Is there really a special Forex secrets in Forex Market?

Forex isn’t easy, but I think we overcomplicate it on our own. It’s as simple as you just said. When people say think positive it sounds cliché, but it’s not so easy when you have suffered lots of losses. And that’s the challenge.

When you want to quit, you have to keep going. That’s how you succeed when others have failed and gave up.

A secret is not a secret anymore when people are writing articles about it. So, there is no secret formula or shortcut that works when it comes to forex. You have to find your own strategy and become skilled enough to execute it well. You don’t have to complicate things so much. Just take your time to learn and enjoy the process as well.

Indeed there are no secrets or shortcuts for trading forex successfully. Traders need to have a proper and in-depth understanding about forex to develop appropriate trading skills.

I got your point; but the thing is; successful traders maintain a well-disciplined life; so they don’t have enough free time to move!

There are many things to learn about Forex trading and don’t confine to only some issues. It will help you understand the entire market very well. This broad knowledge will help you gain more from the market. So, nurture this tendency.

I have been trading forex for quite some time now and I don’t think any secret formula can make you a successful trader. You can find all of the information you would need on the internet and there is nothing more to it. The rest you have to figure out on your own by observing the market and trying out different strategies. There are some things that we can learn only from experience. But other than that there are no secrets to success in the forex market.

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I don’t believe in secrets, holy grails, or magic answers when it comes to trading. It’s all just knowledge that’s accessible to everyone. Sometimes you may have to look harder for certain bits of it, so those things aren’t as well known. Some tips are shared more commonly, others just aren’t mentioned as much, and some of those can be great tips. Still though, there isn’t an easy way to win here. Everyone just needs knowledge and to know what works for them.

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I just joined to share my tips I know all the secrets
Eur usd will fall along wil eur jpy Monday

If there exist any trading secrets you won’t find them online, simply because this trading edge can’t live long if unlimited amount of people get access to it. Competition will drive profit to zero for everyone who tries to use this edge. Market will close inefficiency.

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Cannot fault the logic here. If you can find a secret online, it ain’t a secret.

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So true! Everyone would have done it if it were that simple. As a trader, I don’t think there is a secret to trading forex; instead, I think with discipline and careful analysis of the forex market we can get good results.

There is no secret to trading in my opinion. But as a trader, I develop my trade plans since they are an essential part of a good trading strategy.

No, but for me personally, I tend to be positive that’s not secret but my own intention

completely agree with you.

It is not really a secret but many people tend to be unaware of the fact that forex trading is something that has to be done with a professional mindset. You will have to gain knowledge and become skilled in order to attain long term success as a trader in the forex market. There are no shortcuts or so-called secrets that can help you in your trading journey.

The attitude of a professional trader is highly varies from that of a general trader. A professional trader concentrates on analysis more and more because when a trader has a good trading signal, he or she can earn good amount of profit by opening and closing trade according to the signal.

There aren’t any secrets out there, in my opinion. In forex trading, you are rewarded for your hard effort in the proper way. Every aspect of forex is covered on the internet, and we are familiar with all trading procedures. When you invest a lot of work into studying and accumulating expertise, you can become a successful trader. The most important thing to remember is that you must maintain your focus during the trading process. Spend your time building a solid understanding of forex instead of looking for success secrets.

Forex is fully transparent and there are no trading secrets. It’s not like you’re losing out on something because others aren’t willing to share that information with you. The information is all available; you just need to find it and apply it. Don’t look for secrets or magic spells to make you rich. Consistent efforts and hard work are the keys that lead to success so focus on that.

True, the chart is open to all; and all of the traders are making money according to their chart reading skill!

No, there is no forex secret that can do wonders for someone who doesn’t have basic knowledge and trading skills. The only secret to success in the forex market would be your own hard work. You must put in time and effort to figure out what works for you instead of looking for shortcuts to make quick profits.