Is there such a thing as trader's intuition?

It was my previous experience taking a Udemy course. I like the delivery manner of George Levy, and this course, though by a different author, was equally engaging. It also had a long example worked of creating a website on Wordpress. My ISP provider of 25 years also uses Wordpress, and I need to make a complete rewrite of my website. This was an added bonus. And the price, at < $20, was an added incentive.

I try to share some experience, I hope will clear up what intuition is about :slight_smile:

There was a time I felt devastated after got a big lost, I was almost reaching my financial freedom, but I lost it by one mistake drove by greed.

I was retreat for around 2 weeks. Cut short, I met a meditation guru and telling about what inner self is. Speed up the story, I did meditation with him for 1 week and got explanation about what intuition really is.

Intuition is cumulative knowledge in the past that we able to access at current moment. So the longer a person can remember the past, usually will be wiser with intuition.
There are people have shortsighted, can’t remember long past event, this kind of person wont have intuition.

So, intuition work by 2 conditions: experiences and the capability to access long past memories.

For example there is person with 2 years trading experiences claims has trading intuitions. Let says he/she super memory to remember 100% the experiences, his/hers skills wont be the same with someone who has longer experiences.

I had a friend who has autism. Despite of his condition, his memory is above average. He is a good trader, he can trade patterns that we can’t see. But when I asked why, he explained by showing repetitive patterns on 2007, 2010, 2015 which happened long time in the past.

I only want to say, carefully to claim intuition easily. Intuition is part of spiritual or part of human psychology. It’s not something vague, it can be measure accurately either from meditation or psychology science. I have a degree in psychology anyway. :slight_smile:

I agree, relying solely on trader’s intuition isn’t foolproof. :thinking: Even the best trading systems and indicators can’t guarantee 100% accuracy. It’s all about combining intuition with solid analysis and staying adaptable in the market. As they say, “Trust, but verify.” :face_with_monocle:

Interesting question. I am still on the learning curve!

I think it takes time to get familiar with the market

Familiarity grows gradually with each day you spend in front of the trading terminal reading charts.

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Sure, everyday you learn new strategies, and stay updated with market trends. I often look for valuable resources like educational materials, webinars, and sometimes even mentorship opportunities. What about you?