Is there such a thing as trader's intuition?

It has happened occasionally or even maybe more often in the past, but I always treated it as an opportunity to learn and then to develop my trading.

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I don’t believe in intuition in trading either. I believe in trading experience and ability to analyze the situation in Forex. But this is not intuition, but trading skills.


It’s just a sense that gets stronger as you get more experienced but it is nothing that can guarantee results.

Yes i agree, successful trading requires more than just intuition. A successful trader must have a solid strategy, cleat money management. and thorough analysis for long term success in the market. Continuous learning is the key to navigating the complexities of the financial markets

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What kind of guarantee can we talk about? The point is that you can use your intuition only on familiar instruments, taking into account the understandable laws of the market.

That’s my point exactly, even on your familiar instruments, it is nothing that can make you sure that the decision and analysis or whatever is absolute and correct.

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There are no guarantees at all in Forex. And intuition can work, but it can deceive

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Actually, I don’t personally believe in “trader’s intuition.” It’s more about deeply understanding the market through experience and analysis. It’s like, the more you trade, the better you get at recognizing patterns.

Intuition may work, but you cannot rely on it one bit, it is not suggested to do so, it’s a very amateur way to do it imo

A trader’s intuition is based on the ability to quickly analyze the market, and without the appropriate knowledge and experience this is impossible to achieve.

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Yes, that’s correct but even if you are there it does not guarantee anything so it’s meaningless.

Hi, sorry I missed this one until now. I mean, what has happened recently is not a crash. I mean a real crash where stuff goes wild. That is why Warren Buffet is stockpiling cash like it is going out of fashion. I am not so lucky. A long time ago, I went all in with residential property and in the UK it is painful and long winded to exit those investments. I am on a drive to reduce net debt. Before the end of 2024, I will have reduced net debt by 25% and plan for another 25% reduction before the end of 2026. I hope that interest rates will fall, but I am planning that they don’t. I am sure that is what Buffett and Gates are reckoning on. Gates, apparently, is the largest individual US land owner in existence. Means of production of food. Pretty basic.

I promised myself to do some research on the topic of intuition and I have found a starting point. This is literally “out of this world”, but my recent interests in mindfulness, consciousness and spirituality have allowed me to pursue some very strange topics. I am just likely more open minded than I ever was in my younger days.

The subject is quantum jumping, and the objective is to determine whether I can consciously know whether or not I have quantum-jumped. It may be similar, or not, with out-of-body experiences, sometimes referred to as astral planing. I have an Aussie colleague who is holidaying in the UK next month and intend to meet up with him to question him about his so-called astral planing. I have another colleague in the Middle East who says he achieves this by Wim Hoff breathing method. So much to learn. This is my starting point. If I stop posting on this forum, you will know that I have jumped, but can’t get back. :rofl:

On a somewhat related topic, I bought a Udemy course on how to use ChatGPT as an Entrepreneur. I have finished the course in 3 days, and am very positive about it improving my work productivity. I tried it in 2023 without the benefit of a structured training course. I regret not doing the formal training in 2023, if it indeed existed, and have probably wasted countless hours not following a method. It is almost like Forex trading without a strategy and a trading plan. :laughing:

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After trading for a long time, traders develop a sense of certain patterns and market movements, which some might call “intuition.”

It’s more about experience and familiarity with the market than a gut feeling.

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in forex games,there are crucial key knowledge, if you know them ,you get to make profit ever since.
but im affraid trader’s intuition not one of them .not anything doesn’t 100% reliable.

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yes i agree with that

To the best of my understanding. I believe it exists.

Good luuuuck, Mondeo! :blush: With the way you’re planning and preparing for this, I’m sure you’ll achieve this goal by the end of the year, and 2026! :smiley:

Now, this is something I haven’t heard of in a while. :sweat_smile: I feel like there was a time when people were super excited about quantum jumps and quantum leaps, but I never really got to understand it. :open_mouth: I thought it was futuristic because it sounds like a physics concept :sweat_smile: , but it seems like it’s more spiritual that technology-driven. :open_mouth: I would definitely love to hear about it once you’re able to quantum jump and return. :stuck_out_tongue: We’ll be waiting for you! Hahaha.

Interesting! :blush: What convinced you to take this course in particular vs other AI courses out there? :blush:

That makes sense. :thinking: I feel like the previous responses have also mentioned it being more like familiarity and knowledge about the market movements. :blush: I guess, now, I wonder how long does it usually take before you could say you’re “familiar” with the market. :thinking: At this point, would you say you are? :blush:

It trader’s intuition did exist, I don’t think it’ll be 100% reliable. :thinking: Much like even trading systems and indicators aren’t 100% on point. :open_mouth:

Oooh. :blush: Why do you think so? Do you think you have it? :smiley: