It Dried Out. RIP Forum

Does any of this matter?

This could have been a useful thread. Members posting their concerns about how the forum has changed, no bad thing and it might bring a few changes for the better.

But no, like so many other threads here and elsewhere it degenerates into an argument (im not taking sides here) which is of no positive use to anyone This behaviour may well be one of the reasons newcomers stop posting and others leave altogether.

Come on, lets get back on track



Well Forums Do die - Critical mass is something which, once gone s very hard if not impossible to get back.

In an Industryy where 90% of Punters lose 90% of their account within 90 days, It is hardly surprising that they “Wander off” is it ?

Also People know what they expect a forum to look like and this one does not conform to their expectations.

Thirdly, the volatility in the instruments has dried up to such an extent that “Day trading”, which seems to be the site’s preferred method is really difficult or impossible, for massive periods at a time.

Fourthly The time of “The forum” is about over I think- Sad though it may be Social media has pretty much taken over.

forum is a form of social media just like facebook or twitter. so social media taking over social media?

$10 bucks pls. ill pm you my account ddetails.

unfortunately all the usefull members have dissapeared a while ago. only bob and pete sitting here waving the flags of knowledge.

hard to make any usefull topics.

thats why i deleted all my posts besides the first one. out of kindness, since viper got the massage and it doesnt need to stand up there for the next years to come and becausr its just useless. a waist of time and nerves.

the point is simple, with the policy and layout change the lasting quality members have left. the quality in the forum dissapeared and is reaching towards 0. the other few quality members who have stayed get flagged and posts hidden by people who can not even immagine that they might missunderstood something or dont understand something. 2 flags and your post gets hidden, and theres the “dumb” police which consists of 2 or 4 members that are running around flagging everything that could be valuable information or critical thinking in order to keep themselves in the self made bubble of missinformation and nostalgy.

Unfortunately I agree that the drastic changes made in the forum may have pushed way many master contributors. The atmosphere is not the same anymore although you could still find the help you need. I really like the Babypips school and community and would hate to see it die. Hopefully the interest would not stop.

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men you still dont get the point… you dont even understand what floor traders do (or did when they still existed) as it shines through your posts. trying out trump practices of denial anything and everything?

if you want to put some point throgh then dont link a 1.5 hours youtube video.

1st. youtube is far away from beeing a reliable source and everyone with a college degree will not even consider to watch it since there are simple old standing formulars and rules on how to get a point through in debates and the number 1 rule is “quote reliable and accepted resources” and youtube isnt either.
quote articles if you want to transmit any form of information or knowledge. stay away with your youtube.

2nd. i really really have no time at hand to watch a 1.5 hours youtube video. im glad you do have plently of time at hand but im a fast reader and can read. i have kids wife a business and trading so 1.5 hours unreliable youtube doesnt fit anywhere. you should see through my tiping that i dont have time at hand to even run a proper spellcheck and miss letters which are next to each other like “heu” instead of “hey”, do you think i have time to listen to a 1.5 hours youtube vid?

Anton Kreil is a reliable, knowledgeable and accepted source, as you should know.

I expected that “haven’t got time” BS - which is why I posted the “minute data” in my post.

However, I don’t care whether you educate yourself or not and this thread is not visible to any who would benefit from the knowledge,

So I bid you and your drivel good night ! :slight_smile:

its so obvious you didnt study “urban economics”.

anton is a sales person and you are his customer. those are 2 big different things.

yeah, whatever, im getting tired of talking to you. good night mate.

The irony is that the discourse software this forum is based on is superior to the old format. The problem is that it was foisted on everyone without warning. Not a great idea.

A soft rollout with a ‘try our new forum beta that will replace the old one in 6 months!’ would have gone over better.

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Although it’s designed to be responsive to the user’s device, the new format is an abomination and has been formatted to fit a phone well but doesn’t change the look and feel for those reading on a large screen. Having 80% white space on a 23" monitor and incessant scrolling stopped me reading regularly anyway.

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Exactly, so people should already know its going to be full of opinions and some bs, but there are also topics and posts that are very helpful as well

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Dried out. I think not. Imploded upon itself mote likely. Look at the new breed coming though

Honestly, did the good lord stop handing out brains in the 1990’s and when did hard work become a dirty word

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I know what you mean (and am often thinking exactly the same, here, to be honest), but it isn’t really that, Bob.

Trading’s like everything else.

There are bright people and stupid people, and there are lazy people and people willing to work.

It’s just that out of all the well-known forums, this is the one that attracts most of the stupid and lazy people.

There are reasons for that, but the Admin doesn’t want to hear them. And that’s actually why the concentration of stupid and lazy people here is higher than anywhere else. He isn’t willing to change that. For whatever reason, he thinks it suits him. :weary:

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You’re right Charlie, this is a site for newcomers to trading. Its is not called BABYpips for nothing. Useless to complain about the clueless posts from some of them, these would only seem to underline they’ve come to the right place to ask questions of the right people. Yes, many are lazy and stupid - that’s because they want to make money without having to have a job - but that’s what we all want too isn’t it?


The forum is absolutely atrocious to use & I agree, this format change has killed the forum. This is my first time on it in months & the only thing that brought me here was a link to this exact thread in a BabyPips email. A link slating the forum, I’m all over that - click!

I used to love this site & used the app all the time. I recommended this site to folk when ever people asked about my trading. I’ve not looked at since the change but I dare say the school section is still great quality & I’ll probably mention that to anyone that asks, however where I would usually bang on about the great forum will now be replace with, “I wouldn’t bother with the rest of the site though”.

There is a VERY strong chance that this is my farewell post so BabyPips: it’s been a grand +5yrs but I don’t see this relationship going any further. You’ve changed, you’re not the site that I fell in love with. You sold-out, you’ve let yourself go & you’re just a mess: we’ve all tried to have an intervention but you just won’t listen. So I wish you all the happiness in the world, I’m moving on with my life. It’ll be painful at first but you’ll get over me, just go forward, get married, have some kids & maybe try listening to your users once in a while.

Peace Out Cheese-Dawgs!


[quote=“baz1982, post:47, topic:122595”]
You’ve changed, you’re not the site that I fell in love with. [/quote]
It seems (based only on the posts generally written on BP recently) that you are not alone in that observation and sentiment. Of course, there are also the passive lurkers and we do not know their opinion - except that at least one regular poster has observed a significant decline in readership levels, too.

But I think this issue is not solely due to the change in site platform nor even just to the attitude of the site owners,

I see (at least) three major changes going on and they are strongly interrelated in their impact:

  1. the site itself which is very impersonal as well as all the other factors which have been mentioned about it and the owners’ policies,

  2. the quality and quantity of Newbie issues raised. It really gives the impression that hardly any Newbies are prepared to actually study anything and just want everything handed to them prepacked and with a profit guarantee. The general level of questions raised is so naive that I cannot believe these people have tried to understand anything beforehand. Also, I suspect that general interest is moving rapidly away from manual trading of standard forex to the cryptocurrencies and automated systems. Perhaps that is understandable and inevitable, given the more widely recognised and accepted poor success rate in forex and its learning curve duration expectations -i.e. it is not instant and fails anyway!

  3. the only reason any genuinely experienced and consistently profitable trader would frequent this site is to help genuine and conscientious Newbies in their development and progress. But if one starts to recognise a laziness and reluctance to study amongst Newbies then one no longer feels any inclination to help, knowing that the person concerned will inevitably fail and usually disappears off BP after only a few posts anyway? So these traders gradually lose interest and move on. It also seems to generate a level of cynicism, sarcasm, and aggressiveness in responses from such experienced traders that rarely used to be here. That is also relatively understandable, albeit a regrettable weakness amongst such traders.

I have recently “muted” all the soft-sale and commentary threads and all those long-term junk type threads, and, to be honest, what is left is so little and so uninspiring that I rarely respond to anything anymore (which may well be an advantage for the OPs anyway, but that is another issue!!).

And on the other hand, any threads that seem to be actually trading-oriented do not attract much input at all!

It is not my intention to get involved in this thread any more than to mention these personal observations and I will now be muting this one too…


I agree with most of this, but although I detest this endless format (as I access off a desktop) some of this is common to all forums - naive and lazy newcomers, useless commentary threads etc. Its mostly just a cycle. BP will come back. Or close.

But the commentary threads on forums give me a lot of laughs. Does anybody on earth use this stuff?
Stuff like “Buy above 1.0001. If price breaks this level, it will attempt 1.0002.” Could I say this stuff is “priceless”?

(when I say stuff I mean excreta)

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It’s a bit more serious than that, Tom.

You haven’t looked at the site’s traffic graph for 2017 and compared it with those of its competitors.

It’s the only “major downtrend” chart among a sea of “major uptrends”.

Looks like a number of perceptive comments in recent and not-so-recent threads in the Feedback forum explain the reasons, but nobody listened, and it’s too late, now. Very sad indeed.


It sounds like the owners entered a bad market order, and even though the market is going against them, admitting they were wrong is painful enough that they just can’t bring themselves to close the position.

I’ve been there. :stuck_out_tongue:



I arrived planning to keep a Journal here for a new system, but after looking round for a week or so, I realized it would obviously be way too risky. What are the chances that it will still exist in a year’s time?

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