Is there really a special Forex secrets in Forex Market?

There are no hidden secrets, all you need is the right trading plan, strategy and knowledge and you are set to win in trade.

More than looking for the secrets, we should focus on gaining knowledge and expertise. There is nothing hidden, but it is not the same for everybody, that’s why we think that there is some secret.

Yes I agree! Using forex trading tools to gain knowledge is the best way to trade in forex.

Forex is fully transparent. Having others withhold information doesn’t mean you lose out on something. There is plenty of information available everywhere; all you need to do is find it and apply it.

The mindset toward trading in the forex markets is the same. Your success rate will increase significantly if you combine technical analysis with efficient trading strategies implementation.

When 90% say no secrets , then there is a secrets , otherwise why 90% of traders loss their accounts in the first 3 months .

Let me share with you one line hint:
i find the time when my strategy is reversed .

Does that mean you decide what you’re going to do, then do the opposite? :rofl:

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Oh I think we’ve been here before!

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I don’t think there is any secret. The more you understand the market, the more are the chances for being profitable. However, understanding the market is not an easy job as the market is changing constantly and vigorously. It takes a certain amount of trading experience to become well versed with the market.

Please don’t waste your time, money and energy by looking for secrets or shortcuts to success in forex. Instead you should use the time wisely to learn and practice. Gain knowledge and develop your skills as a trader. That’s the only way to achieve long term success in the forex market.

No real secrets per say, traders just need to be aware of the fluctuations and ready revise their plan to move with the market and achieve their profit. Traders need to be ready to face the situations with grace. That is how they will survive, and also apply strong risk management techniques.

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i dont think there are really any special secrets, success in forex comes with experience and a good trading strategy to back it up. There’s no shortcut or get rich quick way to forex

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If you ask me, knowledge, technique and anything else you know takes about 10%. Then your emotional quotient takes the other 90%, so be wise guys.

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I’m going to tell you the secret. You don’t actually have to be that good at trading. You just need to basically follow the trend and buy into whichever direction it’s going, take profit occasionally and set stops for when it eventually decides to properly change direction (fairly rare event), so you don’t blow your account. I might open myself up to some criticism here, but I really don’t think it’s much more complicated than that.

The hard bit is not sabotaging yourself by taking profit too early or panicking and selling a losing position too soon or opening too many positions too quickly cos you’re bored.

The secret is that there is no secret. That means looking for a secret is a waste of time.

It’s just like any other venture in your life. It’s just a matter of learning from your mistakes and not giving up. That’s it. Whoa, big secret!!

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There’s no such secret. Had there been such an extraordinary special secret, then it would make a sequel for the ‘Da Vinci Code.’
The only truth of the forex market is that you need to stay consistent and be focused on the right path of trading. And for that, you need to train your psychology first.

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The only secret in the forex market is that the majority of the trading systems available in the market to trade with are not effective. These systems are just developed to be sold and once the money for these systems is paid your money is permanently gone.

I don’t think there are any secrets per say. Depending on the way one approaches the market sentiment is all that truly matters in the end. Build knowledge and skill and rely solely on it to bring you the profit you desire. Plan and analyse the market well enough so you don’t get distracted with scammers.

Secret to forex trading as per my experience is that there is no short cut to be successful, your hard work is what matters the most.

Nope. If you have been looking for any such ‘secret’ and short-cut method, then sorry to tell you, but there’s nothing of this sort. The only secret and key for success in forex trading is discipline and consistency. You need to be disciplined and consistent with your trading strategy and psychology in order to be profitable over the long term.