.

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@MattyMoney, very, very true… I have in-laws that are immune deficient, both have been double jabbed (AZ), they are just staying out of the way of the Virus.

No crowds, shopping is home delivered, with every container wiped before putting away. They are petrified of contracting this Virus… It’s a little over the top, but it’s their call… We help them we we can.

Peterma went to a Soccer crowd gathering of some description… Vaccinated or not… Why!

In a country were the Virus is exploding, It’s not what I would term a responsible risk, but I’m not vaccinated so I also have to adapt to the prevailing environment.

I’m looking to purchase another Motorbike and one was for sale in the Northern Suburbs of Melbourne… The most recent COVID Hotspot… Now the Virus is not detected in this region at this time…

But I’m fully aware that some might have it and not even know… So I don’t go to inspect the bike due to it’s location… Vaccinated or not, I would not risk it… I just stay clear of the Virus…

The US and Europe are opening up fast, they have realised that we have to learn to live with this Virus and get back to as normal as possible… Unfortunately in many countries there is more going on beneath the surface than citizens are being told… This will be evident in the months and years to come.

BTW… I don’t entertain the 5G, Tracing Device or magnetic conspiracies, but I am a believer in where there is smoke there is usually fire… That is what most of my posts are about…


It is not !

This thread has had it’s little disagreements and chronologues the evolution of knowledge / Political indoctrination from it’s start - but it’s at least trying to get to the truth.


Mate I’m in the uk And “vulnerable” - You are healthy and reasonably young - JFDI ! - Buy the damn thing at a discount price ! - I’ll respond later about the "100s of thousands of people dying in the UK due to “Chinese Bat Flu” " - That is mainly a “Statistics Lie” :wink:

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Muppet in question was me, but the muppet refused to go in - instead the muppet went to his hotel room and watched the match.

And now it’s the quarters - and the muppet stays safe and happy :slight_smile:

Q: how are they looking for it?
A: PCR testing.

This raises the question – Is PCR testing fit for diagnosing infection? And the answer from the inventor of the PCR test is no. He stated this many times over his career and the problem of false positives from incorrectly processed PCR tests is one of the reasons that Gov. DeSantis of Florida ended the lockdown.

Gov. DeSantis was frustrated by the inconsistency in test results and mandated that every Covid-191 test contained a CT count. A CT count is the number of cycles a PCR test is run. PCR cycles are logarithmic with each cycle doubling the preceding one. To keep things simple, tests over 20 cycles start to return an unacceptable number of ‘false positives’, anything over 35 is, to quote Dr. Fauci, “meaningless”. As soon as the new policy was implemented with attached CT counts, positive covid cases plummeted.

The FDA suggests that PCR tests be run up to 40 cycles which makes a joke of the published science. There is no verifiable consistency in the application of the main diagnostic tools so how is it possible to trust any of the figures these government agencies are putting out?


CONJOB-21: Why Everything You’re Being Told About the “Delta Variant” is Complete Nonsense…

“In sleep research, delta waves are those most commonly associated with deep sleep. If you believe this Delta hogwash, it’s time to wake up and realize you’re being played. Big time…”


The COVID spread continues to soar, 1100% increase’s in New Cases in the last 6 weeks… Admittance’s are ticking up and deaths are flatlining…

Just as is now happening in the US and greater Europe, it’s about time Government concludes the charade and let the rest of the UK return to unrestricted and ungoverned living.


Moderna is great

My family and I are with Pfeiser, I really hope it’s as good.

This data suggests deaths are increasing rapidly. 7-day MA of 8 to now 18, over last 30 days. Definitely something to keep an eye on.

The US has been trending down over the last 30 days, almost by 50%, 7-day MA of 368 to 166 over the last 30 days . Not sure what the lag time is on either of these data sets, as July looks off, plus it’s NY Times data. And obviously the US doesn’t have anywhere near the cases of the delta variant. Hopefully the US maintains this trend.

@dudebro, For the UK it’s all perspective… 30 Days ago (June 5) the rolling 7 day average for Positive COVID Tests was 31,395 with 61 deaths within this period… (0.2%)

Using your data (July 5), the rolling 7 day average for Positive COVID tests was 184, 675 with 128 deaths in this period… (0.07%)

Have a good look at the figures… The Delta variant while more transmissible isn’t as deadly…

Even allowing for lag… there is a substantial decrease in fatalities against cases.


Thought we’d have a look at just how successful these vaccines are working in other regions…

The article fails to directly mention whether she was vaccinated or not… So, she was either fully vaccinated and died (aged 53) from COVID, or she wasn’t vaccinated and one would ask why not?

“According to independent data group Lapor Covid-19, 131 healthcare workers, mostly vaccinated with the Sinovac shot, have died since June, including 50 in July…”

Hmmm… grandson went to GB against wishes of his parents, came back with a hangover - parents insisted on a PCR - positive result.

Well not actually so positive since the entire household are now sick - good thing about the PCR is that it caused them to keep themselves to themselves (isolate) and not put it down to a hangover.

The UK Gov’s case is that the vax programme has ‘broken the link’ between cases and deaths and therefore it’s time to live with the virus.

They are right - time to open the borders, how long can the lockdowns go on for?

Take the vax and move on - drop the fear.

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That doesn’t invalidate ANY of the facts and data I have presented and the argument Kary Mullis the Nobel Laureate and inventor of the PCR test made still holds - without a CT count the results are meaningless.

I’m sure your grandson was sick and I’m sure his family caught whatever it was from him but as for it being Covid-19 specifically, that is another matter.

Here are some more facts from the CDC about what they are testing for.

The CDC Influenza SARS-CoV-2 (Flu SC2) Multiplex Assay is a real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test that detects and differentiates RNA from SARS-CoV-2, influenza A virus, and influenza B virus

What they haven’t included on the page is that the test will respond positively to Sars-Cov1, MERS and other corona and rhino viruses.

Even with the extreme lockdowns around the world the common cold and flu are still circulating. Personally I have had minor colds last year and this year. Life goes on in all creatures great and small.

EDIT: There is a silver lining though. If your family have indeed had covid they now have natural immunity which is lifelong. :grinning:

An old story I’ve learned long before I was a student - if it quacks good chance it’s a duck.

I’m a market participant so me and chance are friends :slight_smile:

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